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Osaka Crisis ~Kanrakugai Kaihatsu Project~: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Hero]]: Reiji actually never wanted to save Chizuru and just was getting rid of criminals whose actions were threatening his client of that time. Chizuru doesn't care.
* [[The Bad Guys Win]]: {{Spoiler|Every last ending involves the project suceeding. Even in the ending where Reiji takes all girls for himself, the project simply remodels itself to be about allowing clients to train their own sex slaves. In some individual endings, Reiji is even picking out new victims with the help of his chosen romantic partner}}.
* [[Bad People Abuse Animals]]: Reiji uses octopuses to torture Makie by abusing them.
* [[Bestiality is Depraved]]: One of the tortures Reiji uses to torture Makie is dropping her into a pool full of octopuses that have been drugged with aphrodisiacs.
* [[Big Bad]]: Tooru Kakimoto is the one who came up with the plan and entrusts Reiji with it, though of course has other unnamed, unseen high-rank officials supporting his plan.
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