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== Real Life ==
* Completely inverted in modern-day Germany, where the [[No Swastikas]] rule is strongly in effect, and Holocaust denial is illegal. Germany actively defies this trope, as the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei is outright banned from elected office. The [[No Swastikas]] ban is so stringent that even ''crossed-out'' swastikas as part of a 'No Nazis' campaign were illegal for a time, though it was later ruled that such uses are legitimate as they clearly depict opposition against Nazism rather than condoning them. Similarly, other exemptions exist for the use of the swastika such as for scholarly, artistic or historical purposes, provided they fall under the social adequacy clause. Video games weren't included in the social adequacy clause, however, perhaps due to the perception that [[Pac-Man Fever|video games are more like toys for kids]] than as an art form in its own right; this was changed recently following a court ruling, and now games are allowed to be sold in Germany with Nazi imagery intact, provided they are given approval.
* Interest in Norse/Germanic Myth can get people accused of being a Nazi.
** Modern practitioners of Asatru, a modern religion based on [[Norse Mythology]], always include a disclaimer on any documents or websites used emphatically stating the group is not racist and has no connections with Nazis whatsoever because of this trope. There are, however, splinter groups such as the Asatru Free Assembly and other "racialist" Asatruar who really ''are'' pro-Nazi and fiercely anti-Semitic and -Christian. besides pagans.
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