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RWBY/Characters: Difference between revisions

Added tropes . giving Context to zero context examples
(→‎Neopolitan, aka "Neo": replace redirect)
(Added tropes . giving Context to zero context examples)
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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: As demonstrated in the first episode, this is ''not'' a teacher you want to mess with.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Teacher]]: A powerful and skilled huntress, in addition to being a professor.
** [[Badass Back]]: Was telekinetically bitch slapping Grimm with waves of her riding crop without even turning around in mid-stride in the Volume 2 Finale.
** [[Lady of War]]
** [[Lady of Black Magic|Lady of White Magic]]
* [[Corporal Punishment]]: Implied to dish this out at Beacon, being a 'school disciplinarian' of sorts. She remarks that she typically gives students a 'slap on the wrist'; her whipping the table near Rubies Wrist implying that was very much a euphemism for more extreme punishment. Her weapon is a riding crop called 'the disciplinarian'.
* [[Hot Librarian]]
* [[Hot Librarian]]: Despite being a teacher, she evokes the standard look of one. With a button up shirt as well as glasses.
* [[Hot Teacher]]
* [[Hot Teacher]]: She is teacher and a beautiful woman with a cleavage window, a tight coreset and black skirt, and shapely legs with high heels.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]: Her usual outfit incorporates a corset-like waist cinch.
* [[She's Got Legs]]: It's especially noticeable in V3E3 -- either her skirt got shorter or her legs got ''much'' longer.
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** {{spoiler|In V8, Penny reveals that it's not so much super-speed ''or'' flight as an odd kind of [[Teleportation]] -- and she can take others with her; the first time she tries it after this revelation, Ruby discovers she can effortlessly carry four other people over a long distance.}}
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: She makes frequent use of a sniper rifle, however we haven't seen her use it against truly distant targets that much.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Easily excited, geeky, and hyperactive? Ruby fits it like a glove.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Grave Marking Scene]]: She starts the "Red" Trailer with one; she also [[Book Ends|starts and ends V3 with one]].
* [[Hand Behind Head]]: Could be considered her signature gesture.
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* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Oddly enough, her primary reaction to getting moved up two years and getting into Beacon, after the initial elation wears off. This reaction vanishes pretty quickly, though, once it's apparent that her classmates (other than Weiss) don't notice or care that she's that much younger than them.
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]]: For the most part averted, as Rooster Teeth has designed all the costumes for ''RWBY'' with cosplayers in mind -- but in V4 and after, her cape behaves... oddly, changing its length from a few feet long to ''dozens'' as dramatically appropriate. See, for instance, the V4 trailer, and the opening sequence of V5.
* [[Kid Hero]]: Well, 15 years old (Then 16); but she is very young, but is also Remnant's biggest hero.
* [[Kid Hero]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Literal-Minded]]: Occasionally shows signs of this, such as not understanding Weiss is being facetious about forgetting the existence of the fairgrounds in V3E1.
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* [[Magic Skirt]]
* [[Magnetic Hero]]
* [[Missing Mom]]: Her mother, Summer Rose disappeared on a 'mission' when she was little; she still seems to idolize Summer, and regularly visits her grave. It is later revealed her mother is not dead, but something far worse, having been turned into one of Salem's Grimm experiments.
* [[Missing Mom]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]: When she gets excited.
* [[Nom De Mom]]: She uses her mother's last name, unlike her older sister.
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* [[Gray Eyes|Silver Eyes]]: Basically the first thing Ozpin says to her is a comment on her eyes. Her eyes are {{spoiler|related to a power she has.}}
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Averted. Although Crescent Rose is ''massive'' in its scythe form, and is definitely deadly, it somehow fails to be truly ''sinister'', instead coming across as a ''heroic scythe''.
* [[Spank the Cutie]]: Nearly became a victim of this from Glynda, if the 'slap on the wrist' euphemism was any indication. Ozpin rescued her from this however as he had plans to recruit her instead.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]
* [[Socially Awkward Hero]]: Or so she initially describes herself. But by the middle of Volume 1 she seems to be quite at ease with the other students around her, enough so that she can even briefly mentor Jaune on being a team leader.
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* [[Battle Couple]]: With Taiyang Xiao Long.
* [[Cool Gate]]: Her semblance allows her to generate them at will. In V5, we learn that she can only open them to the location of a person with which she has made some kind of bond; Yang lists these as herself, her father, and Qrow.
* [[Cool Mask]]: See [[mediaMedia:Rwby-raven branwen masked.jpg|this image]]. {{spoiler|Turns out to have a very practical purpose -- to hide the [[Fireball Eyeballs]] indicative of a Maiden using her power when helping Vernal fake being the Spring Maiden.}}
* [[Generation Xerox]]: Yang's mother, and bears a strong resemblance to Yang.
* [[Hypocrite]]: So described by [[Word of God]], and a complex one, but at its root is a fundamental difference between the image she presents as a tough, in-control leader and the truth, in which she acts out of fear that she's too weak or not in control.
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::'''Voiced by: Jen Taylor'''
::'''Based on: [[The Wonderful Wizard of Oz|The Wicked Witch of the West]] (?)'''
* [[Abusive Parents]]: An abusive mother figure to Cinder, directly compared to Cinder's abusive stepmother from her past. She was on the receiving end of this as well, her father kept her locked in a tower in her younger years, and 'fairy tales of remnant' confirms he treated her like a possession, it even being implied he would physically abuse her at times.
* [[Bigger Bad]]: Short of the God of Darkness, long ago departed from Remnant, she's definitely the Biggest Bad.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
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::'''Voiced by: Christopher Sabat'''
::'''Based on: UnknownDr.John Watson'''
::{{spoiler|'''Apparently killed in the destruction of Atlas in V8E14'''}}
* [[A Lighter Shade of Black]] Played with then ''horribly'' subverted later. In volume 5 we see him disapprove of Cinder's needlessly reckless plan in Haven Academy, seemingly setting him up as the more pragmatic one compared to the viciously petty and sadistic Cinder. The Atlas arc reveals just how evil Arthur himself is, being willing to freeze thousands and having sold out his own kingdom simply for fame or adoration. Its even implied that his dislike of Cinder stems from sickening elitism, having known her past as a slave to the Atlas elite, which he was part of.
* [[Badass Mustache]]/[[Porn Stache]]: Straddles the line between the two.
* [[British Accents]]/[[Mid-Atlantic Accent]]: Speaks in a refined manner that could either be Mid-Atlantic or a soft RP.
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* [[Archery]]: The ranged form of her weapon is a bow, and she is a dead shot with it.
* {{spoiler|[[An Arm and a Leg]]: We learn in V5E13 that she lost an arm to Ruby's "white-out" in V3E12 -- and [[Appendage Assimilation|had it replaced with a Grimm arm]], courtesy of Salem.}}
* [[The Baroness]]: Sexpot version. Cinder is a beautiful, dominant woman with an obsession with power, and dresses in many proactive clothes to emphasize her curvy form. In Volume 7 onwards she begins wearing a skintight black outfit.
* [[The Baroness]]: Sexpot version.
* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: She wields a pair of scimitars which fit together to form a bow.
* [[Big Bad]]: For the first three volumes. Then a [[Bigger Bad]] is revealed...
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