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Villains and Vigilantes: Difference between revisions

added trope
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(added trope)
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* [[Self-Insert Fic|Self-Insert Character]]: [[Enforced Trope|Enforced]] by the game -- your first V&V character is always explicitly ''you'' plus powers.
* [[The Six Stats]]: Averted -- ''V&V'' has five basic attributes: Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, and Charisma. (It then derived another half dozen or so stats from them.)
* [[Sizeshifter]]: The Growing and Shrinking powers.
* [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke]]: The default nuclear weapon in the game does a mere 2d100 points of damage -- meaning even an unpowered normal can ''smother'' a nuclear explosion by [[Jumping on a Grenade|jumping on the bomb]] and ''walk away under their own power afterward'', if the dice roll is low enough. And since the game has no rules for radiation poisoning or other side-effects, the raw hit-point damage is the ''only'' thing he'll suffer.
* [[Squishy Wizard|Squishy Super]]: The vast majority of the sample characters in the rules seem to have suffered from consistently bad die rolls and barely qualify as unusually skilled normals. The average honestly-rolled first-level hero from a real campaign could wipe the floor with them. ''All'' of them. Simultaneously.
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