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Steins;Gate/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* Let's not forget the {{spoiler|threatening email SERN sent to Okabe, complete with a picture of a severed, bloody head. All of this from a research organization too}}.
* The letter written by {{spoiler|the suicidal Aname was particularly haunting. Her constantly writing [[Madness Mantra|"I failed"]] and the revelation that she became mentally unstable after 25 years of bliss are enough to induce nightmares}}.
* In {{Spoiler|Suzuha's}} ending, Okabe starts going through a severe case of [[Sanity Slippage]] from repeating the same two days so many times that he had lost count (likely in the '''''thousands'''''). He is so far gone at that point that he gets snippy with Kurisu with no playfulness about it. He begins to develop dark thoughts in his mind, such as pushing Daru out in front of a passing truck or, worse yet, he considers ''raping'' Suzuha because the time loop would reset anyway, so he couldn't be held accountable for said actions since they won't have happened. Thank God {{Spoiler|Suzuha}} was there to snap him out of it!
** Three short sentences appearing on the screen: "Do her. Kill her. Rape her!" Those last two though? They flash up in big red letters!
*In Episode 17, Faris is being pursued by a gang of thugs after beating them in a RaiNet match. The VN gives a better understanding of what these guys are like, but regardless, imagine what they would've done with Faris if either A) Okabe wasn't there to help, or B) {{Spoiler|her dad}} hadn't showed up. She could've been beaten, killed, or any other unspeakable acts which we will avoid mentioning.
*Episode 23: The fact that {{Spoiler|Dr. Nakabachi hates his daughter so much that he was willing to steal her work, beat her, and even murder her, purely out of envy is horrific.}}
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* Mr. Tennouji has on many occasions threatened Okabe with eviction, or a rent hike if he continued to cause him trouble; in his story, he gets so angry that he outright threatens to '''''kill''''' everyone in the room when he kicks them out after disagreements with the lab's renovations turn hostile.
* In Ruka's story, we learn that Mayuri suddenly died of a heart attack while attending ComiMa. Worse still, we are '''shown''' what that looks like; she's clutching her chest with a look of sheer agony on her face (which is just in frame). For heart attack survivors, this would be painful to look at.
* The events leading up to August 13th play out from Moeka's perspective in "The Quantum Awakening", but it illustrates how dangerous the Rounders can when she spots some of them chasing down and killing a scientist who had defected from them. Then there's her internal war with herself when she has to choose where her loyalty lies, whether she saves her friend from a hit that she was instructed to put on or choosing to bond with her new allies at the risk of being abandoned by the one parental figure she'd ever had. Her breaking point comes at the end when she is ordered to kill her friends herself.
* Suzuha being buried alive after helping Faris find Nae when the underground station suddenly collapses.
* The game itself is much darker than most of the other visual novels or anime adaptions in the series, with characters dying, being stalked, swearing more frequently - even dropping F-bombs here and there - and other dark themes. Is it any wonder the game was bumped up to a PEGI 16 rating in Britain?
*Daru becoming a super creep around Nae in "Lunar Bifrost". The way he interacts with her, aware that her dad isn't around anymore to kick his ass is disturbing on so many levels.
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