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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* The ''[[PvP (webcomic)]]'' has a few instances:
** When their college roommate Max Powers reenters their lives, and their rental building, Cole and Brent start an [[Escalating War]] of pranks out of pettiness. Jade tries to stop it because it's not professional and could get the pair in serious trouble. After BrentCole gets himself stung with bees during a prank gone wrong and needs to see a doctor for anaphylactic shock, he finally admits to Jade that he's jealous that Max is young, handsome, and more successful with the dream job of running a gaming magazine than he is. Cole knows that his employees don't respect him, and the ''PVP'' magazine is a financial drain. Jade has to point out that it's not an excuse for being such an ass to Max, who has been perfectly nice to the whole crew. {{spoiler|Cole later says the same thing to Max a few years later, when he and Brent let the workplace drama spill into a fight about who should invite Max to their Thanksgiving dinner. Cole apologizes for his jealousy, saying it was really never about Max}}.
** Also happens between an argument Brent and Jade have after Skull accidentally totals Brent's car and the latter has to drive with his girlfriend. Brent's micromanaging makes him a backseat driver, complete with him ''trying to take the wheel'' while in the passenger seat. Jade is fed up and smacks him. They arrive to work sullen, with Brent being shaken. Brent has a legitimate point when talking with a therapist and Cole about it, the fact that Jade thought it was okay to hit him and people at the office mocked him for being upset: if it had been the other way around, he'd look like a domestic abuser. Jade in the meantime does apologize but also points out that Brent could have gotten them in another bad accident.
* Downplayed in [http://superredundant.com/?comic=1190-toxic-patterns this] ''[[League Of Super Redundant Heroes]]''.
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