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What an Idiot!/Western Animation/Avatar: The Last Airbender: Difference between revisions

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** Meanwhile, Zuko has shown up via airship, following the Gaang. Zuko knows that he's the only one who can teach Aang firebending; Iroh escaped from prison, and Jeong Jeong is somewhere in the Earth Kingdom wilderness. He knows that they aren't likely to trust him given his track record, but he switched sides on finding out Azula and Ozai are going to use Sozin's Comet to burn down the entire Earth Kingdom. <br />'''You'd Expect''': Zuko would have some sort of physical peace offerings, such as supplies for the weary survivors, or important war intel information to show that he can be trusted. The meeting about the plans to burn down the Earth Kingdom is kinda important. This is not the time to pull a Zuko and expect that sincere humility will work this time after what happened in Ba Sing Se where he gave up sincere humility for Azula.<br />'''Instead''': After rehearsing his apology speech to a cricket frog, Zuko appears to the Gaang with a "Hello, Zuko" here. He ends up apologizing for everything, but also reveals that he sent Combustion Man. "[[Comically Missing the Point|That's not his name." <br />'''The Result''': Even Aang refuses to accept his apologies, as Katara points out that he betrayed them once before back in Ba Sing Se and smacks him in the face with a water whip. Toph is the only one who believes Zuko has changed, as she measured his heartbeat and realized he wasn't lying.
** There is also how the Gaang responds to seeing Zuko. They all have their reasons for not wanting to trust him and suspect this is another trick. Alarmingly, he followed them after the failed invasion, meaning that he could be leading troops to capture them.<br />'''You'd Expect''': They take him as a prisoner as he suggests when he offers to surrender formally, make plans to move soon, and find out who else may have followed the prince.<br />'''Instead''': Katara tells him to get lost, with everyone else giving their silent agreement.<br />'''The Result''': When Toph goes to talk to Zuko that night, she scares him and he burns her feet by accident, causing her to flee in a panic. Sokka lampshades the next day that leaving a trigger-happy exiled prince on the loose was a bad idea as he helps carry her to the temple fountain. While Zuko does switch sides for real, and proves it by helping them fend off Combustion Man, turns out he and Sokka are followed a few episodes later-- by Azula. She tracks them down and sends the Gaang running, along with prisoner Chit Sang and a rescued Hakoda.
* "The Southern Raiders" Katara has been tolerating Zuko since he's been made a member of the Gaang, but she remembers what he did in Ba Sing Se, which led to Azula killing Aang temporarily. She warns him that any funny business or backsliding that endangers Aang, and she will ''end'' him. <br />'''You'd Expect''': Zuko to remember that he brought this on himself and accept that Katara hates him. He betrayed Katara in Ba Sing Se for Azula, and that is not an easy thing to forgive.<br />'''Instead''': He is shocked when she remains cold to him following Azula's attack on their campsite. Zuko asks what her problem is, pointing out that the rest of the Gaang trusts him now.<br />'''The Result''': Katara coldly reminds him that she was the ''first'' person to trust him, and he betrayed her by saving Azula from her. She doesn't even need to mention that Aang almost died, and it was by sheer luck that she remembered the Spirit Water that he revived. If Zuko hadn't betrayed her, they wouldn't be on the run right now.<br />'''Fortunately''':Zuko thinks about this, realizes that Katara has a point, and aims to make amends by tracking down the man that killed her and Sokka's mother.
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