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* [[Expy]]: A loose one of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_II_of_Spain Phillip II]. Both engage in expansionist campaigns against England (or a fictional counterpart), both have close ties to their patron religion and some degree of influence over it, and both bit off more than they could chew militarily, only the IRL version was less worse off in the long run.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Inverted. Yes, he may be a megalomaniac who believes he should own the world. But if you're his loyal servants who can help him then he'll treat you with equal respect regardless of your race or your look.
* [[Large Ham]]: Is always bragging about how great he believes himself to be, if Emperador's sprite pose is anything to go by.
**Several years before the story, when even Edelland was still genociding daemons with their anti-demon law, Emperador welcomed daemons with open arms, who in turn helped Emperador tremendously during his Reconquista. Later on you can see Emperador cheers up and rewards daemonic soldiers with equal respect as human soldiers.
* {{spoiler|[[Literally Shattered Lives]]}}: At the end of the True Route, {{Spoiler|Emperador, in a final bid to kill Lute, uses Medusa’s head to petrify him. It doesn’t work and Lute takes up the head, thinking it must have run out of power. To prove it, he has Emperador look at the head, which petrified him. Lute breaks him with his sword}}.
**{{Spoiler|When the entire Eurodia (including Lute!) discriminate Immortal squad as some incarnation of evil simply because of who they are, Emperador is able to see past their horrific appearance and recognize their value. He welcomes them into his army without letting their looks and their species cloud his judgement. Indeed, the Immortal squad prove they can perform just as good, even better than other armies in the world as they successfully decimate the enemy but never harm any ally soldiers}}.
* [[It's All About Me]]: Believes himself to be the one true ruler of the continent and is not above using force to enforce his belief.
* [[Large Ham]]: Is always bragging about how great he believes himself to be, if Emperador's sprite pose is anything to go by.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Led a reconquista to reclaim Iberian's homeland from Sultanate {{Spoiler|and rescued Serebria & her sister from Sultanate soldiers who tried to kidnap them}}, colonizes the New World and turn Iberia into one of the strongest and richest kingdom in Eudoria, goes to front line and cheer up his soldiers, even personally leads the final assault against Lute's army camp.
* {{spoiler|[[Literally Shattered Lives]]}}: At the end of the True Route, {{Spoiler|Emperador, in a final bid to kill Lute, uses Medusa’s head to petrify him. It doesn’t work and Lute takes up the head, thinking it must have run out of power. To prove it, he has Emperador look at the head, which petrified him. Lute breaks him with his sword}}.
* [[Royal We]]: Like Aphordia, he also addresses himself as this since he's the king, and thus he is Iberia itself.
* [[It's All About Me]]: Believes himself to be the one true ruler of the continent and is not above using force to enforce his belief.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: The reason why he's so obsessed with controlling Hillsland & Nordland, other than him wanting to rule the entire Eudoria, is because {{Spoiler|if both kingdoms are allowed to develop their maritime activities, eventually Iberia's naval supremacy will be challenged and Iberia's lucrative trade with the New World will be nibbled away, causing the slow decline of his great empire}}.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Led a reconquista to reclaim Iberian's homeland from Sultanate {{Spoiler|and rescued Serebria & her sister from Sultanate soldiers who tried to kidnap them}}, colonizes the New World and turn Iberia into one of the strongest and richest kingdom in EudoriaEurodia, goes to front line and cheer up his soldiers, {{Spoiler|even personally leads the final assault against Lute's army camp}}.
* [[Royal We]]: Like Aphordia, he also addresses himself as this since he's the king, and thus he is Iberia itself.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: The reason why he's so obsessed with controlling Hillsland & Nordland, other than him wanting to rule the entire EudoriaEurodia, is because {{Spoiler|if both kingdoms are allowed to develop their maritime activities, eventually Iberia's naval supremacy will be challenged and Iberia's lucrative trade with the New World will be nibbled away, causing the slow decline of his great empire}}.
=== Historias ===
Emperador's prime minister and court magician.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[The Corrupter]] When visiting Lingobard, Historias attempted to manipulate Argent into going against Lute but failed. General Schlamm warns him not to try again.
* [[Poisonous Friend]]: His liege is already not the wisest or morally upright of people, but Historias only eggs his darker qualities onwards.
== Church of Holy Rood ==
[[File:Church_of_Holy_Rood_1.jpg|thumb|And thus we pray!]]
The organization in general is basically their world's equivalent of the Catholic Church.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this organization in general include:}}
* [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]]: Or as Saint Reaper calls it the "Valley of Hinnom".<ref>Which is a direct translation of Gehenna, considered the worst form of Hell in Jewish tradition</ref>
* [[Saintly Church]]: Clearly the Catholic Church of their world.
* [[Corrupt Church]]: A few of the Cardinals believe they should hold the highest authoritative power. Catholicis wants to restore power of the papacy to rein over Eurodia as well as reinstate the anti-demon law.
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: They all talk like this.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Aside from the colors of their outfits (and maybe some slight skin tone variations), all of the cardinals look exactly the same regardless of age or nationality/race.
=== Cardinal Agatha ===
[[File:Cardinal_Agatha_Gaiden.jpg|thumb|Let not thy arrogance blind thee!]]
The Chairman of the Council of Cardinals of the Church of Holy Rood.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Big Good]]: He's a fair man and the head of the Council of Cardinals. He was one of the ones who had no problem with Lute marrying Shamsiel from the beginning. In fact, even before/without having met Shamsiel or Lute in person, he still refers to Shamsiel as just that: a person. Not a "devil" like some of the other Cardinals had.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: When he meets Lute and Shamsiel in person, even when they make jokes and talk somewhat crudely, he doesn't get upset or insulted and actually finds them amusing.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: After the debacle involving the corruption of the church due to certain cardinals, Agatha is rightfully worried about who will succeed his position. Ideally, he would rather have Fango succeed him.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: One of the few of his colleagues who actually is one consistently.
* [[Saintly Church]]: He at least tries to live up to this standard, and isn't arrogant enough to think himself without flaw.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Aside from the colors of his outfit being the fanciest and his skin being slightly paler than the rest, all of the cardinals look exactly the same as him.
=== Cardinal Fango ===
[[File:Cardinal_Fango_Gaiden.jpg|thumb|He has a point]]
One of the Council of Cardinals of the Church of Holy Rood sent to evaluate Lute and Shamsiel's qualifications as queen. He's actually FOR Shamsiel and Lute's marriage.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Actually Pretty Funny]]: Some of the jokes Lute and the others make even get him to snicker once or twice.
* [[Big Good]]: He's actually a fair man and supports Lute and Shamsiel's marriage from the start.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: He is one of the cardinals who from the start had no problem with Shamsiel, a succubus, marrying Lute.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: In a sense. When Shamsiel puts on her queenly white dress, Lute noticed that both Cardinals were enchanted by her elegance and beauty.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: He was sent with Canossa to evaluate Shamsiel because he is this. Agatha even favors Fango of one day succeeding him since he is one of the few actually reasonable cardinals.
* [[Saintly Church]]: He seems closer to this than Canossa, Nigolinov or Cathoilicis will ever be.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Aside from the colors of his outfit being mainly green, all of the cardinals look exactly the same as him.
=== Cardinal Canossa ===
[[File:Cardinal Canossa Gaiden.jpg|thumb|Woof]]
One of the Council of Cardinals of the Church of Holy Rood who sides with Catholicis I in his takeover of the Church of Holy Rood.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Ass in a Lion Skin]] He's a Cardinal of the Church of Holy Rood, but he's also a colossal [[Jerk Ass]].
* [[Asshole Victim]] {{spoiler|Canossa and Catholicis get imprisoned in the Hillsland dungeon when their scheme to trap Lute, Aphrodia, Isis, and Emperador to meet death with a Gorgon fail. They're given life imprisonment}}
* [[Berserk Button]] He's not fond of having his insults thrown right back in his face. He can dish it, but he can't take it.
* [[The Bus Came Back]] In the Peace Route, Canossa was revealed to have been kicked out of the clergy but gets reinstated after Catholicis took over.
* [[Corrupt Church]] {{spoiler|He took orders from Cardinal Catholicis to plant the Mask of Amnesia for Lute to find and unwittingly use}}.
* [[Revenge Before Reason]] Despite just getting off on a slight punishment when he could've received more severe consequences for his actions back in the previous title, Canossa is shown to harbor a grudge against Lute and Shamsiel that he took the chance to ruin them once Catholicis presented him the opportunity.
* [[You All Look Familiar]] Aside from the colors of his outfit being shades of black, all of the cardinals look exactly the same as him.
=== Cardinal Catholicis ===
One of the Council of Cardinals of the Church of Holy Rood who plots to rule the Church of Holy Rood and restore its power.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Asshole Victim]] In the Peace Route, {{spoiler|Canossa and Catholicis get imprisoned in the Hillsland dungeon when their scheme to trap Lute, Aphrodia, Isis, Historias, and Emperador to meet death with a Gorgon fail. They're given life imprisonment}}.
** In the True Harem Route, {{Spoiler|Catholicis gets killed by Assassin K by order of Emperador simply as a precaution}}.
* [[Ass in a Lion Skin]] He's a Cardinal of the Church of Holy Rood, but he's also a colossal [[Jerk Ass]], much like Canossa and Niglinov before him.
* [[Fantastic Racism]] Thinks Lute’s marriage to Shamsiel, a succubus, is a blasphemy that needs to be eradicated to realize his vision of a perfect world; this means to reinstate the anti-demon law.
* [[You All Look Familiar]] Aside from the colors of his outfit being shades of black, all of the cardinals look exactly the same as him.
== Other Characters ==
=== The Mermen ===
Aquatic beings who serve as pirate allies for Hillsland.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Defeat Equals Friendship]] After Mask/Lute accidentally beat them up in his sleep and witnessing him defeating the Minotaur, they pledge their loyalty to him.
=== The Minotaur ===
A monster residing in a tower where prisoners on death row get sent to fight for their freedom.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: The Minotaur's method of attack is to devour the desires of his victims which causes their heads to melt.
* [[Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth]]: Lute's desires DON'T STOP. Trying to eat all of his made the first Minotaur explode. When the second Minotaur tries this and nearly meets the same fate, it immediately knows not to try crossing him ever again and pledges loyalty.
=== Assassin ABCDE ===
[[File:AssassinABCDEGaiden.jpg|thumb|Now color-coded for convenience!]]
A group of assassins that will take pretty much any job for a little cash.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: These guys went from being somewhat of a threat in the first story, to being as much of a threat as a plastic bag in this one. You'd have to be ''really'' stupid to manage to die by their hands.
* [[Expy]]: Their appearance makes them look like humanoid [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Doms]].
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: If the glowing orb in the center of their helmets ''is'' their eye that is.
=== Assassin K ===
A mysterious masked assassin who is far more dangerous than the ones before him.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: If the glowing orb in the center of his helmet ''is'' his eye that is.


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