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* [[Gondor Calls For Aid]]: In the Harem Route, after the Prime Minister gets desperate, {{spoiler|murders King Hagel and frames Lute}}, Shamshiel recruits the other ladies Lute has slept with to help Lute out.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Motaire, definitely. {{spoiler|He gets a lot better in the Harem Route}}. Lute comes off as one in the anime adaptation instead of being a [[Chivalrous Pervert]] due to most of his backstory and characterization not making it in.
* [[Happily Married]]: In Luceria's route, {{Spoiler|she and Lute marry at the end, they're happy and all points out for a bright future ahead of them}}.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Generals Felzen and Zant in the royal commander arc. {{spoiler|Gladys Wackenheim}} as well, though they weren't really all that evil in the first place. {{spoiler|Even General Schlamm does this in the Harem route}}.
** MOTAIRE, of all people, even he pulls this off {{spoiler|in the Harem route}}. Kinda helps all the times his [[Pride]] took a beating and the fact {{spoiler|Bobon}} [[Mistreatment Induced Betrayal|basically treated him so much worse than he ever had it under Lute]] made him come to a [[Heel Realization]] and so he decided to help the right guy out for once. {{spoiler|And Felzen was the one who got the ball rolling with a [[To Be Lawful or Good]] proposition to him. The other ladies also take turns kicking him in the metaphorical balls over how much of a [[Dirty Coward]] he's become, which only further prods him along}}. {{spoiler|And the real clincher for his face turn is when he realizes the Prime Minister only considers him a pawn, and when Lute fills in the rest of the blanks in the puzzle of what's going on, his face turn is a done deal}}.
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