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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[Incredible Hulk]]'', to the point that the series more or less became a parody of itself for half a decade during [[The Dark Age of Comic Books]] because the writers were sick of the endless angst (probably).
* Since [[Robin Series|Tim Drake]] became [[Robin]]: His mother was poisoned to death, his friend Darla was killed {{spoiler|(but later came back to life (Of course))}}, his dad was killed by a Captain Boomerang, his girlfriend Stephanie Brown, tortured and 'murdered', his stepmother was most likely killed via a nuke in Bludhaven, his best friends [[Superboy]] and [[The Flash|Bart Allen]] were killed {{spoiler|(but, as expected, later came back to life)}}, his adopted sister [[Batgirl (2000 comic book)||Cassandra Cain]] went insane, {{spoiler|(But eventually returned to the side of good}}, his civilian best friend, Ives, has cancer {{spoiler|now in remission}}, {{spoiler|and Batman just supposedly died. But his girlfriend did come back only to start helping one of Tim's enemies in order to push him to become more efficient, on Batman's orders.}} The writers joke about giving him a puppy so they can kill it too. Tim's response to all this? To emotionally deaden himself and go the [[Jerkass]] route.
** On the other hand, we have [[Batgirl 2009|Stephanie Brown]]. Grew up the child of a physically and emotionally abusive convict and a (now-rehabilitated) drug addict. Suffered attempted sexual molestation by her piano teacher at age 11. Almost had her face melted off by her own father with an acid capsule on her first foray as a vigilante. Set up for kidnapping and murder by her own father ''again'' several months later. Becomes pregnant by a boy who abandons her without even stopping long enough to learn that she ''was'' pregnant. Carries the child to term, then gives him/her/ up for adoption in a complete [[Tear Jerker]] of a moment, not letting herself even know her baby's sex or naming him/her because otherwise she could never force herself to let go. (And for extra angst points, almost dies of complications during the delivery.) Father (apparently) dies while trying to reform, leaving her entirely conflicted on the issue. Tortured grotesquely by Black Mask for hours. Upon returning from her faked death and one years' isolation in Africa, immediately ordered by Batman to betray her ex-boyfriend "for his own good", leading to complete alienation from him. Given the absolute minimum of support and validation in her superhero career, ''even by her own boyfriend'', throughout. Subjected to active ''discouragement'' from pursuing a superhero career by virtually ''everyone''. Depending on whether or not its [[Canon Discontinuity]] yet, possibly still carrying the guilt for setting off a destructive gang war that killed hundreds. And her response? [[Determinator|Total refusal to let any of this crap get her down.]] With arguably as much to angst about as her ex-boyfriend Tim, there is not ''one panel'' of her whining or indulging in self-pity available in the sixteen years the character has been in Bat-Comics. Steph entirely shares Commissioner Gordon's awesome immunity to PTSD or [[Wangst]].
*** Well, she gets an issue of ''Robin'' dedicated to a few of her really crappy life experiences after her dad died. That's it.
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== Professional Wrestling ==
* A bizarre mix of real life and storyline trauma afflicted [[Jeff Hardy]] during the end of his latest run in the [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]]. First, his beloved older brother Matt's appendix bursts and he nearly dies from an infection. Then for several months he can't quite manage to get over the hump and win the WWE title, though he's coming closer than he ever has. Then he fails a Wellness test and gets suspended for two months, including [[Wrestlemania]], at which he had been rumored to win a high-profile match. While he's suspended, his house and everything he owns burns to the ground, and his cherished dog is killed in the fire as well. Then once he returns, he's set upon by a malevolent GM and still can't quite make it to winning the title. Finally, finally he wins it, but his brief run is marred by a mysterious person making repeated attempts on his life. His title run ends when his own brother turns on him in favor of Edge, who at the time was the mortal enemy of both. Matt then reveals that not only did he do that, he was the one repeatedly trying to kill Jeff, he was the one who burned his house to the ground, and he was the one who killed Jeff's dog, and he then goes on to soundly trounce Jeff in all but the very last match of their feud. After all this, he wins the title again but loses it within a few minutes to [[CM Punk]], who then goes on to rail at Jeff about his drug issues and keeps the title from him through many underhanded tactics. And when things are finally looking up for Jeff...he's made peace with his brother, he'd won the championship again, all was just starting to look up, bam, he loses it and his job thanks to CM Punk. The sad thing is, there's probably some more things that got missed in all of this. Can't blame the guy for wanting to go home and lick his wounds for a while now, can you?
** Of course, after he finally does go home, he's arrested for possession of obscene amounts of drugs.
*** And even THAT is rumored to be the result of a piss-poor attempt by the police at a sting operation, which, if true, will end up being entrapment and will mean he went through all this misery because of some overeager cops.
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