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{{quote|'''Crow:''' [[Is This Thing On?]] Hi! I'm Crow T. Robot and I'm here to tell you that Mike Nelson is innocent. Mike Nelson is 200% '''[bleep]'''ing not guilty. And if you '''[bleep]'''s don't '''[bleep]''' find him innocent, then you can just '''[bleep]'''ing kiss my fat '''[bleep]'''ing '''[bleep]'''. And that '''[bleep]'''ing goes for your bull'''[bleep]''' court system, too! Mike, I'm so '''[bleep]'''ing sorry I couldn't '''[bleep]'''ing be there for this '''[bleep]'''ing '''[bleep]'''y really bogus trial, man. But let me '''[bleep]''' tell ya something, Nelson. If I was there, I'd '''[bleep]'''ing kick everyone's fat stupid '''[bleep]'''ing behinds and then cram it up their '''[bleep]'''ing '''[bleep]'''. Anyway, Mike, buddy, I hope this '''[bleep]''' helps. Take care, Mike.}}
* Used twice in rapid succession by Buster on ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'': once when trash-talking Michael before a bike ride ("Well let's hope it doesn't come to that"), and when dissing his own mother ("I don't think anybody's going to top that").
* Used in the fake behind-the-scenes clips of "Wormhole X-Treme" on the episode "[[Stargate SG-1/Recap/S10/E06 200|200]]" of ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', when the Colonel Mitchell [[Expy]] is discussing how he came up with his catchphrase:
{{quote|"It just hit me: 'Sweet [Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep].' And we can get away with that too, because... it's cable."}}
* Richard Hammond of ''[[Top Gear]]'' loves this.