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Clingy Jealous Girl usually lavishes her attention upon a male schoolmate, but sometimes she can fixate on her older brother. While usually this is a purely [[Big Brother Instinct|filial]], protective behavior, it can occasionally verge on [[Brother-Sister Incest]]. And the occasional [[Psycho Lesbian]] Clingy Jealous Girl has been spotted.
If she's a [[Yandere]], she'll snap and try to [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] at least once. Especially [[If I Can't Have You]]. If she's a [[Tsundere]] instead, her violence towards the male lead will be a [[Running Gag]]. If she's has a [[Sugar and Ice GirlPersonality]] she'll be more prone to snide comments and verbal violence than open clinginess. Depending on how [[All Take and No Give|possessive]] she is, their "boyfriend's" [[Friend Versus Lover|friends will also be targeted.]]
Expect her to be the victim of ''lots'' of fan bashing for [[Die for Our Ship|getting in between The Hero and his True Love]], even if she actually loses. If she ''does'' manage to start a relationship with her object of affections, it will range anywhere from annoying gushing, [[All Take and No Give]], or even [[Love Martyr]]dom.
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