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Born in 1889 in Braunau am Inn in Austria, Hitler was a man [[Freudian Excuse|with an unhappy childhood]]. His father<ref>whose wife (Hitler's mother) was his niece, also making Adolf his grand-nephew, and who was possibly Jewish</ref> [[Abusive Parents|beat him frequently]], inculturating young Adolf into violence and domination, before having the courtesy to die around his son's eleventh birthday. Adolf spent the rest of his childhood in Vienna with his mother, who led a Bohemian lifestyle, and his younger siblings, whom he bullied and bossed around.
With his mother dead and himself rejected from art school twice ([[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|which he blamed on Jews and modern art]]), he avidly took up arms in [[World War I]] and fought on the front lines, but joined the Imperial German army instead of the Austrian one, since he didn't want to fight side by side with Slavs. He was decorated with an Iron Cross for bravery, wounded, returned to the front lines, [[The Goggles Do Nothing|blinded by a gas attack]], and returned to the front again. His war experiences would remain with him his entire life.
[[Very Loosely Based Onon a True Story|Except not really.]]
Hitler fabricated much of his war record, with the help of a few cronies who either were there with him or pretended to be, and the Nazis viciously sued anyone who remembered things differently for slander. He didn't join the Austrian army because when they caught up to him (he fled Austria to avoid conscription), he was rejected for being medically unfit; and he claimed rather audaciously that he had to get the personal approval of the King of Bavaria in order to serve in the German Forces (neither he, nor the hundreds of other Austrians in Bavaria who joined up, did or needed to do such a thing). Notably also, the famous picture of "war euphoria" (that was taken by Hitler's future personal photographer) where Hitler is seen cheering in the middle of a crowd was carefully edited to put him more centrally than he was, and most of the square was actually empty. War euphoria ''did'' happen and Hitler ''was'' just one of thousands who volunteered after it broke out, but it was also exaggerated, and the Nazis helped to do that for their own ends.
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* [[Hitler Ate Sugar]] ([[Ruined FOREVER]]: [[Beyond the Impossible|The Trope]])
* [[Hitler Cam]]
* [[HitlersHitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]] (Because too many people tried killing him, and it didn't work)
* [[Piggybacking On Hitler]]
* [[Springtime for Hitler]]
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* [[Final Solution]]
* [[Ghostapo]]
* [[GodwinsGodwin's Law]]
* [[GodwinsGodwin's Law of Time Travel]]
* [[Reichstropen]]
* [[Those Wacky Nazis]]
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* [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Father]]: Hitler's father beat him when he was younger, becoming his [[Freudian Excuse]].
* [[Acceptable Target]]: [[GodwinsGodwin's Law|For pretty much everyone]].
** Hitler himself had several: Jews, communists, Slavs, opposing political parties, the left wing of the Nazi Party, homosexuals, gypsies, blacks, "loose women", disabled people...
** Most of Hitler's written works do not target anyone in East Asia specifically, with the rest of above populations frequent targets. The fact that Nazis granted EVERY Japanese the title "Honorary Aryan" does say something. Also, people like Himmler and even Hitler himself, stating in ''[[Mein Kampf]]'', their actual admiration to East Asian cultures. So to some extent, Nazis are racists, but not straight line white supremacists.
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* [[Banned in China|Banned In Germany]]: See [[Culture Police]]. Ironically, today ''Mein Kampf'' is banned in Germany ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_kampf#Current_availability sort of]). See [[No Swastikas]].
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Stands as one of the most influential people.<ref>[[I Thought It Meant|Not]] influential as in "inspiring", [[Nietzche Wannabe|maybe]], but in "''groundbreaking''". Look at the above [[Ruined FOREVER]] list, [[Hitler Ate Sugar]], [[Long List|etc.]] if you ''cannot see it''.</ref> Even ''Time'' considered him as a part of the cover.
* [[Big Badass Wolf]]: He seemed to have had an affinity of some sort for wolves. His first name derives from ''Athalwolf'', Old High German for (as stated above) "noble wolf", and for this reason "Wolf" [[Card -Carrying Villain|became his childhood nickname]]. He later used it as a pseudonym for himself in the 1920s, ostensibly for security reasons. When his sister Paula Hitler asked him for financial support around 1930 (she was fired from her job in Vienna when her employers found out who her brother was) he granted her request, but insisted that she go under the assumed name "Paula Wolf" from then on. Some of his military headquarters were named ''Wolfsschanze'' ("wolf's lair"), ''Wolfsschlucht'' ("wolf's chasm"), and ''Wehrwolf'' (lit. "defense wolf", probably a play on words with ''Werwolf'' i.e. "[[Werewolf]]").
* [[Big Damn Kiss]]: With Eva Braun when she [[Undying Loyalty|told him she wouldn't leave Berlin for Bavaria in 1945.]] According to eyewitnesses it was an incredibly awkward moment for all concerned except Adolf and Eva.
* [[Bishounen]]: The manga version of ''Mein Kampf'' portrays the younger Hitler as one. Yes, there actually exists a ''Mein Kampf'' manga.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: With [[Josef Stalin]]. [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|It didn't last long.]]
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: He said that his mother Klara was his warmest memory.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Everyone Calls Him Der Führer]]: Tried to enforce this, "Heil Hitler" aside.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: A telegram to Martin Bormann has him saying that all this racial supremacy stuff is rubbish; in reality, he's out to crush the Jews as an ethnic minority in the cultural sense, reasoning that notions like peace and love were introduced by and tied to them, and it was those notions that he was out to destroy. If that's true, then he was even more coldly rational and dangerous than previously thought. This was not [[For the Evulz]], but [[Utopia Justifies the Means|a form of social engineering]] -- he wanted to create a modern-day Sparta or Imperial Rome, and to that end he had to radically change Germany's cultural values. Getting rid of the Jews was his way. He actually admitted as much when he discussed the relation between Nazi racism and science with a common farmer: "I know perfectly well that in the scientific sense there is no such thing as race. But you, as a farmer and cattle breeder, cannot get your breeding successfully achieved without the conception of race. And I as a politician need a conception which enables the order which has hitherto existed on historic bases to be abolished and an entirely and new anti-historic order enforced and given an intellectual basis... and for this purpose the conception of race serves me well. With the conception of race, National Socialism will carry the revolution abroad and re-cast the world."
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Shines through in his assessments of some other countries' motivations for getting involved in the war. He kept insisting that the Americans would annex Canada if Britain were to become weak, that the British would annex French Africa if France became weak, that the British and Americans would try to destroy each other to attain world hegemony, etc. He basically believed that every other country besides his was also operating as a backstabbing, expansionist empire, not seeing that Britain absorbing colonies from their defeated French ally for instance would have been inconceivable to them on moral grounds alone. This might have been brought by his backstabbing-filled past.
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* [[Evil Is Hammy]]
** [[Milking the Giant Cow]]: Seen in speeches.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]] / [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]: The Nazis were considered a joke at first. When Hitler gained power, his enemies thought they could tame and control him. They were ''dead'' wrong.
* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: Hitler had a very deep voice when speaking normally, as heard in his recording with Mannerheim. When ranting during his speeches, however, he took a high, barking tone.
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* [[Fan Art]]: He drew quite a few reinterpretations of Disney characters, including [[Mickey Mouse]] and [[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (Disney)|the Seven Dwarfs]].
* [[Fascist but Inefficient]]: Prior to the war years, Hitler was apparently quite fond of waking up late, taking long walks, watching movies, and otherwise being a pretty lazy totalitarian dictator. He took the view that things tended to sort themselves out if one didn't interfere too much. After failing to knock out the Soviet Union in a single blow in 1941 he went over to the opposite side because he believed the Wehrmacht was [[Never My Fault|wholly responsible]] for failing to meet the invasion's intended goals, and resolved to micro-manage every single military operation from then on.
** His policies also made the Nazi nuclear program a complete joke. It split into at least nine different programs, each actively competing with and hindering the others. Hitler's insistence that the scientists follow proper "German Physics" also crippled any real progress since it often threw out ideologically unacceptable physics essential to the nuclear program. In hindsight, said program was more of a comedy of errors than any real threat. And, for added [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]] points, the program also sapped the already overtaxed Nazi logistics, weakening the Nazi resource base further.
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: [[Pride]]. The failed attack on Russia (and declaring war on the whole world at the same time) is just the tip of the iceberg.
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: Out of the six children of his parents, only he and his younger sister survived into adulthood. He narrowly survived several near-death experiences, and several failed and aborted assassination attempts after becoming ''Führer''. He also narrowly survived a shell explosion in [[World War One]]. His army buddies in the war used to think hanging around him was a decent way to live longer.
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** Historians now have access to Hitler's war record, whereas the previously had to rely heavily on ''Mein Kampf'' and the dubious testimony of Nazi sympathisers who were with him (and, sometimes, not). It turns out that yes, he really ''was'' a coward or at least nowhere near as brave as he made himself out to be, spending almost the entirety of the first war relatively safe behind the front lines in Regimental HQ, and turning down promotions probably to avoid more dangerous work (or work, period -- he spent days at a time not doing much). His Iron Crosses came more from sycophantic ass-kissing ([[Irony|of a Jewish officer]]) than bravery.
** Also, one good set of tactics does not Alexander make - Hitler was a shockingly bad strategist, and made several blunders, over the advice of more competent generals, that ultimately cost him the war. They are too many to list here - see [[General Failure]] below.
* [[For Science!]]: The excuse used for the Zyklon B experiment at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The Nazis wanted to find out whether a substance previously used for killing rodents will work on people. In 1941 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were put in the gas chambers and used as guinea pigs. It worked, unfortunately -- and it worked incredibly efficiently. The victims died within 20 minutes. The Zyklon B gas was commonly used from then on in the concentration camps for exterminating what were mostly Jews.
* [[Fountain of Expies]]: Just look at the [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]] page.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: He had a horrible childhood. However, he did ban Freud's work.
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* [[Just the First Citizen]]: The title of "Führer", which Hitler adopted when he became leader of the Nazi Party and elevated to a government title when they took power in Germany can be simply translated to "guide", although it is generally translated as "leader", which is more in line with fascist philosophy. Note that it was styled as ''the'' leader (Der Führer) when referring to Hitler in the third person, not just "leader" by itself. Although not even nearly as ubiquitously used as Führer, Hitler also awarded himself a number of bombastic titles over the years designed specifically to invoke this trope, including "First Soldier of the German Reich", "First Worker of the New Germany", and "Supreme Judge of the German People". In something of an overlap with [[Modest Royalty]], Hitler's ceremonial uniform was also much more staid than you would expect from a man in the process of conquering the world. He wore a plain uniform with only the awards that he earned in [[World War One]], which looks funny in contrast to, say, Goering, who swanked it up with silks and furs and every medal and ornate bling he could lay his fat hands on.
* [[Kneel Before Zod]]: Demanding that France sign their armistice to Germany in the same train car that the armistice of 1918 was signed in, at the exact same location. In a further show of disdain to the French he just stood up and left in the middle of negotiations, leaving [[Yes Man|his military lackey Keitel]] to finish the discussions with the French delegates. All before taking the car back to Berlin and blowing up the entire site bar French Marshal Foch's statue, just so Foch would look over a wasteland. And then, at the end of the war, blowing up the train car in order to prevent it being done to ''them''.
* [[Know -Nothing Know -It -All]]: While he was quite knowledgeable on some topics (architecture and oratory, for instance), he feigned aptitude in numerous other fields of which he had only surface mastery, and had an arrogant opinion on virtually everything, which he usually insisted on lecturing his cohorts on. He seriously maintained for instance that the inhabitants of New Zealand were a tree-dwelling species of humanoid. [[Critical Research Failure|Without irony]].
* [[Large Ham]]: As any video of his speeches shows, he screamed and gestured like there was no tomorrow in public appearances.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: Many anti-Semites were actually shocked by the Final Solution, even if they had sometimes proposed things like that themselves. ''Himmler'' tried to talk Hitler out of it.
** Quite a lot of Jews said it -- that's why most of them didn't manage to jump ship before it was too late.
* [[Mad Artist]]: Aspired to be.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Despite being the target of around 40 assassination attempts and lots of idiotic medical and dietary decisions, ''[[Why Won't You Die?|and this guy still refused to die]]''! He eventually had to do himself in, and he apparently had to redo his own death because he botched the first half, and his own men had to finish the job.
* [[Lucky Bastard]]: History's most infamous example, to the point where the term "Devil's Luck" was coined because of him.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Played straight, then subverted. For about 10 years from 1933 until late '42 Hitler was on an absolute roll, eliminating his enemies, outplaying (not to mention out-charming) foreign politicians and men of influence, digging Germany out of the shithole that is the Great Depression and building up a seemingly unstoppable war machine and achieving in a matter of months a conquest of Europe that took Napoleon several years. Some military experts regard him as a gifted amateur -- his problem was he was too aggressive and [[Tactical Withdrawal|incapable of accepting losses]], for example refusing to [[Know When to Fold Em|yield conquered land even when it was tactically expedient to do so]]. His gigantic ego, failing mental health and his marriage to the [[Villain Ball]] came down on him later. ''Hard''.
** His policies for getting Germany out of the Great Depression were actually quite asinine. The Keynesian-style economics employed was actually the brainchild of Hjalmar Schacht, the Economics Minister, but he protested because Hitler focused too much on public works and especially military re-armament. Since both are run by the state, this meant that though unemployment was driven down the German economy wasn't actually gaining all that much capital and was set for another economic disaster a few years down the road. Conquering other countries and stealing their resources was the only way the army could pay for this. Of course, Hitler planned for war all along, so that wasn't a problem for him, but the economic imperative -- if he even understood it -- was not his reason for wanting war. In fact Hitler said on more than one occasion that he did not care about economics and considered that fact one of his strengths -- his economic policy was pretty much based around [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time]].
* [[May -December Romance]]: Eva Braun, who was 23 years his junior. Allegedly, as a 28 year old German soldier in World War I, with a 16 year old French girl, Charlotte Lobjoie, which produced a son, Jean-Marie Loret. Had a short relationship with Maria Reiter in 1931, whom he had met when he was 37 and she was 16.
* [[Million Mook March]]
* [[Mis Blamed]]: He's often held up as an example of the inevitable moral bankruptcy of atheism...''and'' as an example of the inherently intolerant and oppressive nature of Christianity. This is actually sort of understandable, since both his public and private statements about religion are so contradictory that it's just about impossible to figure out what he believed. (The general scholarly consensus is that although he didn't mind using the Jews' supposed complicity in the Crucifixion to justify his antisemitism to others, his personal attitude toward Christianity was actually fairly contemptuous. He wasn't a strong atheist or anything, though, nor was he particularly opposed to religion in general.)
* [[Modern Major -General]]: Hitler was many things, but a military genius was not one of them. His army's early victories came about due to the brilliant leadership of generals like Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian. Once Hitler started trying to personally direct the war effort out of fear that his stellar generals might overshadow him, he began replacing them with Nazi yes-men who had more loyalty than talent. That's about the time everything started to go downhill.
** However, this is often Flanderised. Hitler was described as a "gifted amateur" tactically (not strategically), certainly more than you'd expect for someone who never rose above corporal in the army. His reputation was in part made by an idea he had to deal with the Belgian border fortresses during the invasion of the Low Countries -- the Belgians had made the turrets so huge and impenetrable, ''the Nazis could just land gliders full of commandoes on top of them''.
* [[MommasMomma's Boy]]: A few pop-psychologists attributed his deep hatred for the Jews to the death of his mother, who died of cancer while being treated by a Jewish doctor.
** But on the other hand, Hitler specifically ordered said doctor ''not'' to be killed. While the above sounds like a good [[Freudian Excuse]], he didn't actually seem to blame the doctor, although he was truly desperate when his mother died -- the doctor claimed he had never seen a young man so desperate in the same situation.
** After the Anschluss, the doctor, Eduard Bloch, actually wrote to Hitler and asked for help after his practice had been closed. He came under Gestapo protection and was allowed to live undisturbed until the paperwork for his and his wife's immigration to the US had been finished.
* [[Mook Promotion]]: Hitler was a [[Mook]] in [[World War I]]
* [[Beard of Evil|Moustache Of Evil]]: Unless you're doing a [[Charlie Chaplin]] cosplay [[Good Hair, Evil Hair|you'll get in trouble for using that.]]
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: No pun intended.
* [[Mother Russia Makes You Strong]]: Rather creepily, Hitler became a firm believer in this by the end of the war. Because the Soviets had defeated the Germans in the Great Patriotic War, his racist and Social Darwinist attitudes led him to conclude that the "eastern races" were obviously more deserving of survival, and thought they would ultimately complete world conquest after destroying the "decadent democracies of the west". It's one of the reasons he came to denounce the entire German nation, and deemed them unfit to even survive as a people – trying to effect this by [[Taking You With Me|ordering the destruction of all German infrastructure and even the bare means of survival]].
* [[NamesName's the Same]]: There was apparently a US soldier during the time of [[World War Two]] who was also named Adolf Hitler. When asked if he was going to change his name, he replied "let the other guy change his name."
* [[Nazi Germany]]: [[Trope Maker]] and [[Trope Codifier]].
* [[Nice to The Waiter]]: His secretary, Traudl Junge (while admitting that he was evil) said that he was "a pleasant boss and a fatherly friend".
* [[Non -Idle Rich]]: People usually ignore (based on his rather dull private life) that he was a very wealthy man, leaving aside the fact he held absolute mastery over the second economy in the world at the time. By some clever arrangement made by Martin Bormann and others in the late 1930s, he gained royalties for his appearance on postal stamps and for the publication of ''Mein Kampf'' (even nowadays it it sold by the tens of thousands each year, during the Reich millions of copies had been purchased both by people and the state organizations). He never used money as ordinary people do, ''at times he even lacked a wallet for money'' and someone from his entourage held ready small amounts of money if the Führer needed them to buy something (as he reduced his public appearances to the bare minimum when the war started, there were less to zero reasons for this anymore).
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: Well the rivalry against his father and the attachment to his mother (which was Hitler's warmest memory especially during his Vienna years, but unfortunately died) were what what led to his [[Freudian Excuse]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: The defeat at Stalingrad. Hitler's record of military victories began to fall apart from there. [[Never My Fault|Hitler blamed anyone but himself, and urged the German people to fight to the bitter end.]]
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** Considering what the Communist regime did to Siberian Huskies simply because the dogs were considered a symbol of leadership and wealth, who can really blame him?
* [[Playing the Victim Card]]: And the "oppressors" are the Jews and those who participated in the Treaty Of Versailles.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: And serves as the [[Trope Codifier|template]] for most in fiction.
* [[Propaganda Machine]]: With many of his methods being copied by a majority of the world's politicians.
* [[Psycho Supporter]]: Hitler had plenty of them, both in Germany and outside.
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* [[The Ubermensch]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Expected this from his subordinates, and in many cases got it. A notable example would be his paramour Eva Braun, who he eventually married and committed suicide with in 1945.
* [[The Un -Smile]]: During his last years.
* [[Villain Ball]]/[[This Is Your Brain On Evil]]: Opening a new war front with the Soviet Union before being done in the west is usually seen as an example of this.
* [[Villain With Good Publicity]]: In Germany, before it all came crumbling down. Many people tend to forget he was legally appointed and enjoyed popular support (albeit backed up from the start with threats of violence toward those who didn't support him), which only makes him ''more'' scary in retrospect. Quite a few historians have said that if Hitler had kicked the bucket around 1935-1938, he would have been remembered as one of the greatest of all German Chancellors, on par with Bismarck. He would have lost some points over antisemitism, [[Values Dissonance|but at that time it was not really all that out of place]].
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* [[We Can Rule Together]]: To [[Josef Stalin|Stalin]]. Although both were deeply suspicious of the other.
** The Nazi's original idea was of a grand alliance with Britain, and that the English and the Germans would "share" the world: the English holding supremacy on the seas with an overseas empire, while the Germans would hold supremacy on land with a continental empire. The Nazis had this view because the inhabitants of the United Kingdom are, after all, Anglo-Saxons and ''Germanic'' in origin (barring the Celtics of course), and so in Hitler's view they would of course be natural allies. In fact, Hitler saw the success of the British Empire as proof of the superiority of the Germanic race. Not only did this ''not'' happen (turns out the British were not at all interested in this arrangement) and the Nazis wound up going to war with their ideological ally, but Hitler found himself, at least at first, in an alliance with the Soviet Union, his ideological ''enemy''. Even so, Hitler never really gave up on the idea of an alliance with Britain, and thought that after he had won the war they could still become allies.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Explain to me again your reasons for getting into a war with ''the entire world'' at the same time, Adolf?
** [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|Hitler's catastrophic invasion of Russia during one of the coldest winters ever is generally viewed not only as an incredibly stupid move both militarily and politically, but as a turning point for the entire European theater of the war]]. It not only diverted a huge amount of resources and men to a front that, prior to that time, had been of no concern, but much worse for Hitler, it turned the war into a two-front fight which Germany could never have hoped to win.
** Oh heck, at least that has ''some'' tidbits of rationality as Russia was a danger and Hitler wasn't going to conquer Britain anytime soon because [[You Should Know This Already|the Royal Navy might object]]. What about just declaring war upon America out of the blue for no other reason then that he was absurdly pleased with the Japanese for Pearl Harbor -- even though he couldn't possibly do any lasting damage beyond a few weeks of torpedoing merchantmen?
** "[[The Princess Bride (Film)|Never get involved in a land war in Asia!]]"
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* In the alternate [[Magitek]] universe novel ''Operation Chaos'', the protagonists are in Hell and at a loss to understand the identity of a mustached man with a strange armband who speaks with a strong German accent, and why the most powerful demons tremble at sight of him, or why he uses the "ancient and honorable symbol of the fylfot (swastika)". Their alternate history never had a Nazi Germany.
* [[Invasion of the Neptune Men|"They took out the Hitler building!]] [[Mystery Science Theater 3000 (TV)|Where's everyone going to go to see Hitler memorabilia?"]]
* When ''[[Histeria (Animation)|Histeria]]'' did an episode about World War II, they of course had Hitler as the villain in it. He looked like [[Satan]] and [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice|sounded like]] [[Inspector Gadget|Dr. Claw]].
* ''[[The Simpsons (Animation)|The Simpsons]]''. Bart wrecked Hitler's car. Cue Nelson's question "What did he ever do to you?"
** It was also implied (in the episode Bart makes a crank phone call to Australia) that Hitler is living in Argentina.
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* In the short story "Southern Strategy" by Michael F. Flynn, in which Germany won [[WW 1]], Hitler has become a major political leader in Germany, and has gained massive support for his cause through his speaking skills and charismatic personality. His cause is the furthering of animal rights and the banning of tobacco.
* ''[[CSA Confederate States of America]]'': The Confederecy is an Axis power, but Hitler is unable to reach an agreement on whether or not to go through with the final solution or keep its victims alive as slave labor.
* ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Castle_in_the_Forest The Castle In The Forest]'' by Norman Mailer presented Hitler's origins with a heavy dose of [[Brother -Sister Incest]]: A brother rapes his sister; in time he then rapes ''their daughter'', and the product of ''that'' union is Hitler. It gets worse from there.
* Hitler's dog Blondi is a [[Historical in In-Joke]] in ''[[Pet Shop of Horrors]]'' {{spoiler|He's actually a Kirin, a magical animal that gurantees victory, in the form of an exceptionally handsome German Shepherd. Unfortunately for Hitler and the Nazis he can also be very fickle.}}
* A dystopian [[Alternate History]] Europe where Hitler won the war is the premise of Brad Linaweaver's novel ''Moon Of Ice.''
* ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]'' posits that Hitler was {{spoiler|one of [[The Knights Templar]], and conspired with FDR, Stalin and Churchill to start World War II to establish a New World Order to [[Take Over the World]] for the Templars.}} And it would have worked, too, if it weren't for those meddling Assassins! {{spoiler|Hitler killed a body double inside the Führerbunker, only to be ambushed and killed by an Assassin who'd been waiting outside for him to make his escape attempt.}}
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