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Trope Workshop:Indelible Reputation: Difference between revisions

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** Despite the fact that Mr. Ratburn is an ordinary guy, just a [[Stern Teacher]], the kids in season one believe for a while that he eats nails for breakfast that come in a cereal box and hates the screws.
** D.W. for a long time blames Arthur for her snowball disappearing, even though it turns out he had nothing to do with it. Arthur, of course, keeps reminding D.W. of his innocence.
** As turnabout is fair play, one episode duology has D.W. mistakenly thinking that green potato chips are poison, thanks to Arthur and Buster trolling her, and taht she was dying. (Arthur later told her he was joking, mortifying her.) The second episode has the whole town finding out, just when D.W. is trying to prove she's mature enough to attend a comedy show. She worries about people bringing it up when she's running for ''president'' in an [[Imagine Spot]]. While she blames Arthur for spreading the story, turns out it was their mother who told their neighbors and Bitsy, who works at the paper. It's one of the few times D.W. sincerely apologizes to Arthur for accusing him, and he cheers her up by saying he's taking her to the comedy show.
** The same episode had Buster tell D.W., in an attempt to comfort her, that one time his mother Bitsy called him "Boo Boo" in front of his third grade class, and naturally he was teased about it.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''
** In the Fire Nation, Iroh is well-known for his failure to breach the Ba Sing Se walls. (Iroh is actually more concerned that his only son Lu-Ten died during the invasion, which made him suffer a [[Heel Realization]] about the cost of this centuries-long war.) In a great fit of irony, {{spoiler|Iroh ends up retaking Ba Sing Se back from the Fire Nation on the day of Sozin's Comet.}}
** Sokka won't let Aang forget the time the Avatar made him and Katara suck on frozen frogs when they were sick.
** Enemies and allies alike call Ty Lee "a circus freak," though her chi-blocking abilities turn out to have nothing to do with her acrobatics. Ty Lee explains to Zuko that the circus was the place where she could find herself, as opposed to being with several identical sisters all expected to act the same.
** Azula uses this to her advantage. People know that she lies, and she's such a good liar that not even Toph can tell. And when she is being honest? That's when she's at her most dangerous. Her overhearing Azulon ordering Ozai led to {{spoiler|Ursa giving Ozai an undetectable poison to use on his father and become Fire Lord}}. She also keeps her word to {{spoiler|restore Zuko to his place in the Fire Nation royal family if he helped her in Ba Sing Se, albeit by crediting him with killing Aang after he lied to her that there is no way Aang could have survived.}}
** Book 3 has Katara hold a grudge against Zuko for a long time for {{spoiler|betraying her in Ba Sing Se. When he switches sides proper, it takes four episodes for him to earn her forgiveness.}}
* ''[[The Legend of Korra]]''
** [[Played for Drama]] in one instance; the Fire Nation has been spending the last few decades undoing the damage that started with Sozin's reign; the current Fire Lord Izumi even refuses to proactively send troops against Kuvira, reminding Republic City President Raiko that such actions were what caused the hundred-year wear in the first place. All the priests that opposed letting the Avatar talk to Roku in ''The Last Airbender''? Their successors help Korra when she suffers a bout of amnesia while seeking aid for the Northern Tribe. Sozin wiped out all the Airbenders except for Aang and the history books lie that the Airbenders had an army? An older, retired Zuko takes charge as soon as Harmonic Convergence gives many people airbending powers and supports rebuilding the new Air Nation, complete with giving Korra advice when Zaheer takes them hostage.
** Mako for a long time isn't allowed to forget how he badly handled his relationships with Asami and Korra. While Asami forgives Korra for kissing Mako while the latter was dating Asami, she is mad at Mako for keeping it a secret. Book Two shows Mako's decisions getting dumber. During the Book Four recap of this, even Prince Wu calls out Mako for his idiocy.
** Hiroshi Sato was revealed to be [[The Mole]] for Amon, giving his Equalists platinum mechas that could capture and debend the metalbending police. Then he tried killing his own daughter for turning those same mechas onto him and calling him out for being no better than the Firebenders that killed his wife. They disowned each other in that moment, though Asami ended up winning and sending her father to jail. Several years later, Hiroshi is truly remorseful on seeing how Asami had to rebuild his company from the ground up, completely with getting screwed over and sabotaged. Still, she holds it against him for a long time, especially after realizing that {{spoiler|she's fallen in love with Korra, whom Hiroshi tried to kill.}} Even when they begin to mend their relationship tentatively, with him still in jail, the new Gaang treats him warily, especially Korra.
** Mako for a long time isn't allowed to forget how he badly handled his relationships with Asami and Korra. While Asami forgives Korra for kissing Mako while the latter was dating Asami, having sussed the Avatar has [[No Social Skills]] she is mad at Mako for keeping it a secret. Book Two shows Mako's decisions getting dumber. During the Book Four recap of this, even Prince Wu calls out Mako for his idiocy.
* ''[[DuckTales (2017)|Ducktales]]''
** Donald can't live down the fact that he is [[Born Unlucky]]; in fact, in an episode where the Phantom Blot steals his luck, it's revealed to be a genuine force of chaos. Scrooge mentions offhand heDonald got trapped in the pantry for a week and is still there when Webby sees signs of a struggle in the kitchen.
** "The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverrest" deconstructs it; the reason why Scrooge is determined to reach the top of Mount Neverrest, even as he battles with common sense and the need to protect the kids is that {{spoiler|he was the Neverrest Ninny that George Mallardy cut loose a long time ago, and who was blamed for Mallardy's disappearance}}. Huey gets through to him by pointing out that {{spoiler|no one knows who the Neverrest Ninny was, let alone ''caring'' about ninnies these days.}}
** Scrooge can't quite forgive his ex Goldie for ditching him every time it benefits her. She doesn't help her case in the present when they go on a few adventures with [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]], or Louie attempts to run a scam with her at Doofus Drake's birthday party. Unlike in the comic where he kidnapped her and made her work for him after she robbed him, Scrooge had legitimately done nothing to Goldie to earn her [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]].
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