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Undead Tax Exemption: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.UndeadTaxExemption 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.UndeadTaxExemption, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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{{quote|''"Even a manufactured identity requires lots of paperwork. All these contacts from a past I never had."''|'''[[Kevin and Kell|Catherine Aura]]''', [[Character Blog|Twitter Post]].}}
When athe [[Masquerade]] of an extranormal person (whether spirit, [[Time Travel|time traveler]], dimension-hopper, [[Robot Girl]] or in some cases, immortal) is able to suddenly enter society and seamlessly pose as a normal human despite the major record gaps, lack of official citizenship, or other problems that would arise if it were to occur in real life. [[Alien Among Us|Space aliens in disguise]] and even [[Human Aliens|aliens that don't need a disguise]] never seem to get the same problems with immigration that [[The Illegal|regular aliens]] have.
The character gets an Undead Tax Exemption. It's often implied they use mind control or magic to either brainwash or [[A Wizard Did It|literally "magic up" an identity for themselves]]. Usually only a possibility for evil characters/monsters/vampires though; heroic ones will always be a [[Fish Out of Water]], while [[Villains Blend in Better]].
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== Fan Fiction ==
* Michikyuu Kanae, resident slider in ''[[Kyon Big Damn Hero (Fanfic)|Kyon Big Damn Hero]]'', never had any trouble with having an identity in each world she arrived. [[Deconstruction|Deconstructed]] later it's when it's revealed that {{spoiler|she [[Body Surf|slides only mentally]], replacing or [[Fridge Horror|overwriting the local Kanae with herself]] and thus never needing to have an identity -- she always areadyalready havehas one}}. She doesn't realize it.
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