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** [https://notalwaysright.com/the-patient-isnt-the-only-one-with-patience/19666/ The Patient Isn’t The Only One With Patience]. This patient's nurses mobilized when her sister called and was planning to commit suicide.
* [[Karmic Jackpot]]: A photographer stayed after hours to do a photoshoot of a terminally ill girl, even though her mother didn't have an appointment, because his waiting list was so long he was worried she wouldn't live long enough. He refused payment, because it was the right thing to do. She and her mother came back months later, revealing she had recovered, and the mother tried paying him again. Again, he refused, and she insisted on taking him out to dinner to thank him. They got married, and the photo of his stepdaughter on a unicorn is still in their living room, though now she groans at it with embarrassment every time he good-naturedly points it out to her friends.
* [[Supreme Chef]]:
* [[Supreme Chef]]:* [https://notalwaysright.com/there-is-a-pot-of-feel-gold-at-the-end-of-this-rainbow/199055/ At a pizza place, a mother whose daughter was in the hospital said that her kid wanted rainbow pizza as a birthday meal]. She said she understood if they couldn't do it, but the chefs became excited at the challenge. The end result -- with peppers, purple cauliflower, and so forth-- apparently came out so well that they added it to the menu.
** [[https://notalwaysright.com/grandmas-cake-cures-all/19700/ Grandma's Cake Cures All]] has the OP adding their grandmother's apple cake to a bakery menu. One customer buys it and says happily that it tastes exactly like the cake that ''his'' grandmother used to make; she passed away a few years ago, but eating the cake brought back happy memories of her. He became a regular, buying a piece every week after the OP received permission to pass on the recipe to him]].
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