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== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Angel]]''
** Angel, as he was for most of his time in ''Buffy'', is trying to spend the rest of his afterlife atoning for the centuries of pain that he caused to others as a vampire. And yes, old enemies or descendants of the people he hurt come after him. It affects him so badly that when given a chance to become human, he begs to be turned back into a vampire on hearing a prophecy that Buffy will die. {{spoiler|Ends up being [[All for Nothing]] when they break up anyway, and Buffy dies in her show for completely different reasons.}}
** Cordelia and Wesley mock the relationship Buffy and Angel had by acting out the drama in front of a [[Locked Out of the Loop]] Fred. Gunn starts cackling, and when Angel walks in, he admits it was pretty accurate.
** The team takes a very long time to forgive Wesley for {{spoiler|accidentally getting Angel and Darla's son kidnapped when mistakenly thinking that a prophecy predicted "the father would kill the son". They keep bringing it up after he manages to save Angel from [[A Fate Worse Than Death]] until Angel makes a [[Deal with the Devil]] with Wolfram & Hart to give Connor a normal life.}}
** One Season Five episode has an awakened Potential kidnap a true [[Heel Face Turn]] Spike, accusing him of ruining her life back when he was evil. Even though it turns out Spike was legitimately innocent this time {{spoiler|since the girl is revealed to be an [[Unreliable Expositor]]}}, he points out that given his history, he ''did'' hurt a lot of people and she may as well have been one of his victims.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''
** Cordelia suffers this after her [[Secret Relationship]] with Xander comes out in Season Two. Her [[Beta Bitch]] Harmony takes over their friend group and ices out Cordelia unless she dumps Xander and follows all the new rules; after a love spell gone wrong makes Cordelia realize how much Xander cares for her, she rejects rejoining the group and gets back together with him. But in season three, after they break up? The jocks disparagingly refer to her as Xander's "leftovers". {{spoiler|She only sheds this reputation after moving to Los Angeles to become an actress, since her family goes broke following an IRS investigation.}}
** This becomes a plot point for Xander in Season Five. Owing to being the [[Butt Monkey]], he ends up suffering the most humiliating incidents from the various monsters and magical beings they encounter. No one really lets him forget that he got the "funny syphilis" from a Chumash Tribe, and that he was compelled to eat bugs thanks to Dracula brainwashing him. Anya herself brings up that his "penis got diseases" in Season Six. Xander becomes motivated to build himself up as a construction worker, and when split in two, his "better" half upgrades to a nicer apartment for himself and Anya.
** Anya doesn't let Willow live down the fact that she's the reason Cordelia and Xander broke up. (Not helping is Cordelia's wish for vengeance cost Anya her powers.) Season five features an episode where they fight about this after Anya starts dating Xander, and Willow pointing out that she's gay didn't exactly reassure Anya.
** Buffy takes a ''long'' time to forgive herself for being compelled by demon poison to {{spoiler|murder her friends and sister in "Normal Again", where she was either hallucinating that she was in a mental ward for catatonic schizophrenia, taking a peek into a parallel universe, or was actually snapping out of her hallucinations. It's ultimately up to the viewer to decide}}. She keeps apologizing to Dawn afterward and nearly cries laughing when recounting what happened to Giles during the Season Six finale.
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