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== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[Discworld]]'' has Narritivium. Everything traces back to it; [[Justified Trope|justified]] by the fact that narritivium is literally story- so of course it causes everything, [[Post Modernism|the Discworld is a series of books!]]
* The Eastern Empire in [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]'' books has become so dependent on magic for basic needs like heating that it nearly collapses when magic becomes unreliable.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
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** Flavoring crystals? Like salt?
* ''[[Bionicle]]'': Protodermis in the Matoran Universe.
* Pretty much everything in the ''[[Transformers]]'' [[Verse]] runs on Energon. The earliest [[Marvel Comics]] stories avert this, having them use a liquid fuel that can be derived from oil, but the writers quickly adopted energon [[Canon Immigrant|from the TV series]] and never looked back.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* [[Truth in Television]]: backBack in the 1950s they thought everything in the future would be nuclear. Cars, planes, toasters, the ''water in your house''. [[Fallout|All improved thanks to the power of your friend, the atom!]]
* ...but in actual reality, most everything seems to depend on oil :(
** We're not in the future yet.
*** Not until we have flying cars and personal jetpacks. Also flying skateboards.
**** [ Wait...] [ what?]
* Blake Snyder's ''Save the Cat'' book on screenwriting specifically advises authors to do this under his Double Mumbo Jumbo theory. According to him, if you try to make the audience buy two separate supramundane elements it stretches the film's credibility to the breaking point. He pointed out a flop like [[Signs]] which asked the audience to juggle a debate over whether or not God exists ''and'' one over whether or not evil space aliens exist.<ref>*According to the author: "And if you don't believe me, try substituting the word "Allah" for the word "God" and see if your brain doesn't melt."</ref>