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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: "[https://web.archive.org/web/20131030060327/http://notalwaysromantic.com/no-fork-in-the-road-for-these-two/19695 We'll get to have spork babies!]"
* [[Epic Fail]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130923080442/http://notalwaysromantic.com/alls-well-that-girlfriends-well/18412 This man] tries to hook up with a stranger, only to find that she's a lesbian. And his pick-up lines are terrible. And he's trying to cheat on his girlfriend. Who is nearby. {{spoiler|And she later dumps him and dates the other girl.}}
* [[Exact Words]]: [[https://notalwaysright.com/well-the-first-step-is-admitting-it/259221/ A boyfriend admit he ate a whole gallon of ice-cream in one sitting]]. When the writer lightheartedly commented he. hadan ice-cream problem, he responded, "You have an ice cream problem. I am the ice cream problem!"
* [[Exiled to the Couch]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130417055500/http://notalwaysromantic.com/bosomless-buddies/18799 These two dopes], who are probably lucky they weren't thrown out of their apartment.
* [[The Grunting Orgasm]]: "[http://notalwaysromantic.com/the-birds-and-the-bears/18751 Daddy sounds like a bear when he's sleeping!]"
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* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20140417191256/http://notalwaysromantic.com/fathers-just-have-to-be-told-straight/19463 This girl] was rather surprised by it.
* [[Mistaken for Prank Call]]: This [https://web.archive.org/web/20130927034933/http://notalwaysromantic.com/guilty-of-perpetrating-a-prank/18773 not-so-savvy officer].
* [[Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace]]: A ''horse'' of all guests does this [https://notalwaysright.com/you-say-i-do-i-say-neigh/242129/ when their rider gets married]. Horse was a "Mama's Boy" according to the writer, and the bride rode him to the ceremony. He was not happy when she went out of his sight; the priest then reached this part of the ceremony. Cue a very loud whinny that echoed through the air. Everyone burst out laughing, including the priest, and the groom joked, "I ''told'' you he didn't like me!" Once the guests and wedding parties calmed down, tthe priest then amended that if anyone besides the horse had any lawful arguments, they should speak up now. No one did, and the wedding went on as planned. Horse also learned to accept his new stepdad, "grudgingly" as the writer put it.
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]/[[Compliment Backfire]]: A number of comments made to one's partner that didn't sound half as positive or romantic the speaker imagined, such as [https://web.archive.org/web/20140710052535/http://notalwaysromantic.com/love-is-blind/20098 this one]: "But, I don’t want to have my glasses on when I look at you."
* [[Tsundere]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130928091556/http://notalwaysromantic.com/persistence-pays-and-pisses-off/19049 This girl] should be the new mascot for the trope.
* [[Wacky Marriage Proposal]]:
* [[Wacky Marriage Proposal]]:* [https://web.archive.org/web/20130928101115/http://notalwaysromantic.com/how-to-wipe-out-a-relationship/18704 This], among others.
** A very sweet one in [https://notalwaysright.com/cos-proposal/40992/ Cos-Proposal]]. OP is a ''Labyrinth'' Jareth fan, and squees on seeing a cosplayer of him at Otakon while attending with her boyfriend. Said boyfriend took the time to get down on one knee, quote the proposal from the movie, and revela he had brought a ring. She said yes and gave him a tight hug. The Jareth cosplayer admitted, "Well-played."
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: An entire tag for it. [https://web.archive.org/web/20131030154124/http://notalwaysromantic.com/busted-pipes/2368 Several] [https://web.archive.org/web/20131125102722/http://notalwaysromantic.com/from-runaway-bride-to-ex-wife/1070 examples], often cross-posted from (The Customer is) Not Always Right, of it being revealed by customer screwups.
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== Not Always Learning ==
* [[Badass Teacher]]: While the writer said she didn't think she was tough or that coordinated, she earned this reputation by catching a ball from the group of disruptive kids, while walking outside and with only a second's warning before it would have smacked her in the face. They were impressed, and she proceeded to reveal she was left-handed and caught the ball with her ''right'' hand. As a result, she was the only teacher who could get them to listen.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: “[https://notalwaysright.com/joke-fell-b-flat/100977/ Seriously, Professor?]”
* [[Valley Girl]]: [https://notalwaysright.com/where-there-is-life-there-is-stupidity/100967/ It's alive?]
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* [[Heroic Bystander]]: Quite a few stories have this.
** [[https://notalwaysright.com/the-patient-isnt-the-only-one-with-patience/19666/ The Patient Isn’t The Only One With Patience]]. When a hospital patient asked for help, because her sister was leaving a verbal suicide note on the phone, the nursing team mobilized to notify 911 and gave advice to help stall and get relevant information until emergency services arrived in the other city where her sister lived. They got her help in time.
** [[https://notalwaysright.com/youd-be-demented-not-to-help/19665/ You'd Be Demented Not to Help]]: A cashier became concerned when an old lady said she was running away from home, from her "mother". She took action, using her workbreak to give the woman a bottle of water, and coaxed her daughter's phone number out of her. After a few phone calls she made sure the woman, suffering a bout of dementia, arrived safely to an assisted living facility in a cab.
** In one, a creepy guy was stalking the OP while she was waiting for her train. She asked if she could sit with another guy her age, and they could pretend to be friends. He played along until the creepy guy went away and her train arrived.
* [[Interrupted Suicide]]: At least one story has a guy that convinced another person to not jump off a bridge, and another who stayed with a depressed person while on door-to-door rounds.
** [[https://notalwaysright.com/the-patient-isnt-the-only-one-with-patience/19666/ The Patient Isn’t The Only One With Patience]]. This patient's nurses mobilized when her sister called and was planning to commit suicide.
* [[Karmic Jackpot]]: A photographer stayed after hours to do a photoshoot of a terminally ill girl, even though her mother didn't have an appointment, because his waiting list was so long he was worried she wouldn't live long enough. He refused payment, because it was the right thing to do. She and her mother came back months later, revealing she had recovered, and the mother tried paying him again. Again, he refused, and she insisted on taking him out to dinner to thank him. They got married, and the photo of his stepdaughter on a unicorn is still in their living room, though now she groans at it with embarrassment every time he good-naturedly points it out to her friends.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: At a pizza place, a mother whose daughter was in the hospital said that her kid wanted rainbow pizza as a birthday meal. She said she understood if they couldn't do it, but the chefs became excited at the challenge. The end result -- with peppers, purple cauliflower, and so forth-- apparently came out so well that they added it to the menu.
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