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{{quote|''No pizza for dead Usagi.''}}
'''''The Girl Who Loved''''' and its sequel '''''Violence Inherent in the System''''' by "Darth Drafter" composecomprise a single large [[Mega Crossover]] fanfic blending ''[[Harry Potter]]'', ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' and ''[[Ranma ½]]''. A month after the death of Sirius Black at the Ministry, Albus Dumbledore solemnly informs Harry Potter that he is to learn to embrace the Power of Love in order to defeat Voldemort -- by becoming the submissive partner in an arranged marriage with Professor Snape, who will brew a potion making it possible for Harry to become pregnant.
Upon hearing this, Harry [[Blind Jump|spontaneously apparates]] to China.
Unfortunately, herandom apparateschance -- or perhaps fate -- sends him to the valley of Jusenkyo. Materializing several yards in the air, he plunges into a pool -- one which had been templated less than a year before on a Japanese girl who had also abruptly appeared out of thin air as well -- one Usagi Tsukino, in her identity as Sailor Moon.
And thus does Harry's new destiny begin. At Jusenkyo he befriends a twenty-something Ranma Saotome and discovers he not only has Usagi's looks, but her power as Sailor Moon as well. What's more, Usagi's spirit has awakened from the spring and is now quite active and aware -- and capable of borrowing his body. Intent on returning to England, Harry departs westward, accompanied by Usagi, until Sailor Pluto intercepts him in the Himalayas and brings him to Tokyo. There he meets and befriends the rest of the Sailor Senshi, including a little pink-haired girl he nicknames "Cuteness" -- who, to his surprise, reveals that she is his daughter by Usagi, from the distant future.
His discoveries and experiences in Tokyo utterly transform Harry from a boy desperately trying to escape a life of pain and abuse to a young man intent on forging a destiny he desires with the girl he has come to love at his side (even if she's a ghost) and a super-powered army at his back. And once they arrive in England, Wizarding Britain will never be the same again.
And neither will the rest of the world.
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* [[And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt]]: Invoked and averted when Ranma volunteers to break the news of his Jusenkyo curse to Harry: "Been there, done that. No T-shirts on sale to show for it."
* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: Snape loses a foot to one of Rei's attacks during the fight he triggers the first time he and Dumbledore encounter the Senshi.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: The event which sets the plot in motion is Dumbledore's plan to set up a betrothal contract between Harry and Snape. Even after Harry apparates away, DubmledoreDumbledore attempts to forge Harry's signature on such a contract.
** On his return to England from Tokyo, Harry proposes to ghost!Usagi in Gringotts and they sign a betrothal contract there (technically arranging their marriage) -- he as "Lord Potter", and she as "Crown Princess Usagi Serenity of the Royal House of the Moon". Also very much a case of [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage]].
* [[Ass Shove]]: Harry's immediate suspicion when Usagi pulls out the Kaleidomoon Scope while naked in the bath. He doesn't want to know where it came from, and makes a mental note to [[The Nose Knows|sniff it]] the next time Usagi hands it to him.
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* [[Back from the Dead]]: Usagi, eventually. {{spoiler|Along with Moaning Myrtle, she is resurrected as a side effect of Senshi!Harry thwarting an assassination attempt by Draco Malfoy.}}
** {{spoiler|In the far future, Usagi and Cuteness combine their powers to resurrect a dead-but-present Harry.}}
* [[Bag of Holding]]: Cuteness's picnic basket, as Nabiki numbly notes during their first conversation.
* [[Battle Harem]]/[[Supporting Harem]]: Usagi and the Senshi, to Harry. Unlike the usual way these things go, Usagi -- who is very firmly in the [[Love Interest]] seat -- has absolutely no problem sharing him with any of the others who are interested, even after she's [[Back from the Dead]].
** Hermione eventually joins the harem, as does, in the final [[Flash Forward]], {{spoiler|Mary Riddle}}.
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** Later, the Amazons use a carefully-measured mixture of Drowned Girl and Drowned Rabbit water to curse Lucius Malfoy and another Death Eater to make it easier to interrogate them before their (off-screen) execution.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: After the wedding and the redemption/acceptance of Mary Riddle, Cuteness reluctantly tells Harry and Usagi that she has to return to the future, right ''now''. Pluto concurs, listing the tasks she had to complete and the lessons she had to learn. Unlike other times, though, Cuteness makes a spectacle of it, announcing her true identity to everyone at the wedding and returning to the future through a time door manifested in full view of all the attendees.
* [[Butterfly of Doom]]: Sailor Pluto is ''expecting'' this trope to be in play as a result of Usagi's death, but when she finally gets up the courage to look at the "new" future she is utterly dumbstruck to discover that a Crystal Tokyo ruled by Neo-Queen Serenity is still going to happen.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Shampoo saying "I think Ranma broke the rock!" immediately after an explosion that sounds barely sub-nuclear in power.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Invoked. After she learns that Cuteness is Harry's daughter, Luna Lovegood offers to make use of her reputation and announce it loudly in the Great Hall so no one will ever believe it.
* [[The Cheerleader]]: Averted with the Gryffindor cheer squad established by Hermione and ghost!Usagi. It's made up of some of the canonically nicer girls from not only Gryffindor but also Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Harry finds he has this effect, especially on the Inner Senshi.
* [[Chunky Updraft]]: Wizards see one for the first time in the build-up to a Sailor Teleport from Hogwarts.
Line 101 ⟶ 104:
* [[Crack Fic]]: Shows every sign of having started as one, and despite turning into a serious story with a complex and interesting plot never entirely ''lets go'' of being one.
* [[Crossover Ship]]: If you hadn't noticed yet, this fic pairs Harry Potter and Sailor Moon.
* [[Cunning Linguist]]:
** A ring Harry acquires by summoning jewelry from the pools of Jusenkyo turns out to be a magical [[Universal Translator]]. Once he finds that out, he's almost never without it. (He does eventually become reasonably fluent in Japanese without it.)
** One of the side effects of the magical accident that killed her mother gives Luna Lovegood the ability to speak any language after being exposed to only a few sentences in it.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]:
** The Senshi (plus Harry) handily take down Snape and Dumbledore the first time they come face-to-face. Snape falls (and loses a foot) in twenty seconds; it takes another forty seconds to drop Dumbledore.
** Harry and Ranma vs. Draco and the Slytherins who took over Astoria's plan to "capture" Harry.
* [[Cute Ghost Girl]]: Usagi, at least until her resurrection.
** Likewise Myrtle, at least as far as Colin's concerned.
* [[Dark Magical Girl]]: Bellatrix as the product of Voldemort and Rookwood's attempt to create a Senshi. {{spoiler|She ends up one of the progenitors of the Dark Moon Family.}}
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]: Well, when the female lead of the story is a ''ghost'', it's kind of necessary.
Line 120 ⟶ 122:
* [[Double Entendre]]:
** Minako makes a few about Harry's wand and magic.
** And Luna Lovegood just won't stop.
** Usagi, once she's resurrected, gets her share in.
** Even the narrative voice indulges; there's a passage that makes Hermione looking at a chest of Potter family heirlooms sound like she's putting the moves on Harry.
Line 142 ⟶ 144:
* [[Final Death]]: Draco Malfoy, acting on Voldemort's orders, attempts to destroy ghost!Usagi with a shard of stone imbued with the power of Death. He doesn't succeed, although he does destroy Nearly-Headless Nick and Peeves; in fact, his attempt ultimately results [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|in Usagi's resurrection]].
* [[Flash Forward]]: We see several to the Crystal Tokyo era throughout the first part of the story. For instance, ''The Girl Who Loved'' ends on a scene some thousand years hence when Cuteness and Usagi finally resurrect Harry after his first death. The epilogues are also set in the far future.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Since Cuteness was born in the future to Harry and Usagi, Usagi's eventual return from the dead is obvious... although the specifics are unknown until it actually happens.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Cleverly and subtly laced through the early parts of ''The Girl Who Loved'' for payoff as far away as the end of ''Violence Inherent in the System''.
** Additionally, Setsuna is prone to doing this [[In-Universe]], dropping hints about future events.
Line 151 ⟶ 154:
* [[Goofy Print Underwear]]: Nabiki -- a professional woman -- wears [[Hello Kitty]] panties.
* [[Groper Girl]]:
** [[Someone's Touching My Butt|Minako and Makoto routinely grab Harry's butt]] during group hugs and teleports.
** Uranus gets her share in, even pinching Nabiki's butt while rescuing her from [[Yakuza]].
* [[Group Hug]]: The other Sailor Senshi give Sailor Moon a group hug after her resurrection.
* [[Guardian Angel]]: Luna Lovegood claims to be able to see (and communicate in a limited way) with them. She's allegedly alerted to an attempt to dose Hermione with a love potion by the state of her Guardian Angel. Given what we learn of Luna's abilities in the story, there is a non-zero chance that this is literally true, and not a bizarre metaphor or part of her "Looney" act.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: {{spoiler|Myrtle}} is more than pleased to become Harry's adopted sister.
* [[Harem Hero]]: Harry is a Type 2B, where the girls -- Senshi and not -- are [[True Companions]].
Line 177 ⟶ 181:
* [[Instant Fanclub]]: ''Exactly'' how quickly it formed is unclear -- it seems to have happened at least a couple years before the story's timeframe -- but there exists a "Harry James Potter is Dreamy Fan Club" at Hogwarts. Until she potioned herself to fall in love with Neville, Ginny was the "High Priestess" (club president).
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Nabiki Tendo.
* [[Irony]]: The resurrection of ghost!Usagi as a direct consequence of Draco's attempt to destroy her at Voldemort's order is a classic example of situational irony.
* [[It's Showtime!]]: The narrative voice says "Showtime" to start the spectacle of Cuteness returning to the future after the wedding.
* [[Jumping Out of a Cake]]: Discussed by Usagi in the context of Harry's bachelor party, and separately by others as well. Luna Lovegood, Makoto, Minako and Hermione (!) all volunteer or consider being the girl in the cake.
** Evidence later in the story strongly suggests Hermione actually did it.
* [[Karmic Transformation]]: Early on Ranma speculates (as is common in ''Ranma'' fanfic) that Jusenkyo gives its victims a curse that "balances" them, pointing to his own youthful misogyny and his girl curse.
Line 185 ⟶ 190:
* [[King in the Mountain]]: The Wizarding World's "moon queen"/"moon goddess" myths seem to have a bit of this trope incorporated; Usagi's resurrection leads to her embodying the "return in time of need" aspect.
* [[Lemony Narrator]]: One of the trademarks of the story, the narrative voice is extremely playful, even when it is ostensibly relaying serious thoughts in serious situations. Over the course of the story it calms down a bit, but not a lot.
* [[Line-of-Sight Name]]: Variation: when pressed for "her" name after helping the Senshi defeat a trio of demons at a concert, the only last name Harry can come up with on a moment's notice with is "Snape".
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: The mind-controlled Herb takes advantage of ambiguous orders to go on a rampage in Hogwarts, killing ''everyone'' he encounters, instead of just Dumbledore as intended.
* [[Magical Girl]]: ''Three hundred'' magical girls (other than the Senshi) show up for Harry and Usagi's wedding, including groups who had never been seen in public before.
* [[Male Gaze]]: Enforced [[In-Universe]] with the CallypgianCallipygian Venus charms, which when worn by girls and women force boys and men to stare at their butts. Harry gives the first one he gets to Minako.
* [[The Matchmaker]]: Harry, not entirely willingly.
** In order to get Myrtle to stop being mad at him for hooking up with Usagi, Harry promises to help find her a boyfriend. (He succeeds -- Colin Creevey is more than happy to have a ghost girlfriend.)
** He later enlists Lavender Brown to find Ron a girlfriend. ([[Hired to Hunt Yourself|Lavender finds herself.]])
* [[Me's a Crowd]]: In a borderline case, a prank played by Harry and Usagi on the Hogwarts Express using brand-new Weasley products results in about two hundred students temporarily turning into their clones -- a hundred each, with no concern about original gender.
* [[The Merch]]: Japanese Supers such as the Senshi routinely have action figures and other toys made of them; these are technically unauthorized, but the supers will endorse the products if profits go to charity as [[Hero Insurance]].
Line 202 ⟶ 207:
* [[Multinational Team]]: The security forces protecting Harry and Usagi's wedding are composed of British Royal Guards, JSDF soldiers, Tokyo police, Chinese Amazons, Hidden Leaf Village ninja, and French aurors. At the very least.
* [[Mushroom Samba]]: Chapter 12 of ''The Girl Who Loved'' ends with Dumbledore dipping into his special stock of lemon drops ("the good shit") and entering one during which he watches the walls breathe and a band of dancing broomsticks invade his office.
* [[My Own Private I Do]]: Harry and Usagi have a small, intimate private wedding with just family and friends attending, and a much larger public wedding a couple hours later. Definitely played with, though, as under Japanese law the ''real'' marriage happened when they filed the paperwork with the government beforehand -- they were ''already'' married before either took place. (Something Mary Riddle was unaware of... leading her to attack the ''second'' wedding.)
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
** Hermione turns out to have the little sister that J.K. Rowling had always planned for her, but never got around to putting in the books.
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* [[Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo]]: Chapter 18 of ''Violence Inherent in the System'' is entitled "Tom's Bogus Journey 2: Electric Boogaloo".
* [[Oh Crap]]: Mary Riddle's reaction when she learns that Usagi and Harry are not only married, but are now Queen and King.
* [[Omniglot]]:
** A ring Harry acquires by summoning jewelry from the pools of Jusenkyo turns out to be a magical [[Universal Translator]]. Once he finds that out, he's almost never without it. (He does eventually become reasonably fluent in Japanese without it.)
** One of the side effects of the magical accident that killed her mother gives Luna Lovegood the ability to speak any language after being exposed to only a few sentences in it.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Enforced. Cat!Luna from ''Sailor Moon'' all but vanishes while witch!Luna from ''Harry Potter'' takes a prominent role.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Ghost!Usagi is [[Invisible to Normals|only visible to wizards, witches and ki adepts]]. The other Senshi can't see her. Rei can vaguely sense her presence, due to her miko abilities, and Rei's grandfather is clearly able to see her.
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* [[Revive Kills Zombie]]: Effectively what happens when Harry deliberately attempts to purify Mary Riddle with a Sailor Moon-style white magic attack: she ends up coughing up bits of old bone, shreds of Peter Pettigrew's flesh, and some of Harry's blood -- the last fragments of Voldemort's magically-created body. (She subsequently spends the next few centuries avoiding hot water for fear that it will turn her into ''nothing''.)
* [[Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory]]:
** Setsuna/Sailor Pluto of course has it. She's aware thethat the "current" timeline has changed from the "canon" timeline, and why, and by how much. Although she still can be surprised by minor changes.
** Cuteness appears to have it as well, possibly because of her wizarding heritage. She's aware that she's different from the "original" Chibi-Usa, and in at least some ways ''how'' she's different (like her name) and how she's ''not'' (like her looks). Interestingly, at a critical juncture in the timeline (and plot) she very briefly becomes ''Ranma's'' daughter and not Harry's, and that version of her is ''not'' aware that she's changed.
* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: Apparently played straight but eventually boomeranged with Dumbledore. Dumbledore initially looks like a complete over-the-top caricature of the fanfic-standard Evil!Dumbledore, until he is hit by one of Sailor Moon's over-powered super-healing effects. After that he feels much better than he has in years, so much so that he doesn't need the potion-laced lemon drops he's been consuming for the last couple decades. And when he investigates the potion formula -- which he had tweaked and customized over the years -- he discovers that it had so much psychoactive elements in it that he should have been catatonic, if not dead, from their effects. He cleans up his act almost immediately.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: Voldemort forces Snape to make one at the end of his usefulness -- his life or Narcissa Malfoy's. The choice he thought was best (and which he made)... is ''not'' the one Narcissa wanted him to make.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Harry's ethos as a vigilante in Tokyo. He acknowledges that, technically, what he's doing would be considered "muggle-baiting" by British Wizarding law and he could be thrown into Azkaban for it. But he also notes that the Ministry is just as likely to trump up false charges with the same result, so if he's going to get punished, why not do something to get punished for, and do it to help people?
Line 248 ⟶ 258:
** Harry (semi-accidentally) adopts the identity of "Heather Snape" AKA "Teen Witch", when acting as a vigilante in Tokyo.
** Averted later in the story: with her resurrection and her return to Tokyo and her family, Usagi abandons her secret identity on national television.
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Luna Lovegood's [[Cunning Linguist]] abilities let her learn that Cuteness is actually Harry's daughter; even though she's uncertain how that came about, especially as Usagi is dead, she promises Harry she'll keep the secret -- and better yet, offers to [[Cassandra Truth|announce it in the Great Hall, after which no one will believe it can possibly be true]].
* [[Side Bet]]:
** Harry's Hogwarts friends bet on how many boys are going to notice and/or hit on his (disguised) girl form on the way back from a Hogsmeade day. Nobody bet on the right number, but Ginny came closest and won the pot.
** Much later, Myrtle and Harry bet on whether Luna Lovegood will be waiting naked for them in the Ravenclaw common room. Harry bets she ''won't'' be, and loses.
** After Ginny and Neville get together, their friends set up a pool on when they'll first sleep together. Usagi lost, but to avoid embarrassment for both herself and Neville, Ginny agrees to ensure Usagi wins the "first public snog" part of the bet.
* [[Simplified Spellcasting]]: Probably the best trope to fit Harry's first attempt to heal someone with the power of the Kaleidomoon Scope, where (instructed by ghost!Usagi) he simply visualizes what he hopes for a wounded Amazon and focuses on the special mystical phrase "Get better, dammit!"
* [[Sneeze Cut]]: When Hermione admits to Harry that she asked the Disguise Pen to make her a "[[Tomb Raider|tomb raider]]", there is a cut to Lara Croft sneezing at a ''very'' inconvenient moment.
* [[Someone's Touching My Butt]]: It's usually Makoto or Minako grabbing Harry's butt in a hug or a Sailor Teleport.
** Sailor Uranus gets a grope in on Nabiki Tendo late in ''Violence Inherent in the System''.
* [[Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace]]: Discussed by Harry on hearing that Voldemort is in Tokyo on the day of the wedding; Harry assumes Voldemort will ''not'' be holding his peace.
* [[Spit-Take]]:
Line 279 ⟶ 291:
** Usagi also learns how to "ride" inside Harry's body without exercising any control.
* [[Take That]]:
** Luna Lovegood gets a nice zinger in on Blaise Zabini, whose mother has a canonical reputation as a [[Black Widow]], after he acts like a jerk at a Slug Club meeting:
{{quote|"They say men tend to marry women who remind them of their Mums. With any luck he'll follow the pattern."}}
:* Hermione strikes back at her Dursley-like parents by sending photos of herself with various important personages (like the Emperor and Empress of Japan) to her sister to share. An even better one is provided accidentally when Princess Diana visits the Grangers to find out more about the girl who's dating her son William.
Line 293 ⟶ 305:
** The omake featuring Harry/ghost!Usagi/Hermione which was promoted to an official part of the story.
** Indeed, the encounters where Harry allows ghost!Usagi to use his body for intimacies with the other Senshi probably count on a technicality.
** Harry's bachelor party led into an off-screen threesome with Luna Lovegood and Hermione. Too bad Harry remembers almost nothing of it, to the point that he was surprised by their presence the next morning.
* [[Time for Plan B]]: Mary Riddle can't figure out a "Plan A" for getting into Harry and Usagi's wedding, and is stuck with several Plans B and C, none of which she likes. And when she's caught, her first thought is "Fuck Plans A, B and C!"
* [[Time Travel]]: Sailor Pluto's taking an active role in the story. Of ''course'' there's time travel, including at least three [[Stable Time Loop]]s.
* [[Timmy in a Well]]: Invoked jokingly by Juliet Granger when she first encounters Hedwig and realizes the owl is trying to tell her something.
* [[Tokyo Tower]]: When Rei tries to pressure her about (currently dead) Usagi's whereabouts while they are on the observation deck of the Tower, Cuteness suffers a bout of accidental magic, vanishes a window, and falls out. Harry has to chase after her on his broom and catch her.
* [[Torches and Pitchforks]]: Discussed (mainly by Harry) several times, not always seriously, and never actually seen happening in the story.
* [[Training from Hell]]: At least Harry thinks it is when Ranma decides to be his personal trainer. Given that they're only at it for about a week before Harry has to leave Jusenkyo, it's not like they had time to get into anything actually extreme.
** Later, Ranma's training is used as punishment[[Physical Fitness Punishment]] for the Slytherin students involved in the attack on Harry.
* [[Up to Eleven]]:
** Anything Harry successfully casts with the Moon Kaleido Moon Scope starts at Eleven and sometimes goes to Eleven ''hundred'': ''reparo'' restores entire forests; ''expecto patronum'' produces a permanent herd of ghostly deer who settle in the Jusenkyo valley (and later one that takes up residence in Diagon Alley).
** Harry thinks that on the scale where Fleur Delacour and Shampoo are tens, Sailor Pluto is a definite eleven.
* [[Vigilante Man|Vigilante Girl]]: Harry finds he enjoys patrolling Tokyo and doing good as "Teen Witch".
Line 313 ⟶ 326:
* [[White Magic]]: Acknowledged as what [[White Mage|Usagi]] -- and ultimately [[Paladin|Harry]] -- wield.
* [[Yakuza]]: A group of yaks abduct Nabiki to force information on the Tsukinos from her so they can blackmail Usagi, and through her the Senshi. Sailors Pluto, Neptune and Uranus persuade them of their error.
* [[Yandere]]: {{spoiler|Mary Riddle}}, at least at first.
** Ginny's got a strong current of this running through her personality, although she never actually ''acts'' on it.
* [[You Can Leave Your Hat On]]:
** Minako and Makoto deliberately position themselves so Harry can watch them the first time they transform around him -- this after he turns his back at Michiru's request.
Line 320 ⟶ 335:
* [[You Mean "Xmas"]]: Dumbledore covers all the bases at winter break, wishing the students a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a delightful Saturnalia and warm Yule greetings.
<!-- Need tropestrope for:
* The invisibility of the Jusenkyo-cursed to the Time Gates -->
* Pluto's WTF? moment upon seeing that Crystal Tokyo and Neo-Queen Serenity still exist despite Usagi's death.-->
{{Harry Potter Franchise}}
{{Sailor Moon Franchise}}
{{Ranma ½ Franchise}}
{{Tenchi Muyo Franchise}}
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[[Category:Fan Works of the 2010s]]
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