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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Due to government enforced lockdowns during production, ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!!]]'' had difficulty holding auditions. In response much of the secondary cast is made up of characters [[Expy|strikingly similar]] in appearance, personality, deck type, and (of course) casting to ones seen in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS]]'', even if their role in the plot and backstory is different. For example Galixon Tazaki, the father figure of the main characters after their [[Disappeared Dad]] who uses an Earth Machine deck, looks and acts nearly identical to Galian Tazaki, father figure of the antagonist of the second arc of ''SEVENS'' who also uses an Earth Machine deck.
** A secondary bonus to this is that the actual ''Rush Duel'' card game can now continue supporting the existing deck types introduced in ''SEVENS'' instead of continuing the problem [[Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tabletop Game)|the original game]] has where deck types used by secondary (or worse) characters stopped getting support after they ceased to appear in the anime.
== [[Film - Animated]] ==
* The limits of CGI regarding the [[Uncanny Valley|depiction of organic shapes and natural surfaces]] is the reason [[Pixar]]'s first feature film was about [[Toy Story (franchise)|toys]]. As the technology improved, they worked their way up to [[A Bug's Life|bugs]], then [[Monsters, Inc.|furry/scaly monsters]], then [[Finding Nemo|fish]], and finally, [[The Incredibles|human]] [[Up (animation)|beings]].
== Film - Live Action ==
* Low budget horror movies with no-name stars lead to [[Anyone Can Die]]. ''[[Alien]]'' may be the best known example. A cast filled with great character actors, but none of them are a big enough star to guarantee their character's survival. {{spoiler|Almost everyone dies. The sole survivor is perhaps the [[Sigourney Weaver|least known actress]].}}
* This trope is touched on in the classic black and white movie, ''[[The Bad and The Beautiful]]''.
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* The 1941 biographical film ''Sergeant York'' has York capture and use a Luger instead of the 1911 he used in real life because .45 ACP blanks were difficult to use. The problems with .45 ACP blanks would actually persist in the film industry over half a century up till the end of the 1990s. The problem would typically be solved with the use of a 9mm copies of .45 ACP firearms (e.g., [[Magnum, P.I.]]) but ''Sergeant York'' was one of the few to change the plot over this.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Some TV shows do "[[Bottle Episode]]s" due to budget limitations.
** One episode of ''[[Friends]]'' did one about the NYC blackout because of budget constraints.
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* Jane Leeves' second pregnancy on ''[[Frasier]]'' came at the perfect time, plot-wise, for Niles and Daphne to have a baby—in the final season, just ahead of schedule enough for Daphne to give birth {{spoiler|in the finale.}}
* ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' originally was going to have a massive fight scene between the FBI and the central antagonist of the first season, a Terminator called Cromartie. When the budget turned out to be too low for it, the writing team got creative. This resulted in a [[Nightmare Fuel|chilling,]] [[Nothing Is Scarier|minimalistic]] sequence where Cromartie slaughters the FBI agents (mostly off-screen) and tosses their bodies into the hotel swimming pool. All while [[Johnny Cash]]'s [[Crowning Music of Awesome|"When The Man Comes Around"]] plays...
== Sports ==
* James Naismith, a physical education professor at International Young Men's Christian Association Training School (the YMCA today) was looking for a pair of boxes for the game that he had just recently invented. When he asked a worker at the Y for some boxes, he was told that they didn't have any, but he did have some old peach baskets lying around that could be of some use. [[Basketball|The rest is history.]]
* Some historians believe the rule to stop the clock on an incomplete forward pass in American football came because in the early days of the sport, games had only one ball and an old man for the official, necessitating the stoppage while the ball was retrieved.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* Tak Fujii (Yes, ''[[Ninety-Nine Nights|that]]'' Tak Fujii) didn't bother to tune his guitar when recording for the song ''The Tragic Prince'' in ''[[Castlevania: Symphony of the Night]]'''s soundtrack ([https://twitter.com/Tak_Fujii/status/1236481421738311680 something he regrets as "lazy"]). The result gives the song a distinctive atmosphere of horror that isn't present in future incarnations of the track.
== [[Web ComicComics]] ==
* The webcomic ''[[Bob and George]]'' is made of this trope. Originally the comic was supposed to be a hand drawn comic about teenage superheroes. The Mega Man sprite comics were originally just filler material. However, the author, Dave Anez, was a self admitted lousy artist and the hand drawn comic wouldn't pan out. After trying and failing multiple times he gave up. By then the "filler" sprite comic had become so popular that it became the main comic and a storyline was written to bring the title characters into the plot. Subsequent storylines would frequently change direction in order to fill in plot holes.
** Another prominent example is the existence of the Helmeted Author. Originally it was meant to be the normal Author character who was now wearing a helmet because it was impossible to render a helmetless sprite in certain positions. However Dave later accidentally put both the normal and Helmeted Author sprites in one holiday comic. As a result the Helmeted Author went on to become not only a separate character, but a major recurring villain.
== [[Web Original]] ==
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* A music editor decided to make the turrets from ''[[Portal (series)|Portal]]'' sing. Some parts of the song didn't work out well, so the editor made a story about this crazy person who blew up Aperture Science Enrichment Center before he could finish. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnZxQiLGDtk Watch it here!]
* The author of the ''[[Chaos Timeline]]'' originally had planned to call the internet of this world "[[Gratuitous German|Weltnetz]]" but found out that German neonazis use this term already for the existing internet, so he changed it to "Weltsystem".
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Similar to the Pixar example above, ''[[Veggie Tales]]'' came into being because the creators were limited to armless, legless, hairless characters thanks to rudimentary CGI.
* ''[[Beast Wars]]'' was an early [[All CGI Cartoon]], which made it quite expensive. As a result it had a smaller cast than other ''Transformers'' shows, leading to a stronger focus on the characterization of the existing characters.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* James Naismith, a physical education professor at International Young Men's Christian Association Training School (the YMCA today) was looking for a pair of boxes for the game that he had just recently invented. When he asked a worker at the Y for some boxes, he was told that they didn't have any, but he did have some old peach baskets lying around that could be of some use. [[Basketball|The rest is history.]]
* Some historians believe the rule to stop the clock on an incomplete forward pass in American football came because in the early days of the sport, games had only one ball and an old man for the official, necessitating the stoppage while the ball was retrieved.
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