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* Any usage of birth control, such as condoms and pills, as well as the concept of pre-marital sex between couples, especially when they're still teenagers, tend to be more controversial in various countries with more traditional and religious views. Attitudes have changed over time, and especially since the discovery of AIDS: In 1977 [[The BBC]] absolutely refused to show a Durex-sponsored Formula One car on TV, condoms being a much more taboo product than they are now.
* Public opinion on homosexuality ranges, although it seems to be tied more to age than location.
** The presence of gays in the US military is still the subject of much controversy, and therefore continues to be so in fiction (see, for instance ''The General's Daughter''). In some other countries, however, openly gay soldiers, sailors, and aircrew serve with no issues; therefore, audiences may tend to view American attitudes expressed through fiction to be rather amusingly quaint (and, in fairness, so do many Americans). When former Marine Corps General General John J. "Jack" Sheehan asserted on a hearing about "Don't Ask-Don't tellTell" that the Dutch failure in Srebrenica (in which they more or less stood by and watched several hundred people get massacred) was due to the open admission of gays in the Dutch army, and that Dutch military officers he had met there had told him so, many Dutch politicians (including the PM) and the military unions called BS.
*** "Called BS" is an understatement considering what a [[Berserk Button]] the Srebrenica Massacre is in the Netherlands (an investigation into it brought down the government in 2002) - then-PM Jan Peter Balkenende condemned Sheehan's remark as "outrageous, wrong and beneath contempt", and other Dutch reactions were only slightly less polite (the AFMP military union said it was "out of the realm of fiction" while the SHK called it "the ridiculous convulsion of a loner").
*** Now that the ban on openly gay servicemembers in the US has been lifted, gay troops are openly forming support groups and the like, and, as predicted by people who've served in other militaries with openly gay members, there's been absolutely no significant negative effect whatsoever. Well, except if you remind the people who were predicting doom that they now look like idiots.
** Somehow, as of 2018 [[Kissing Cousins|marrying your cousin]] is legal in 31 US states, while gay marriage hashad to wait until 2015 to be declared legal in all American territory <ref>Before that it has been independently declared legal in 38 states, the district of Columbia and Guam as of June 2015</ref>, and yet still there are counties that doesn't issue same-sex marriage licenses or give legal benefits to same-sex married couples despite that being declared unconstitutional.
* The tendency towards the [[Manly Gay]] was one of many things about Greco-Roman culture that [[Squick|Squicked]] out some other cultures. For instance, this is the context for the [[The Bible|New Testament]]; the Jewish establishment of that day were pretty squicked out by polytheism, homosexuality, hedonism, and the Roman school of slavery among other things, and pretty shocked or dismayed that some (including [[Jesus]]) would ''ever'' associate in any way with those disgusting people. Of course, Pompey was equally disturbed when he entered the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem after conquering it. ''Most'' religions of the time [[Nothing Is Scarier|kept some image of their god in theirs, you see]]....
** Additionally, Romans completely failed to grasp the difference between circumcision and castration. So they not only thought the Jews were a xenophobic cult that worshiped an [[Eldritch Abomination]], but that said abomination commanded them to chop off their newborn sons' genitals. At one point the Romans banned the practice on purely ethical grounds, and when the Jews revolted it just convinced them that Jews were ''so'' into mutilating their own children that they would sooner die than stop. This is one reason the only form of Christianity that ever took off among Romans was the kind that ignored Jewish law (Pauline Christianity), and even then it took a while.
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*** It also explains why steak is thought of as a rich man's dinner, or at least an upper-middle class man's dinner. Back in the Middle Ages, a farmer would be lucky if he could have one cow.
*** It still is. Meat is still one of the most expensive items in a grocery store, and meat-centered dishes in restaurants are always the costliest.
*** Not really, at least in America. Of course it depends on the cut, but meat really isn't that expensive, and is generally cheaper than seafood. Poultry is generally cheaper than both. Buying food as a vegan/vegetarian is often actually more expensive because you have to buy more. Shellfish is ridiculousridiculously expensive unless you live in costal New England
** Vegetarians and vegans are thought to be weak and in ill health, although many athletes, particularly endurance athletes, follow these diets. Animal vs. plant protein has also been a major bone of contention with bodybuilders.
*** There's actually some truth to it, in the case of vegans; since they're even more restricted than vegetarians, a lot of things which serve to fill in the gaps left by eschewing meat aren't [[Incredibly Lame Pun|on the table]] for them. Vegan diets have to be rigorously planned, and there's pretty much no room to deviate, or else you get an effect not wholly dissimilar to feeding hummingbirds no-calorie sweetener instead of sugar water.
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