Fantastic Tribulation: Difference between revisions

Added a few examples
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== [[Film]] ==
* The animated movie ''[[Nine]]'' shows that machines took over and wiped out humanity. Nine, a sentient robot ragdoll with no memory, finds out that the only way to stop the machine and save his new friends is to remove the core he accidentally added.
* ''[[Raya and the Last Dragon]]'' reveals that thanks to Namaari betraying Raya as a kid and revealing the location of the Dragon Gem to her people the Fang Tribe, as well as that of the other tribes, that the Droon came for every land after the tribe leaders selfishly took gem shards for themselves thinking it would bring wealth rather than listen to Raya's father to calm down and work together. In the present day, the formerly-lush grasslands are now barren deserts or dry wastelands, and Raya barely has enough food for herself or her mount when she travels between tribes to steal back the gem shards and restore the world. Tong was the only survivor in his tribe, and he refuses to leave his solo hut apart from setting booby traps. Droon cannot cross water, so the only way to guarantee safety is either travel by boat or have a gem shard to repel them. While the Fang Tribe has kept rice fields and is well-fed owing to living on an island, Asian YouTubers in a collaborative video pointed out that Fang must be really arrogant because rice is a very water-dependent crop. Not to mention everyone besides her own people hates Namaari's guts because her selfishness is what got them into this mess, and they refer to her as "the girl that broke the world". {{spoiler|When Namaari attempts to kidnap Sisu the dragon during a truce meeting, which Raya only agreed to because Sisu told her that the Droon won't be stopped unless a great show of trust happens, she ''may'' have been about to pull her crossbow trigger on Sisu. Raya attempts to disarm her, but the arrow fires and hits the dragon. Sisu falls, the rivers dry up, and the Droon make quick work of Fang Island while those not fast enough to flee are turned to stone, including Namaari's mother. Yeah, Namaari deserved it considering it's what she unleashed on everyone else.}}
== [[Literature]] ==
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** Due to often colorful and esoteric language of the text in question, it's enough to say [[La Resistance|those who believe in Christ]] and [[Religion of Evil|those who support his enemy, called the Beast]] both acquire some limited supernatural abilities during this period, the formerly mostly immunity from certain kinds of supernatural harm that the other side has no defense against. The opposing side gains mostly offensive powers and the ability to deceive the undecided into being swayed to their side.
* Hindu mythology has {{|Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu the protector god}}. As it's described, when the world is thrown off-balance owing to people being too evil and selfish, Kalki will ride through with a sword and wipe out those that demonstrate ''adharma'' rather than dharma, that is, discord and immorality while neglecting your life duties. Only then can a new life cycle start on Earth. The period in-between probably won't be fun for humanity.
* Hindu mythology {{Context|How does Hindu mythology related to the trope?}}
== [[Pinball]] ==
== [[Podcast]]s ==
* ''[[Welcome to Nightvale]]'' has host Cecil ''try'' to combat this with his radio broadcasts. Keyword "try" because Nightvale is too weird and chaotic even on a normal level. You may be able to live a semi-normal life if you find out the new definition for migraines, avoid touching plastic flamingoes, or going to the park after sundown.
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
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* ''[[Gravity Falls]]'' has this happen during Weirdmageddon. Bill Cipher {{spoiler|opens the rift to his dimension and brings all his friends, stopping time and sending Eye Bats to hunt down humans. After three days of this, society has completely broken down to the point where Wendy is shooting bats for meat and uses dollar bills to wipe sweat off her brow}}.
* Similarly, ''[[Amphibia]]'' shows the aftermath of {{spoiler|Andrias reclaiming the Calamity Box}} in season 3, and sending robot armies after the resistance in Wartwood, while rounding up citizens to put in labor camps. {{spoiler|Sasha hides the Wartwood citizens in the Plantars' underground bunker, which has enough space for several villages, and they have to go on regular raids to get enough food supplies}}.
* In the ''[[Gargoyles]]'' episode "Future Tense", Goliath ends up in a bad future where his clan has broken, along with society, while trying to return to Manhattan. Elisa and Angela are also with him, as they see that Xanatos in this timeline has successfully waged war against the Gargoyles while naming himself sovereign, and has killed Hudson. {{spoiler|Turns out it was an illusion made by Puck, in an attempt to take back the Phoenix Gate and use it to bribe his way back into Oberon's good wishes. A wounded Goliath figures it out when Elisa demands the Phoenix Gate to fix the past and for Goliath to hand it to her, rather than taking it from the ground where it fell from his pouch; he knows Elisa is not that forceful. Goliath resists, the illusion breaks, and the ''real'' Elisa begs Goliath to wake up from his nightmare. He uses the Phoenix Gate's power to make sure it's lost in the timestream forever and tells Elisa that while what he saw was a nightmare, they need to make sure it never comes true in their Manhattan}}.
== Other Media ==