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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Accidental Pornomancer]]: He still doesn't have any idea that he's actually {{spoiler|half-human half-incubus}}, which is part of the reason why he's unbeatable in bed. {{spoiler|He's finally told the truth by Shamsiel after Serebia confirmed it}}.
* [[Achievements in Ignorance]]: Not as much as in the first time around, but he still has a few moments where he pulls ofoff unthinkably difficult tasks without being fully aware of how he actually did it.
* [[Amnesiac Hero]]: At the beginning of the game, Lute wakes up in Hillsland, far off from Edelland, with no recollection of who he is and how he got there.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: As was said, he graduated dead last in his class at the Royal Knight's Academy, and yet eventually managed to become the King. However, in terms of international opinion, he's still seen in a low light, because they consider him just the king of some second-rate kingdom. There's also his reputation for being the "Tits-loving King".
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=== Nellis ===
A court magician for the Kingdom of Lingobard is now employed as one for Edelland asaas well as Lute’s personal “milk maid”.
* B 98cm H-cup
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* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: Like pretty much every girl before her, she starts to fall for Lute for this reason.
* [[Belly Dancer]]: Her outfit kind of reminds one of this.
* [[Crazy Enough to Work]]: Nellis managed to pinpoint where Lute is located and discovered he had suffered from amnesia due to the Cursed Mask. When asked by Roxanne and Luceria how to restore his memories, Nellis suggests that getting a titfuck from the First Queen will do the trick, much to their annoyance. [[{{spoiler: |it actually worked]]}}.
* [[You're Drinking Breast Milk]]: Nellis continues to serve as Lute's milk maid, eagerly awaiting the next time Lute will suck on her breasts.
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=== Rosalyn ===
[[File:Rosalyn.png|thumb|Pirate mermaid princess!]]
The Princess of Hillsland who is also a pirate, a mermaid, and the best friend of Estoria.
*B 97cm I-cup
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Kaburagi Tetsuko]] aka [[Kobayashi Maki]] (JP)}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by her include:}}
* [[A-Cup Angst]]: Though she’s rather busty herself, Rosalyn felt overwhelmed when she visits Edelland for the first time and meetingmeets her fellow co-wives. Rosalyn felt inadequate in comparison to the rest of Lute’s harem and wondered if she was worthy to be with him.
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]: In three different flavors! Rosalyn’s forms as a pirate, princess, or mermaid hashave her cleavage on full display.
* [[Action Girl]]: Moonlights as a pirate captain to take down enemy ships sailing her country's waters.
* [[Armor-Piercing Slap]]: Rosalyn angrily slaps Langston after he continues to unjustly blame Lute/Mask for the potential war between Hillsland and Fronce, never mind that Legrand was the one who instigated it with his petty lies, Lute/Mask had been locked in a cell the whole time because of said lies, and Langston himself didn’t do anything about it when he could have.
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Like Shamsiel who is a succubus, Rosalyn is a mermaid who falls for Lute.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: Rosalyn fell for "Mask" despite never seeing his face.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Princess Pirate Mermaid]]: Later switches out the first one for {{spoiler|Queen}}.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]: Rosalyn is a mermaid who can also switch between that and human form at will.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Rosalyn once mentioned she wished she could have a king like Lute for a husband from all the feats she heard of him, not realizing Mask, the one she fell for and married, was actually an amnesiac Lute.
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=== Estoria ===
[[File:Estoria.png|thumb|"You are not worth my time!"]]
The Princess of Nordland and the best friend of Rosalyn.
* B 104cm K-cup
* W 60cm
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* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Starts off hating Lute without knowing a thing about him, writing him off as a womanizing pervert.
* [[Break The Haughty]]: Estoria is arrogant, but after her country gets in danger of being invaded, her snooty attitude fell through especially after being forced to lead after the death of her father the king. She also feared Lute would leave her and her country to their fate after the way she treated him.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Despite her impressive battle outfit, Estoria really has no experience in leading a war, which leadleads her to panic.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: Assumed Lute was a worthless plain-looking pervert who lives off of Hagel I's legacy just by his appearance and what she heard from his detractors. Estoria seemed to favor Legrand solely for being a handsome prince from a powerful country, not realizing he's actually [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|a selfish opportunistic braggart with no real feats to his name]].
* [[Humble Pie]]: Estoria had always thought lowly of Lute, despite never actually knowing him, simply writing him off as a worthless pervert who doesn't deserve his status as king. After Lute saves her kingdom from invasion, Estoria was forced to re-evaluate her views of him, making her realize she had been hating and demeaning Lute for no real reason. She began to think she doesn't deserve Lute's forgiveness. Fortunately, he's not one to hold petty grudges.
* [[Know-Nothing Know-It-All]]: Estoria acts like she knows everything she needs to about Lute, thereby labeling him as a worthless perverted king who doesn’t deserve his title. TruthThe truth is she doesn’t know a thing about him and doesn’t attempt to since she’s convinced she knows what’s needed.
* [[So Beautiful It's a Curse]]: Aside from Queen Aphrodia, Estoria is also well known throughout the continent as being one of the most beautiful women ever. She had been proposed to by countless would-be suitors, just to reject them all.
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* [[Detached Sleeves]]
* [[High Heel Face Turn]]: {{Spoiler|Serebria defects to Lute’s side once she confirms he is actually the King of the Hallowed Demons}}.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: When Serebria captured Rosalyn’s ship (whowhich was quickly escorted off before the capture), she had the crew dead to rights. Lute/Mask, who was the acting captain, proposed settling things with a coin toss. If he beats her and her crew members in coin tossing, they leave peacefully (and gets to dance with Serebria, but will die if he loses even once. Serebria humors Lute/Mask and takes him on. He beats all the crew members, and Serebria honors the bet to leave them. Before that, she dances with him as part of his win.
* [[Last of Her Kind]]: Serebria is the last undine left in the world.
* [[Only Sane Woman]]: Tries, in vain, to point out to her side that they should quit biting off more than they can chew. She gets ignored.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]: Serebria is an Undine, which would explain why she’s her kingdom’s naval commander. Oddly enough, she hasn’t shown any aquatic form to speak of.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Though Serebria is the queen of Iberia, she tries to do what she thought was best for her country, unlike her husband, Emperador II, who takes extremely questionable methods. She angrily calls him out on ordering the assassination of {{Spoiler|Prime Minister Zeitzen of Nordland, saying since he's a prime supporter of Edelland, all suspicions of his death will be pointed at Iberia. She was proven right and that the act was not only useless to Iberia’s cause, but rather it was harmful}}. She even takes action inat the end {{spoiler|as the last royal in charge of Iberia}}, to declare peace to spare her people further bloodshed.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Serebria is the queen of Iberia and a renowned naval commander since she is also an undine.
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Father of Motaire and top merchant of Edelland.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Guile Hero]]: The few times he's seen he acts as a messenger and diplomat between different parties on behalf of Edelland, and is trusted enough to do the job right he gets his marching orders straight from the top.
* [[Seen It All]]: The reason he displays not a whit of perverse behavior. He did invent the brassiere, and as a result he's practically unfazed by the sight of any woman's cleavage.
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Expy]]: A loose one of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_II_of_Spain Phillip II]. Both engage in expansionist campaigns against England (or a fictional counterpart), both have close ties to their patron religion and some degree of influence over it, and both bit off more than they could chew militarily, only the IRL version was less worsebad off in the long run.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Subverted. Yes, he may be a megalomaniac who believes he should own the world. But if you're his loyal servants who can help him then he'll treat you with equal respect regardless of your race or your look.
** Several years before the story, when even Edelland was still genociding daemons with their anti-demon law, Emperador welcomed daemons with open arms, who in turn helped Emperador tremendously during his Reconquista. Later on, you can see Emperador cheers up and rewards daemonic soldiers with equal respect as human soldiers.
** {{Spoiler|When the entire Eurodia (including Lute!) discriminate Immortal squad as some incarnation of evil simply because of who they are, Emperador is able to see past their horrific appearance and recognize their value. He welcomes them into his army without letting their looks and their species cloud his judgementjudgment. Indeed, the Immortal squad proveproves they can perform just as goodwell, even better than other armies in the world as they successfully decimate the enemy but never harm any ally soldiers}}.
* [[Large Ham]]: Is always bragging about how great he believes himself to be, if Emperador's sprite pose is anything to go by.
* {{spoiler|[[Literally Shattered Lives]]}}: At the end of the True Route, {{Spoiler|Emperador, in a final bid to kill Lute, uses Medusa’s head to petrify him. It doesn’t work and Lute takes up the head, thinking it must have run out of power. To prove it, he has Emperador look at the head, which petrified him. Lute breaks him with his sword}}.
* [[It's All About Me]]: Believes himself to be the one true ruler of the continent and is not above using force to enforce his belief.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Led a reconquistaReconquista to reclaim Iberian's homeland from Sultanate {{Spoiler|and rescued Serebria & her sister from Sultanate soldiers who tried to kidnap them}}, colonizes the New World and turn Iberia into one of the strongest and richest kingdomkingdoms in Eurodia, goes to the front line and cheer up his soldiers, {{Spoiler|even personally leads the final assault against Lute's army camp}}.
* [[Royal We]]: Like AphordiaAphrodia, he also addresses himself as this since he's the king, and thus he is Iberia itself.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: The reason why he's so obsessed with controlling Hillsland & Nordland, other than him wanting to rule the entire Eurodia, is because {{Spoiler|if both kingdoms are allowed to develop their maritime activities, eventually Iberia's naval supremacy will be challenged and Iberia's lucrative trade with the New World will be nibbled away, causing the slow decline of his great empire}}.
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