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'''''3 Idiots''''' is a 2009 [[Bollywood]] [[Coming of Age Story|Coming of Age]] film starred by [[Aamir Khan]], [[Kareena Kapoor]], R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Omi Vaidya, Parikshit Sahni, and Boman Irani. It's loosely based in the novel ''Five Point Someone'' by Chetan Bhagat.
Ten Yearsyears ago, at the prestigious Imperial College of Engineering (ICE), Farhan Qureshi (Madhavan) and Raju Rastogi (Joshi) are assigned as roomatesroommates along with Ranchoddas "Rancho" Chanchad (Khan), and they quickly become friends. The three couldn't be more different: Rancho is an extremely talented inventor with a great love for learning; Farhan has a passion for photography that he unsuccessfully tries to suppress in order to get the engineer degree his family wants;: and Raju, [[Perpetual Poverty|coming from a very poor family,]] is so overwhelmed by his economical difficulties and his fear of failure that his grades suffer for it. Rancho's unconventional ideas about learning immediately put him in odds with the extremely strict and conventional director Viru "Virus" Sahastrabuddhe (Irani), a situation that becomes worse when he meets and falls in love with Pia (Kapoor), the lovely and way more openminded daugtherdaughter of Virus. On their time in ICE, Rancho basically teach his friends to be more free and honest with themselves, wins Pia's heart, and eventually gains the approval of ViruVirus. But the day of graduation, Rancho disappeared, never to be contacted again.
In the present day, Farhan (now a successful wildlife photographer) and Raju (who has become a middle class corporate man) receive a call from their school rival Chatur Ramalingam (Vaidya). Chatur, who was humiliated by Rancho back in the day, is obsessed to prove which of them is the most successful, and will not stop until find him and show him his current success, preferably with Farhan and RajoRaju as witnesses. Realizing that Chatur has the only actual hint about Rancho's whereabouts, the two friends decide to join him in a road-trip, on which they'll find what was become of their old friend, will rescue Pia from an arranged marriage, and discover the truth of what happened a decade before.
It got a [[Foreign Remake|Mexican remake]] in 2017.
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* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** The mint sauce. Rancho spills it on Suhas' shoes during Mona's wedding, to show his real personality to Pia. About a decade later, Raju repeats the move to the double feat of proving Pia that Shuhas' personality hasn't change a bit, and to distract the guy long enough so he and Farhan can abduct Pia from her wedding to find Rancho again.
** The Fischer Space Pen. Virus promised to gift it to his most deserving student, and that presentation prompts Rancho to ask why astronauts didn't use pencils instead of such an expensive pen, a question Virus couldn't answer at the moment. Years later Virus finally tells Rancho the reason for the creation of said pen (the broken lead and powdered graphite from a pencil could damage the very delicate equipment of a spaceship, while a ballpoint pen directly deposits the ink on the written surface with no spillage) {{spoiler|as he gives it to Rancho, finally acknowledging him as a worthy student. This pen, by the way, is the same he uses to sign the contract Chatur hand himshim, revealing his true identity and winning their bet from several years ago}}.
** Rancho creates an inverted that can draw energy from car batteries. {{Spoiler|Said inverter is used to help with Mona's birthing.}}
** Also, whenever Rancho said his catchphrase "all is well" near a pregnant Mona, her baby would kick. {{Spoiler|Guess how they manage to revive the baby after beilevingbelieving them to be stillborn.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: "Phunsuk Wangdu", the genius innovator Chatur was tasked to find, {{Spoiler|turns out to be the real identity of Rancho}}.
* {{Spoiler|[[Child Prodigy]]: Cchote/Rancho, who could solve high school level math problemssproblems while in ''sixth grade''}}
* [[Create Your Own Villain]]: On one side, had Rancho not antagonized Chatur needlessly, he would have been left alone by the latter. On the other side, without Chatur's anger and rivalry towards Rancho, the main plot of the movie wouldn't had happen, as Farhan and Raju wouldn't have got the hints that could lead to their friend.
* [[Dating What Daddy Hates]]: Pia and Rancho become a couple to the ire of Virus, Pia's father
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Practically everyone.
* [[Deliberately Monochrome]]: Raju's home, who in universe is described to be like the house of a family from old Indian films, is depicted that way to emphasize their poverty.
* [[Disposable Fiancé]]: Subhas, of the Jerkass variety. The worst part is that he gets dumped twice by the same woman, first because of showing himself to be a materialistic asshat, and then, after an off-screen reconciliation, is again dumped almost a decade later (on his wedding day!) by proving that he hadn't ditched that aspect of his personality.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]:
** {{Spoiler|Joy, a senior student during the protagonist's trio Freshman year, killed himself after way too many put downs by Virus.}}
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Subverted with Virus. {{Spoiler|We are initially led to believe that the death of his son was what prompted him to be a [[Sadist Teacher]], but then it's revealed that he was always like that and in fact his son suicide was ''caused'' by Virus' academic pressuring and inflexibility towards the youth's dreams.}}
* [[Gasshole]]: Chatur, to the point of being a [[Running Gag]].
* [[How We Got Here]]: the film intersperse their college years with the current road trip of finding their college friend.
* {{Spoiler|[[I Have Many Names]]: our hero is known as Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad, Chhote and Phunsukh Wangdu.}}
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Farhan and Raju manage to get {{Spoiler|the real Ranchoddas Chanchad}} real collaborative by threatening the urn containing his deceased father's ashes.
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* [[Lemony Narrator]] : Farhan narrative style is full of snark and bite.
* [[The Maiden Name Debate]]: Pia loves Rancho, but wants to keep her maiden name after marriage because she finds his family name weird. {{spoiler|She doesn't like his real name any better.}}
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: director Viru Sahastrabuddhe is only reffered to as "Virus" for the duration of the firm film. The {{spoiler|fake}} [[Overly Long Name]] of our hero is shortened to Rancho. And [[Tagalong Kid]] Man Mohan is nicknamed "Millimeter" for most of his screen time.
* [[Perpetual Poverty]]: Raju. He managed to escape from it, as in the current day he is shown to have a modest middle class existence.
* [[Road Trip Episode]]: the present day segments.
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