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'''''The Sandman''''' is a 2022 Netflix show, based on [[The Sandman| the comic book series]] of the same name by [[Neil Gaiman]] . PremieredIt premiered on August 5, 2022.
A hundred years ago, a sorcerer called Roderick Burgess tried to imprison the Angel of Death. He ended up miscalculating, capturing a mysterious man with a helmet, ruby and a pouch of sand. On finding out the man is the Lord of Dreams, Roderick tried to use Dream's captivity to bargain for powers.
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** The scene where Mr. Kincaid finds out his daughter Unity is asleep and not waking up, and realizing that she's not responding to him. He orders his wife to call the doctor, fearing Unity must be deathly ill. As Dream narrated, Unity wasn't the only one that fell victim to this sleeping sickness. Others had chronic insomnia or somnambulism.
** The sad part about Death going about her rounds is that everyone she reaps has very mundane deaths. A violinist recites a prayer in Hebrew before he passes on sleeping peacefully, a husband drowns while on vacation with his wife and begs Death to let him tell his wife the code to his phone, {{spoiler|a baby succumbs to SIDs while the mother is getting a bottle, and Franklin dies in a random street accident}}.
** Rose's quest to find her little brother Jed after their parents separated in a divorce. Since their parents died recently, she wants to to become his guardian and reunite with him. The foster care agent is no help, refusing to give information because she says that Rose can't raise Jed with her lack of income. {{spoiler|She finds out belatedly that his foster parents were abusive, and a serial killer kidnaps him as bait. Rose has no choice but to meet with the Corinthian at a designated spot, preparing to exchange herself for her little brother}}.
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: One man begs Death to let him talk to his wife, to say goodbye and give her the code to his phone so she has the travel information for their vacation. She apologetically shows him that he drowned a few minutes ago, so it's too late.
* [[Bait and Switch]]: When Dream tells Rose that Matthew will help her in the real world, serving as his eyes and ears, Rose spots a bird on the beach. She goes to talk to it. Matthew is a few feet away; he corrects her that she was talking to a crow, while he is a raven. Good thing too, since {{spoiler|the Corinthian was a few feet away as well}}.
* [[Black and White Insanity]]: John Dee has this problem; his mother was a [[Consummate Liar]], and his nightmares indicate that she tried to kill him. As a result, he hates liars. The reason why he spares {{spoiler|Rosemary, however, is she explains that people lie out of fear. Fear that they will die, or their loved ones will be hurt. Realizing that he's scaring her, John gives her his amulet of protection, promising that now she won't ever have to lie anymore or live in fear}}. In the diner, {{spoiler|this mindset and his power with the Ruby leads to multiple heart-to-hearts between characters, an orgyfest, and eventually violence where John Dee compels everyone to die}}. Dream has to point out the obvious: if you see their deceptions in a black-and-white context, it means that you don't see {{spoiler|their hopes and dreams. Because dreams are fundamentally lies with grains of truth, and they motivate people to act and improve their lives}}.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: Roderick Burgess makes demands of the captive Dream when learning what he really is from the Corinthian. Dream says that even if he could give those gifts, honor and dedication to his duty would have compelled him to refuse. He gets his revenge once he's out on Alex.
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** Joanna Constantine realizes that she left the bag of sand at her ex's place. Rachel answers the door, upset that Joanna ghosted her, but willing to hear her out if Joanna apologizes since she was worried Joanna's line of work had killed her. Joanna does, saying that it was stupid and selfish of her to leave without even a note. It seems they can at least part civilly and Dream can get his pouch. {{spoiler|Then Rachel dissolves into dust, and Dream awakens Joanna. It was a nightmare caused by the sand afflicting the apartment. The real Rachel is dying in bed; she unknowingly used the Dream Sand and it reduced her to a shell of her former self.}}
** After the battle in Hell, Dream is relieved that the ruby is in a warehouse with no guards or protection. He cups it, only to realize something is wrong. The jewel knocks him out, just as John Dee arrives to claim it.
** Rose cheers with relief when from the information that {{spoiler|Jed gives her in the mindscape, she finds an address for him and the names of his foster parents}}. Then she arrives to the place and {{spoiler|police cars are surrounding it. Corinthian beat her to the house, killed Barnaby and Clarice, and took Jed to ensure that Rose would meet with him.}}
* [[Living MacGuffin]]: Rose Walker becomes this for the Corinthian in the present day. The reason? {{spoiler|She is a Vortex, a rare mortal imbued with the powers of the Dreaming. The Corinthian can siphon those powers away from her to become strong enough to defeat Dream. He forgets something, however: Rose can also empower ''Dream'' and the Dreaming now that she knows how to use these gifts. Rose quickly turns the tide when Dream tells her how powerful she is}}.
* [[Mama Bear]]: {{spoiler|Gault}} surrenders to Dream and sheds the glamour of posing as Miranda Walker when he and Rose enter {{spoiler|Jed's mindscape, ordering the kid not to confront "The King of Nightmares".}} She explicitly says that she went against her purpose as a nightmare because {{spoiler|Jed is being abused in the waking world and she wanted to protect him from it. While she calls out Dream for not wanting to accept change as he sentences her to a thousand years in darkness, she trusts that he and Rose will find Jed in the waking world}}.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: The reason why Joanna doesn't stay close to any romantic partners is because her line of work -- demon exorcisms for fees-- can get them killed. She's horrified on learning that her carelessness with Dream's bag of sand ended up {{spoiler|indirectly poisoning Rachel, and not even Dream can cure her}}.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Happens at the end of "24/7". John Dee made two crucial mistakes that allows Dream to defeat him: {{spoiler|he gives up his amulet of protection to Rosemary, and he smashes the ruby in an attempt to kill Dream. Without the amulet, Dream is free to torment him with nightmares of his childhood, and the ruby contained most of Dream's powers. Dream gets his powers back, and swiftly shows John that he lost with this miscalculation}}.
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* [[Perky Goth]]: Death, much like she is in the comics.
* [[Pet the Dog]]:
** While the Corinthian is mad at Ethel for refusing to help him fight Dream, and sending him back to the Dreaming with her amulet of protection, he doesn't hold it against her son. When John Dee escapes the hospital, Corinthian offers his coat, saying that he doesn't need it back when John gets to his destination. Sure, there was a selfish reason in that John is the only one who can probably get rid of Dream forever, but this is the ''Corinthian'' we're seeing. Later, when Carl housesits for Rose and Lyta, the Corinthian {{spoiler|doesn't kill him and instead sleeps with Carl, before flying to England to meet Unity}}.
** When it seems like John Dee is going to kill Rosemary after she transports him to the warehouse, {{spoiler|he gifts her the amulet of protection instead when she answers honestly that she's scared that he'll hurt her dog. John says that he won't need it anymore once he gets his ruby.}}
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: The Corinthian tells Roderick Burgress how to keep Dream captive indefinitely as well as who he really is. He says it's in their best interest that Dream ''never'' escapes because he knows his creator will not be nice the minute he gets his powers back.
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** We see John Dee as an innocent baby long before he comes the monstrous serial killer. His mother turned him into the monster.
* [[What You Are in the Dark]]: After his father's death, Alex ''almost'' frees Dream. He has felt sympathy for the prisoner. It's only because the servants remind him that his father wouldn't want this that he stops. Dream pities him, understanding, but still plans to punish him for killing Jessamy.
* [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]]: Unlike in the comics, where Corinthian explicitly {{spoiler|eats boys' eyes, he only kidnaps Jed but has no intention of killing him. Some of it is [[Pragmatic Villainy]], but you can sense that he targets adults. He instead bargains with Rose that if she surrenders herself in exchange, he'll return Jed unharmed.}}
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: Dream finally returns home, to the Dreaming. He finds out most of the denizens, including his subjects, have left. There are exceptions, like Lucienne who waited faithfully. Dream realizes he has to go back to Earth to find all the dreams and nightmares before they can prey on the living.
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