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Final Fantasy V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: The only one who isn't. {{spoiler|On the other hand his father was royalty...}}
* [[Secret Legacy]]: Everyone else in the party are {{spoiler|[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]}} except Bartz, the hobo on a chocobo. {{spoiler|Until he finds out that his father fought Exdeath thirty years ago}}.
* [[Unfortunate Names]]: Called "Butz" in non-English versions, which makes this one of the few [[Spell My Name With an "S"|name translations]] across all media that generally isn't disputed.
** [[Clean Dub Name]]
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Before the game. He's pretty content with it and goes back to doing so at the end.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Heights?]]: Bartz has suffered from acrophobia ever since a childhood incident in his home town where, in a game of hide-and-seek, he somehow managed to get stuck on the roof of a house. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|Not that this ever seems to stop him from climbing mountains, ascending towers, flying airships...]] though it compromised with his first time riding a Wind Drake. He hesitates long enough for Galuf to be ticked, and proceeds to throw the poor boy into Hiryu's back.
==== Lenna Charlotte Tycoon ====
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* [[Rebellious Princess]]: She disobeys her father right at the beginning of the game.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: {{spoiler|Like most of the party.}}
* [[Rose -Haired Girl]]: Only in the in-game sprites (Her Amano art has her as a [[Hair of Gold|blonde]]). However, the pink hair is far more favored by fan artists.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Her initial dialogue with Bartz (especially the PSX translation) and the Amano art of them embracing in moonlight. Doesn't really happen in-game.
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: She may be a [[Lady of War]] but she's also so kind and sweet and well-spoken and princessy.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Initially translated as "Reina".
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
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'''Bartz:''' And your amnesia oh-so-conveniently returns. }}
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!|Grandpa, What Massive Hotness You Have]]: He pulls off a [[Walking Shirtless Scene]] fairly well for someone his age in his Monk sprite.
** And his [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110115232305/finalfantasy/images/3/36/FF5-Dancer.png Dancer costume] is positively [[Stripperiffic]].
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
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* [[Old Soldier]]: Acts like this. Especially his {{spoiler|last living words. They're not a heartfelt farewell, but telling his friends to end Exdeath once and for all. (He has kinder words for Krile afterwards.)}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Power of Love]]: Implied to be what spurs him on in his [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}.
* [[The Obi -Wan]]: {{spoiler|After his memory is restored.}}
* [[Pungeon Master]]
{{quote| '''Galuf:'''...Don't push it, kid. Here in Bal, bad jokes like that will get you [[Incredibly Lame Pun|PUNished]]...}}
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* [[A Boy and His X|A Pirate And Her Sea Creature Friend]]
* [[Action Girl]]: Oh yes.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Initially [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type IV]]; she intends to hold Lenna for ransom early on, and only joins the quest to find out about her past, not because she cares about the crystals or worldwide devastation. [[Character Development|This changes]], and by the end of the game she's Type II.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: In her official artwork.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Princess]]}}
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* [[Jack of All Stats]]: [[Mighty Glacier|Bartz]] and [[Stone Wall|Galuf]] have ''slightly'' (it won't mean anything after the very early game for the most part) higher physical attack and constitution, [[Glass Cannon|Lenna]] has ''slightly'' (though the agility boost will at least decide what order characters with the same set up move in here) higher magic and agility, Faris has the best of both.
* [[The Lancer]]: Somewhat. She's more on the ball than Bartz is, in general.
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Faris is Lenna's sister.}}
* [[Pirate]] [[Pirate Girl|Girl]]
* [[Pirates Who Don't Do Anything]]: Averted. Her first reaction to finding out she has a princess aboard is to hold her for ransom.
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*** Also, if you talk to one of "his" crew at the start of the game in the Tule pub, he will say "Captain... so dreamy..."
* [[Talk Like a Pirate]]: It's done horribly in the PSX version, with nearly every line beginning with "D'garr!" The GBA simply (and less annoyingly) makes her talk like a thug with [[Antiquated Linguistics|very old slurs]].
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|Tall Purple And Bishoujo]]
* The [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|Tomboy]] to {{spoiler|Lenna}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]: Like Lenna, the Amano art has her as a blonde.
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* [[Badass Princess]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The first time the party meets her is when she busts into the Ronka Ruins on a meteor and knocks out an [[Brainwashed and Crazy|Exdeath-controlled]] King Tycoon.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Her first appearance is as an illusion the Siren creates to lure Galuf, but [[Laser -Guided Amnesia|he has no clue who she is]]. {{spoiler|She's later revealed to be his granddaughter and replaces him after his [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}.
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: It seems that she was designed to be as adorable as possible. {{spoiler|Especially her job classes. Berserker gives you a little girl in what looks like a cat Halloween costume, [[Ax Crazy|going on a rampage with an axe or a hammer]].}} She also wins a fist fight against Bartz once.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: She's less ''suicidal'' about it than Lenna, fortunately.
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* [[Speaks Fluent Animal]] / [[Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish]]: She can talk to moogles. And wind drakes. And chocobos. They never really explain this except for one NPC in Bal that said her ability started to appear after her parent were missing in desert.
* {{spoiler|[[Take Up My Sword]]: Galuf to Krile.}}
* [[Token Mini -Moe]]
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: The others tell her this during the ending.
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The "base" job of the game; all of the characters start out as one.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: While this job starts out fairly weak [[Statistically Speaking]], it eventually gains the stat boosts of all mastered jobs without taking on stat penalties. It also acquires the innate abilities of mastered jobs, such as the Ninja's [[Dual -Wielding]] or the Monk's ability to [[Counter Attack]].
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Averted; this class can equip any and all pieces of equipment. Being able to do so actually makes it one of the best jobs in the game, even before it inherits stat boosts.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: They're actually faster than a Freelancer, but their use of Heavy Armor tends to make them slower.
* [[No Sell]]: As stated above, Guard nullifies damage from all physical attacks.
* [[Self -Imposed Challenge]]: Use of the above and below in combination makes them quite useful for them.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: Has the signature Cover ability.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Knife Nut|Knives]], [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords, knight swords]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Monk ====
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These bare knuckled fighters can take down even powerful monsters with but their fists. They have the highest Strength and health among all jobs, making them sturdy.
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]]: Goes without saying.
* [[Counter Attack]]: Their innate ability.
* [[Critical Hit]]: Bare fists are one of the two ways to trigger critical hits without consuming MP.
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** [[Nice Hat]]: Lenna and Krile also get stylish berets.
* [[Mega Manning]]: Codified the [[Final Fantasy]] version.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Knife Nut|Knives]], [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords]], [[Magic Wand|rods]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Black Mage ====
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* [[Crutch Character]]: They seem to be this, since as more jobs are unlocked their offensive power wanes.
* [[The Faceless]]: As per Final Fantasy tradition, but an interesting case given that other than using this job, each character has a face.
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: Every odd level of Black Magic has this.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Steeple hats as usual.
* [[Non -Elemental]]: Their ultimate spell, Flare.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: High Magic, low strength and health.
* [[Standard Status Effects]]
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These warriors have the ability to enchant their weapons with magic, allowing them to exploit elemental weaknesses, inflict status effects, drain HP or MP, or just deal heavy damage.
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: Given that their skill set is closely linked to a Black Mage's...
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Tied for second fastest job with Ninja, and is one of a handful of jobs that get no stat reductions whatsoever. They can also equip heavy armor and can swing swords with enough strength.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Sort of. They still use physical attacks, yet can imbue their weapons with magical effects.
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* [[Standard Status Effects]]: Poison, Silence, Sleep, Bio, Break, and Death Spellblade.
* [[Stripperific]]: Lenna and Faris both resemble belly dancers in this job.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Knife Nut|Knives]], [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Berserker ====
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Slowest job in the game, yet they hit hard.
* [[Nemean Skinning]]: All of them wear animal skins.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Knife Nut|Knives]], [[An Axe to Grind|axes]], [[Drop the Hammer|hammers]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Red Mage ====
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** [[Blow You Away]]: {{spoiler|Syldra}}, though the animation suggests otherwise.
** [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: Titan.
** [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: The level 2 summons Shiva, Ifrit, and Ramuh.
** [[Making a Splash]]: Leviathan.
** [[Non -Elemental]]: Chocobo, Sylph, Odin (when using Gungnir) and Bahamut.
** [[Playing With Fire]]: Apart from the aforementioned Ifrit, Phoenix.
* [[Life Drain]]: Sylph damages a single enemy and heals all living party members.
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* [[Magikarp Power]]: See Freelancer. In fact, this is the best job for a magically inclined character, as they can have three commands apart from Mimic, and this class lack of weapons does not hamper them thus.
* [[Mega Manning]]: This is their default job command.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Has the [[Knife Nut|weapon]] [[Precision Guided Boomerang|set of the]] [[Double Weapon|Thief and Ninja]], but with the addition of [[Magic Wand|rods]], [[Simple Staff|staves]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
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* [[Money to Throw Away]]: Zeninage lets you throw money at enemies.
* [[Single Stroke Battle]]: Their Iainuki ability allows them to do this, though its chance of success is minimal against more powerful foes.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Apart from the aforementioned [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]], they also have access to [[Knife Nut|knives]] and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Dragoon ====
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Yet another Heavy Armor job, yet again slightly weaker than a Knight and slightly faster.
* [[Shout Out]]: Bartz's Dragoon outfit very closely resembles [[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Kain Highwind]].
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Knife Nut|Knives]], [[Blade On a Stick|spears]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Dancer ====
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* [[Chemistry Can Do Anything]]
* [[Difficult but Awesome]]: Even more so than Blue Magic, yet Mixes are invaluable for more strategic players, particularly those doing a [[Low -Level Run]].
* [[Item Caddy]]: Potions and ethers are doubly effective when used by a Chemist. This is an innate ability, so mastering it will pass it to Freelancers and Mimes.
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Despite the more magical nature of their abilities, they don't get appreciable stat boosts or deductions, and they have Magic as their lowest stat (though not by much).
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* [[Random Encounters]]: Can increase their rate through the Lure passive ability.
* [[Shout Out]]: The character's outfits resemble that of [[Saint Seiya]] characters. Each of the characters also resemble a Summon within the game (Bartz to Odin or Bahamut, Lenna to Shiva, Faris to Syldra, and Krile to Carbuncle).
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Multi Melee Master|They get access to most physically based weapons]], such as [[Knife Nut|knives]], [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords, knight swords]], [[An Axe to Grind|axes]], [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]], [[Blade On a Stick|spears]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Cannoneer ====
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* [[Nice Hat]]: The party resembles French soldiers in this job, complete with tricorn (though [[Pirate]] Faris forgoes the hat).
* [[Standard Status Effects]]: Open Fire is a regular attack that deals full damage from the back row and can inflict these.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Other than cannon, they carry [[Knife Nut|knives]], [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords]], and [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shields]].
==== The Oracle ====
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The main villain of Final Fantasy V. Exdeath was once a tree in the Great Forest of Moore, who was used as a prison for evil souls to inhabit. Eventually the evil souls merged into the form of the [[Tin Tyrant]] that's seen in the game. Exdeath's goal is to control the void and destroy everything.
* [[And Your Little Dog, Too]]: He destroys {{spoiler|Bartz' hometown and the Moogle Forest}} largely just to show off his newfound power.
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: The Dawn Warriors booted him out of their dimension, with Dorgann staying behind as a warden.
** As a dustbin for evil creatures, Exdeath himself is an embodiment of this trope.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: His final boss forms.
* [[Evil Albino]]: The only visible parts of Exdeath are his hands, which are ghostly white.
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* [[Evil Overlord]]: He has the multitude of demons sealed in the Rift at his beck and call, apparently by promising to reshape the world for them to rule.
** There's also the fact that he himself is actually composed of ''multiple demons''.
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: During the final battle, he becomes consumed by the Void(which he had attempted to gain control of over the course of the game), turning him into [[One -Winged Angel|Neo-Exdeath]]}}
* [[Fighting a Shadow]]: The Sealed Castle is patrolled by ExDeath Souls.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]
* [[Shoulders of Doom]]: Those spikes have got to be over a foot high.
* [[Shut Up, Kirk]]: Delivered to Bartz and the gang when they confront him in his castle.
{{quote| '''Bartz:''' Exdeath! No way we'll let you get away with this!<br />
'''Exdeath:''' Mwa-hahahaha... Have you any idea what I plan to get away with in the first place? }}
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* [[When Trees Attack]]: This is what happens when you use a tree in a magic forest as a trash compactor for evil spirits.
* [[Where I Was Born and Razed]]: The tree that became Exdeath originally grew in the Great Forest of Moore. In his race to destroy the Crystals of Galuf's world, he burns down the entire forest, save for the eldest tree, because the forest would not allow him to enter.
* [[Why Won't You Die?]]: {{spoiler|He says this to Galuf in his [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}.
==== Gilgamesh ====
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* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: You gotta feel sorry for him when Exdeath {{spoiler|sent him to the Interdimensional Rift for his incompetence.}}
* [[Large Ham]]: INCONCEIVABLE!
* {{spoiler|[[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]] + [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: {{spoiler|He is very saddened to find out that Galuf has been killed, to the point he keeps quiet for the rest of the battle in complete contrast to his normal self}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me]]}}: Exdeath got fed up with his constant bungling and {{spoiler|tossed him into the Interdimensional Rift}}.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: After the Fire Crystal breaks. Mid snaps him out of it.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Invented the Crystal machines.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: He blames himself for the shattering of the Crystals.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: Exdeath used his machines to help destroy the Crystals that sealed him.}}
==== Mid Previa ====
Cid's grandson. [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|Manages to get his grandfather to his senses.]]
* [[Bookworm]]: He's so absorbed in his reading he doesn't even ''notice'' the party's battle with a vicious book-demon behind him.
* [[The Engineer]]: He seems just as adept as Cid.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Towards his grandfather.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: He would be insufferable if he wasn't so funny.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: There have been several references to Mid in the series. "Mid" is one of the default names for the Red Mage job in the remakes of ''[[Final Fantasy I (Video Game)|Final Fantasy I]]'', [[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Cid Pollendina's]] grandson in ''[[Final Fantasy IV the After Years|The After Years]]'' is named Mid, and Mid is [[Final Fantasy XII (Video Game)|Balthier's]] true middle name.
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