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* [[Accidental Innuendo]]: This quote from novel 8
{{quote| ''Putting all her weight on my body, Haruhi then pushed me down to the floor. [[It Makes Sense in Context|Haruhi rode me like a horse, getting in the mount position.]]''}}
** A [[British English]] exclusive example from the ''Disappearance'': "His spunk was nice and all"
** And from the movie:
{{quote| Kyon: I haven't even tasted Haruhi's hot pot yet.<br />
Tropers: Indeed you haven't, Kyon, indeed you haven't. }}
* [[Adaptation Displacement]]: Wait, there are books?
** And there is a [[Fan Dumb|small group of fans]] who, upon discovering the novels, immediately think thatthe books are adapted from the anime and manga material, as opposed to the other way around. Head, meet wall. Become good friends.
* [[AlternateAlternative Character Interpretation]]: Good Lord. It would be faster to list characters who ''don't'' have followings with widely varied opinions. Not even [[Those Two Guys]] are immune. Has its [[Alternative Character Interpretation/Anime/Haruhi Suzumiya|own subpage]].
** Deliberately fueled by the author himself. Itsuki hints that both he and Mikuru are merely putting up acts in order to fit the personalities that Haruhi expects them to have. However, neither the show nor the novels have actually ''shown'' this to be true.
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: The fact that the character designs for the ''Disappearance'' movie are nearly identical to the first season's, as opposed to the ''[[K-On!]]''-influenced second. Also: [[Cristina Valenzuela]] becoming the new Haruhi for the ASOS Brigade.
** The announcement of the tenth (and technically now eleventh) novel for May 25, 2011.
* [[Arc Fatigue]]: The appropriately titled "Endless Eight".
* [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]]: Though planned before [[Broken Base|base-breaking]] "Endless Eight" and character re-visualization in the anime, both producers and fans hoped the movie would be this. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|It succeeded]].
* [[Base Breaker]]: Haruhi... to the fanbase of a series where she's the titular character!
** Kyon doesn't reach Haruhi's level, but he's either the most original and generally awesome [[Lemony Narrator]] or a pedant who really needs to shut the hell up.
* [[Better Onon DVD]]: Maybe Endless Eight, assuming you're an American fan who can buy a boxset instead of having to pay the ludicrous prices for multiple DVDs of the same damn thing. Downing the whole thing straight may take four hours of your life, but it actually does hold up as an experiment. Failing that, it's at least better than having to watch the same damn episode eight weeks in a row.
* [[Broken Base]]: ''[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Endless Eight]]''. To summarize each side's arguments: those for "Endless Eight" argue that the episodes are distinct because each is animated from scratch, and call it an incredibly effective illustration -- if going through the loop {{spoiler|eight}} times is grating on ''your'' nerves, imagine how ''{{spoiler|Yuki}}'' feels). Those against "Endless Eight" call it meaningless [[Filler]] with virtually-identical scripts that wasted almost an entire season on what was a single, brief story in the novels. And then, there are those who think that it ''was'' a waste of animation, but the fan meltdown was more hilarious than anything [[Kyo Ani]] could have animated, so it was worth it after all. The franchise, especially animated, has never been afraid to [[Mind Screw|screw with viewer expectations]] so it was pretty much in keeping with the nature of the show. It's been compared to ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'' for a ''reason'', after all.
* [[Complete Monster]]: {{spoiler|Fujiwara is seen as this as of Book 11. No matter his [[Knight Templar|self-righteous motivations]], he uses everyone on his own team to further his own plans and crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by trying to have Haruhi killed and the world remade in the way he sees fit. Only future Mikuru, his sister (at one point or other), has any sympathy for him. In the end, whether he actually is this trope or not depends on how valid you think his [[Freudian Excuse]] really is.}}
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Has its [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)/Awesome Music|own page]].
* [[Designated Hero]]: Haruhi, especially in the beginning.
* [[Designated Villain]]: The Computer Club president.
* [[Die for Our Ship]]: Some Yuki/Kyon and Mikuru/Kyon shippers ''really'' hate Haruhi and will cheerfully [[Demonization|demonize]] her. Played with more literally in the series itself -- if Kyon is too nice to Mikuru, Haruhi gets jealous and (unbeknownst to herself) uses her powers to rewrite reality.
** Yuki and Mikuru get a bit of this as well. Apparently, it's due to backlash for Haruhi being [[Out of Focus]] in the last novels.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: Haruhi's treatment of Mikuru crosses into outright sociopathic abuse in ''Sigh''.
* [[Ear Worm]]: In-universe example in the Drama CD "Sound Around", which later manifests as an actual worm-like monster.
** The end of "Sound Around" implies that ''Hare Hare Yukai'' is so popular because Haruhi composed it with this trope in mind.
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* [[Fan Disservice]]: In episode six of season two, Koizumi's swim trunks are swapped with a tiny, black Speedo. Still fanservice [[Estrogen Brigade|to some]], though.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: The philosophy of "[[Intellectual Property Religion|Haruhiism]]", or "SOS Brigade". Also, [[Mary Sue|Mary Suzumiya]].
* [[Fandom Rivalry]]: Whatever you do, do not mention ''Haruhi Suzumiya'' in the same sentence as ''[[K-On!]]'' at [[Four Chan4chan]] and [[Sankaku Complex]]. Most ''Haruhi'' fans thought of ''K-On!''{{'}}s [[Moe Moe]] formula to be downright ''insipid'', with practically nothing, not even famservice, occuring just so the anime could be vaguely "cute". ''K-On!''{{'}}s perceived spotlight stealing also did not help things at all.
* [[Fan Dumb]], [[Hate Dumb]] and [[Ron the Death Eater]]: Yes, Haruhi's a [[Jerkass]]. Yes, she treats Mikuru badly at the beginning, [[Obliviously Evil|mostly due to not noticing.]] '''She gets better.''' This doesn't stop [[Moral Myopia|some haters who have come up with a frighteningly rabid desire to have the girl tortured, murdered]] and even [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|raped]].
** The Haruhi bashing is better exemplified with [http://dotiscute.livejournal.com/897321.html one rabid hater's] [[Kick the Dog|reaction]] to Noizi Itou making [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Q2DwzwEqyTw/TX1huKCBm5I/AAAAAAAAAl0/dcVrAjahWXU/s1600/Japan-Haruhi.jpg a Haruhi art] [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|and putting it to auction for charity after the Kanto Earthquake]]:
{{quote| ''"In fact, if you really wanna get technical and bring Haruhi into this awful awful event that's destroyed and displaced the lives of Japan's citizens, I bet you anything it was Haruhi's "friends" who caused this earthquake in order to give the loopy cunt something to be fixated on to prevent her from destroying the universe in one of her many bitch-fits bought on by her own narcissistic personality disorder.''"}}
* [[Fan Myopia]]: See [[Fan Dumb]], [[Hate Dumb]] and [[Ron the Death Eater]] above for some examples, but others...
* [[Fanon]]: {{spoiler|Haruhi is God}}. Most fans of the anime took Koizumi's speech in the 3rd chronological episode at face value, but other scenes in the novels and the anime (especially the 2009 version) [[Jigsaw Puzzle Plot|cast doubt on it]]:
** In the third chronological episode, {{spoiler|when Koizumi tells Kyon that Haruhi is God, he presents it as the belief of the "higher-ups" in his Agency, and acknowledges that various people in the Agency have different ideas about how to deal with Haruhi. He also describes the theory as the "worst case scenario" that his Agency is acting to counter, which suggests that they're playing a form of [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascals_wager:Pascals wager|Pascal's Wager]]: even if they're not certain whether Haruhi is God, they think it's just likely and dangerous enough that it's better not to risk the consequences of neglecting to placate her.}}
** In the ''Sigh'' novel and anime, {{spoiler|Asahina tells Kyon to be skeptical of Koizumi and his Agency's theories, and that the time travellers disagree with them. Nagato speculates on the time travelers' theories and their incompatibility with the espers', and hints that the Data Overmind believes something yet different about Haruhi. And to top it off, Koizumi himself also contradicts his earlier explanation that Haruhi is God, theorizing instead that Haruhi must be somebody chosen by God to fix the world.}}
*** {{spoiler|Or to break it, if their world is a "rejection" as it were.}}
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* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Either Kuyo's attempt on Kyon's life in ''Vol. 1'' or crucifying Haruhi in mid-air on Fujiwara's orders in ''Vol. 2'' pushed her over, but it's quite obvious she crossed it somewhere in ''Astonishment'' if she hadn't already by {{spoiler|bugging Yuki}} in ''Dissociation''.
** Attempted [[Deicide]] pushed Fujiwara over the line ''faster than even [[Hitler]]'' at the climax of ''Astonishment Vol. 2''.
** Haruhi herself either subverts or inverts this in ''Sigh'' when she and Tsuruya spike Mikuru's drink (definitely a subversion in Tsuruya's case, though just because she forgot to ask Haruhi about her motive behind the act). After Haruhi nearly gets a faceful of fist from Kyon for the effort (it didn't help that she went so far as to call Mikuru [[Kick the Dog|''her toy'']]), she pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]] and from then on is both a Type II [[Anti -Hero]] and a [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]].
* [[Never Live It Down]]: Haruhi is never going to get away from the reputation she established in the beginning; even if she gets [[Character Development]] from it, some fans will continue to see her as a [[Complete Monster]] that ''never'' defrosts.
** Although, to be fair, most of the material in which she does defrost had not (and still has not) been animated yet, and the novels are still pretty niche in the Americas.
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** Also, although you ''can'' skip the middle episodes of the ''Endless Eight'' and only watch the first and last ones the ending of the final episode is ''much'' more satisfying after having endured the whole thing. Not to mention each episode has subtle changes that are hard to catch the first time.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Kyon's sister.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: Many fans reacted this way to the new opening and ending sequences created for the 2009 episodes. Admittedly, the old themes had three full years to become ingrained into the collective fan-consciousness, and the [[Dancing Theme|ending theme especially]] achieved ''godlike'' levels of popularity, spawning thousands of fan-made videos and animations. Fortunately the creators of the anime were seemingly aware that they could never top themselves, and avoided the temptation to try simply by coming up with something Completely Different (neither of the new themes feature any dancing whatsoever, and their visual styles are quite distinct from both each other and the old themes).
** In a lampshaded (in the [[Viral Marketing]]) instance, before fan complaints, the English dub was going to use the word "psychic" instead of "esper".
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Koizumi at one point in season two:
{{quote| '''Koizumi''': There's no one who would confuse a movie character with the actor that plays him, right?}}
* [[The Woobie]]: Mikuru. She gets uprooted from her friends, family and timeline, is thrown into a culture alien to her without any of the technology she's used to in the future, where she is constantly manipulated, kept out of the loop and emotionally abused by none other than {{spoiler|her future self}}. Add to this the fact that before being sent back in time, she underwent mental conditioning preventing her from ever revealing anything details of her old life to any of her new friends, no matter how much she might want to. And all of this abuse came from the people she's supposed to be saving.
** As of the end of the 11th book, there is hope for Mikuru now, as Kyon {{spoiler|secretly hopes to find a way to safely alter time so that Mikuru doesn't grow up to be like her manipulative future self.}}
** Also {{spoiler|Yuki Nagato, and to a lesser extent, Itsuki Koizumi}} in ''The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya''. Hell, everywhere after Yuki's [[Hostile Show Takeover]] and during the "Endless Eight" arc.
** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Before the start of the series Haruhi painfully realises that her experiences are mundane and not anything special (which is what she desires the most in her life), and in her quest to make her life special, goes on the hunt for aliens, time travellers and [[ES PersESPer]]s after some inspiration from Kyon. This leads to her general bluntness, and her obsession with cosplaying Mikuru. And all the exciting things she's hoped for ARE in her life, but she's [[Locked Out of the Loop]]!
** [[Stoic Woobie]]: Yuki's normal brand of Woobie.
* [[Woolseyism]]: For example, the quote at the top of page more literally translated would have Haruhi asking for people from space, people from the future, people with special powers, and people from other worlds (although "alien" and "esper" are fairly standard translations of their respective Japanese terms).
[[Category:Haruhi Suzumiya]]
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