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The [[Gaming Steve Universe]] is a long-running [[Science Fiction|science fiction]] [[Play -By -Post Games|Play By Post Game]] hosted on the [[Gaming Steve Forums|site of the same name.]]
The Gaming Steve Universe takes place in an expansive galaxy populated by a large variety of alien creatures, each with their own unique themes and stories, so much so that some have even created their very own [[Expanded Universe|Expanded Universes.]] The main timeline is so expansive it's divided into several successive eras.
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A currently less active aspect of the game is race creation. It's a rule of thumb that one cannot role-play in the Gaming Steve Universe without initially creating one's own species. This could lead to some very interesting results, as showcased by certain creators who are quite keen on fleshing out their works.
It originally developed as an offshoot of a ''[[Spore]]'' 2005 Fan Fic. As the fan-made creatures and stories became more and more complex, the Gaming Steve Universe drifted further and further away from its parent material, eventually becoming its own independent universe.
The game itself can be found [http://www.gamingsteve.com/blab/index.php?board=18.0 here.]
While the individual creations' pages can be found [http://www.gamingsteve.com/blab/index.php?board=17.0 here.]
Not to be confused with ''[[Steven Universe]]''.
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* [[And I Must Scream]]: The Eternal Torture Device. Developed by the ''Terran-Ixians,'' of all people.
* [[Artificial Gravity]]: A staple of almost all space-faring civilizations.
* [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]: The Nauceans.
** And apparently, the [[Boring but Practical|ViS]] as well.
* [[Ascetic Aesthetic]]: The Robotic Wexxians ultimately take the cake for this one. They use sleek and shiny design principles like organics breathe air. Just to make it clear, this is the same race that puts crystals and spires on their blueprints wherever, and whenever, they possibly can.
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* [[Badass Army]]: Essentially the Second Galactic War was several of these clashing. What with the first Emergence of the Austians and their [[Super Soldier]]-esque Marines, the Alliance of Honor (which just sounds Badass) and the Grand Union deciding that Communism isn't badass enough for them and deciding to kick out REDSTAR.
** The Communicant horde managed to take on half the galaxy at once. I'd certainly say they fit this description.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: While most creatures possess a relatively familiar biology, some of the more exotic ones can be [[Silicon -Based Life|very,]] ''[[Solid Gold Poop|very]]'' [[Mechanical Lifeforms|alien]] [[Energy Beings|indeed...]]
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Some of the more "villainous" races usually have this. Though, that doesn't mean that benevolent civilizations are completely immune to it.
** The Elbeasts' philosophy is to eat everything, as in ''everything'' everything. Some Elbeasts have even stated that they'll go as far as ''modifying their own biochemistry'' just so they can succeed in eating everyone. Suffice to say, no amount of logical or physical persuasion has convinced them to think otherwise. Ever.
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*** The later Tri-Wexxian Empire even more so. Their [[Capital City|Capital City,]] Void, is located in an entirely separate, artificially constructed ''pocket universe.''
** The Orealyianis Monarchy, what with their reverse engineering of [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|sufficiently advanced technologies]] in order to compensate for their lack in numbers.
** Practically any civilization in the ''Extended Yuuniverse'' which has the technology necessary to field a Starship can be considered as one.
* <s> [[Dirty Communists]]</s> '''Democratic Socialists''': The Perrachi temporarily became this when they started to aggressively "liberate" weaker nations under tyrannies,
** Played Straight in terms of the REDSTAR, who crossed into [[Complete Monster]] territory towards the end of the Second Galactic War.
** The species that the former PSR (Perrachi Socialist Republic) liberated/conquered are independent, though their governments are "The Slakos Democracy" and "The Makal Commune". They appear to be averting this trope.
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*** This becomes ''even more'' egregious when it comes to the elite Elders, who are so massive they can fit ''entire capital ships'' of most other non-giant races within the palm of their hands.
*** Though, the penultimate offender would be Lord Glutenheimer, who is as large as a full-sized ''planet.''
*** And then we go to Lord Bathariadne, who, {{spoiler|like most other Universal Administrators,}} is slightly taller than a ''Luminary Assault Carrier.'' To put that into perspective, if he and [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/VY_Canis_Majoris:VY Canis Majoris|this star]] were to stand side by side, the star would be about the height of his ''shoulder.''
** A good guy example would be King Moriadne of the Terran-Ixians, whose "normal size" ([[Sizeshifter|they can, to an extent, change size at will]]) is three times that of an average Terran-Ixian.
* [[Living Ship]]: Most races which employ organic spacecraft are likely to have these.
** Wexxian spaceships, which also happen to be the race's closest analogue to females.
** The Vara Orealyianis is implied to be one. And a wrathful one at that. Though, it's [[Played for Laughs|mostly played for laughs.]]
** The Hnangha. The ''womb'' of the Fetus King.
** It is implied that all Starships from the ''Extended Yuuniverse'' are this.
* [[Living Onon Borrowed Time]]: Agnasi.
* [[Lizard Folk]]: The Kratair.
** The Pentekonterus.
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* [[Lost Technology]]: You'll be surprised at how often people manage to forget even ''their own'' technologies, let alone those that don't belong to them.
* [[Magic From Technology]]: The Technomages, who use advanced technology in order to make things ''seem'' like magic.
** The ancient art of Disjuncting was developed by the Communicants through an extremely precise and mathematically rigorous application of [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theoryChaos theory|Chaos Theory.]] It is literally ''powered by Math.''
** The ''Extended Yuuniverse'' employs a similar art called Programming. Its underlying principles are almost, if not completely, identical to the former.
** Oddly enough, the latter two arts were clearly invented independently of each other. Somewhat justified if such developments are seen as an expected product of [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|sufficiently advanced civilizations.]]
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** The Terran-series.
*** Most residents of the Dominion whose biology fall under the "Soft" category.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: The Chivi. ''Every single one of them.'' [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that they lost all of their limbs after a pre-contact world war involving the use of biological weapons.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: The Terran-Ixians, after their [[Heel Race Turn|Heel Race Turn.]]
** The other Terran series who also did the same.
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** To a limited degree at least.
** The Photos military has this as standard equipment for all of their soldiers.
** Averted by the Chivi. Their power armors are actually [[Mini -Mecha]] made to resemble their race's original body scheme.
* [[Power Glows]]: In the ''Extended Yuuniverse,'' a very reliable way of measuring how powerful a person or object is is by looking at how bright he/she/it is.
** Except for those whose nature were corrupted. For them, it's usually the other way around.
* [[Powers Asas Programs]]: Programming. ''Literally.''
** Good luck trying to gather enough RAM to run them, though.
*** That's what the [[Green Rocks]] are for.
* [[Proud Merchant Race]]: The Sombrerons are 'the' merchant race of the galaxy. If there's anyone who can [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series|screw the rules]] or drive their enemies to submission through sheer power in the world of Economics, it's them.
* [[Proud Warrior Race]]: The Torpals, the epitome of [[Hot -Blooded]]. Their entire culture pretty much revolves around combat. They love fighting so much, they even have an ongoing project with the express purpose of uplifting primitive planets [[Blood Knight|''just so they could fight them.'']]
* [[Rasputinian Death]]: Yerxe have backup brains and hearts in their torso, head, and each of their six limbs. This means that to effectively kill one you have to slice it up into at least twenty carefully cut pieces.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Most player-controlled royals exemplify this trait.
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** The Orealyianis' home system is actually the salvaged remains of a Terran-Ixian Starship.
** Each Luminary Assault Carrier contains a Nameless' personal planet.
* [[Standard Sci -Fi Army]]: Almost everyone has one.
* [[Standard Sci -Fi Fleet]]: Almost everyone has one, too.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: A considerable number of creatures are this.
** Actively encouraged, in fact. To the point that anything remotely humanoid or familiar was [[Fan Dumb|flamed off of the forum]] at one point.
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** In the ''Extended Yuuniverse,'' the main cannons of Starships are basically ''gamma ray bursts ON STEROIDS.''
*** The Nameless' Luminary Assault Carriers are said to be capable of downing enemy an Starship ''[[One-Hit Kill|in a single hit.]]'' They'd have to [[Tim Taylor Technology|redirect most of the ship's power]] for this to actually work, though.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: The common Terran-Ixian, a [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|sufficiently advanced]] [[Super Robot|super robotic]] [[Proud Warrior Race|warrior]] capable of [[Deflector Shields|summoning force fields,]] [[Teleport Spam|teleporting all across the battlefield,]] [[Ray Gun|shooting particle beams]] [[Eye Beams|out of its eyes,]] and [[Sizeshifter|growing into a three hundred meter tall rampaging killbot]] can easily be [[Sensory Overload|thwarted]] by... {{spoiler|[[Logic Bomb|distracting it.]] ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/[Main/ptitlem4f37xq499gkptitlem 4 f 37 xq 499 gk|With a ball.]]''}}
* [[We Can Rebuild Him]]: The Photos' ABU units are essentially maimed soldiers who chose to undergo extensive cybernetic upgrades in order to continue serving in the military.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Whenever this trope is invoked, it’s either: A.) The race in question is biologically designed for this and thus has no qualms about using such strategies or B.) The commander is a serious [[Jerkass|Jerk Ass.]] Sometimes both.
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