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(The Customer is) Not Always Right: Difference between revisions

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== Not Always Hopeless==
<big>Note: this is now under the "Inspirational" tag</big>
* [[Ambiguous Syntax]]: [https://notalwaysright.com/consent-is-so-important/203804/ "Consent Is So Important"]: Two parents told a little girl she had to ask permission from a dog owner to pet his husky. Only they said she had to ask for permission. She asked solemnly the dog, "Can I pet you?" The parents groaned and explained it better, while said owner had to lean against a lamp post due to laughing so hard.
* [[Crazy Enough to Work]]: "[https://notalwaysright.com/whistle-while-you-work-it-out/250631/ Whistle While You Work It Out]" had a customer service rep attempt to work with a customer's five-year-old grandson, who was more tech savvy than he was, to help his grandfather set up online mortgage bill pay. Though said child could not read, he could spell, and he was able to follow instructions literally to the letter.
* [[Heroic Bystander]]: Quite a few stories have this.
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* [[Supreme Chef]]:
** [https://notalwaysright.com/there-is-a-pot-of-feel-gold-at-the-end-of-this-rainbow/199055/ At a pizza place, a mother whose daughter was in the hospital said that her kid wanted rainbow pizza as a birthday meal]. She said she understood if they couldn't do it, but the chefs became excited at the challenge. The end result -- with peppers, purple cauliflower, and so forth-- apparently came out so well that they added it to the menu.
** [[https://notalwaysright.com/grandmas-cake-cures-all/19700/ Grandma's Cake Cures All]] has the OP adding their grandmother's apple cake to a bakery menu. One customer buys it and says happily that it tastes exactly like the cake that ''his'' grandmother used to make; she passed away a few years ago, but eating the cake brought back happy memories of her. He became a regular, buying a piece every week after the OP received permission to pass on the recipe to him]].
==Not Always Working==
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