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* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** The mint sauce. Rancho spills it on Suhas' shoes during Mona's wedding, to show his real personality to Pia. About a decade later, Raju repeats the move to the double feat of proving Pia that Shuhas' personality hasn't change a bit, and to distract the guy long enough so he and Farhan can abduct Pia from her wedding to find Rancho again.
** The Fischer Space Pen. Virus promised to gift it to his most deserving student, and that presentation prompts Rancho to ask why astronauts didn't use pencils instead of such an expensive pen, a question Virus couldn't answer at the moment. Years later Virus finally tells Rancho whythe reason for the creation of said pen (the broken lead and powdered graphite from a pencil could damage the very delicate equipment, while a ballpoint pen) {{spoiler|as he gives it to Rancho, finally acknowledging him as a worthy student. This pen, by the way, is the same he uses to sign the contract Chatur hand him, revealing his true identity and winning their bet from several years ago}}.
** Rancho creates an inverted that can draw energy from car batteries. {{Spoiler|Said inverter is used to help with Mona's birthing.}}
** Also, whenever Rancho said his catchphrase "all is well" near a pregnant Mona, her baby would kick. {{Spoiler|Guess how they manage to revive the baby after beileving them to be stillborn.}}
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* [[Gasshole]]: Chatur, to the point of being a [[Running Gag]].
* [[How We Got Here]]: the film intersperse their college years with the current road trip of finding their college friend.
* {{Spoiler|[[I Have Many Names]]: our hero is known as Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad, Chhote and Phunsukh Wangdu.}}
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Farhan and Raju manage to get {{Spoiler|the real Ranchoddas Chanchad}} real collaborative by threatening the urn containing his deceased father's ashes.
* [[Jerk Ass]]: Oh, boy...
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* [[Lemony Narrator]] : Farhan narrative style is full of snark and bite.
* [[The Maiden Name Debate]]: Pia loves Rancho, but wants to keep her maiden name after marriage because she finds his family name weird. {{spoiler|She doesn't like his real name any better.}}
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: director Viru Sahastrabuddhe is only reffered to as "Virus" for the duration of the firm . The {{spoiler|fake}} [[Overly Long Name]] of our hero is shortened to Rancho. And [[Tagalong Kid]] Man Mohan is nicknamed Mmillimeter"Millimeter" for most of his screen time.
* [[Perpetual Poverty]]: Raju. He managed to escape from it, as in the current day he is shown to have a modest middle class existence.
* [[Road Trip Episode]]: the present day segments.
* [[Sadist Teacher]]: Virus. He is so pressuring towards the students on his charge, that he drove at least three men towards suicide, {{spoiler| one of them his own son. Only one of them managed to survive his suicide atempt}}.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: Subhas manages to fail it ''thrice''. The first mint sauce incident proved that he was a superficial and materialistic asshat. When Pia is prompted by Rancho to tell Subhas that she lost an expensive watch he gifted him to test him, his violent reaction confirms the former conclusion and prompts Pia to dump his entitled ass. And then, years later, the second mint sauce incident proves that Subhas hadn't improve his character at all.
* [[Skewed Priorities]]: Back in their college days Pia claimed that if she married Rancho she would keep her family name because she found Rancho's family name of "Chanchad" very weird. After realizing that {{spoiler|famous scientist Phunsuk Wangdu may actually the Rancho they were friends with in college}}, all that Pia can think is that {{spoiler|she doesn't like his real last name either}}.
* [[True Companions]]: Raju, Farhan and Rancho, to the point that years after the latter disappearance the other two abandon everything they were doing at the first real hint of his whereabouts and embarks on his search even if they have to team with their college nemesis.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Chatur in the current day segments.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]:
** Virus, in the backstory, is this kind of parent towards his children.
** Mr. Qureshi, Farhan's father, really, ''really'' wants for his son to be an engineer and refuses the idea that his son wants to do anything else. He eventually relents once he sees how actually committed Farhan is to his photography vocation.
* [[Wham! Episode|Wham Shot]]:
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