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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:VideoGame.AssassinsCreedII 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:VideoGame.AssassinsCreedII, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** It's even more anticlimactic if you manage to grab him at some point. Then it just turns into deciding what combination of punches, headbutts, and knees to the face you want to use before dragging him up off the ground again and repeating.
** Two words: Throwing Knives. They are unblockable, so fling a couple of them at him and he will go down without even reaching you.
* [[Anti -Villain]]: Dante Moro. His master [[Manipulative Bastard|Marco Barbarigo]] tried to have him killed so he could steal his wife. His plan failed, but since Moro was left brain-damaged, Marco fooled him into divorcing his true love, and then hired him to be his personal bodyguard. [[Kick the Dog|And then married his ex-wife.]]
* [[Apocalypse How]]: {{spoiler|Somewhere between Class 2 and 3b in the distant past. And it's about to happen again in [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|Desmond's time]]...}}
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: The Pazzi and Barbarigo families and Rodrigo.
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* [[Bus Crash]]: {{spoiler|Lorenzo de' Medici}} disappears after Ezio goes to Venice and dies offscreen.
* [[Call Back]]: The 3-episode miniseries ''Lineage'', which takes place before the events of the game, contains many plot points that are later mentioned in the game. Some of these include: the assassination of the Duke of Milan, Giovanni being an Assassin, and the Pope's approval for the destruction of the Medici family.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "[[Bond One -Liner|Requiescat in pace.]]" Said by Ezio as a parting sendoff to all of his targets, preceded by an Italian-language, target-specific line. There's a variant in the final boss fight where he says: "Requiescat in pace, you bastard." {{spoiler|Then the boss wakes up.}} While it's used in both the English and Italian versions, in the Japanese voice track it's translated (''nemure, yasuraka ni'').
** The Templars also have "May the Father of Understanding guide us."
* [[Camera Screw]]: Thankfully it's at least possible to set the action camera frequency, but it's still not possible to disable it completely.
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** Sometimes it's more of a guilt trip, like when he changed his mind about fleeing with his mother and sister to Spain and instead agreed to stick around to help Mario whack Vieri de' Pazzi.
* [[Clock Punk]]: Thanks to [[Leonardo Da Vinci]], morso in [[Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Video Game)|the next game]]
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: Lady Caterina has a ''very'' naughty mouth.
* [[Command and Conquer Economy]]: With enough ''florin''s saved up, you can order your Architect to renovate your village back into the thriving economy it used to be.
* [[Conspicuously Selective Perception]]: Better about it than the first game: guards are smart enough to flush Ezio out of hiding spots if he hid while just out of sight. Also, guards ''will'' recognize Ezio more as the story progresses. You can, however, lower his infamy by tearing down wanted posters, bribing heralds, or ganking corrupt officials (who apparently no one but guards will react to). There are also minstrels, who become really tiring, really quickly. Especially when they travel in packs.
** The main role of ''mercenari'' is to provide a fighting distraction for guards so that you can assassinate them while they're distracted. If you try to assassinate from the front even a 'distracted' guard is likely to block your attempt... but then he'll just turn back to the mercenaries he was fighting, as if you were never there. If the mercenaries started fighting with the guards and you just perform [[In the Back|one-hit kills]], it doesn't count as combat (this is an important note when trying to get "no-hitter", especially with the 10-Brutes-in-60-seconds mission, as you have to initiate combat by detection or non-fatally attacking the guard yourself before letting the mercenaries take over, for subsequent kills to count).
* [[Contractual Boss Immunity]]: When you finally get to fight Rodrigo, he cannot be disarmed or [[One -Hit Kill|One Hit Killed]] with the Hidden Blade's counter.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: You ''wish'' you had an uncle as cool as Mario Auditore. Funny, smart, and a pretty good mentor.
* [[Counter Attack]]: Significantly revamped, but the basic function is still present. Some timing windows have changed, and the ability to steal weapons by countering when unarmed has been added.
* [[Coup De Grace]]: Attacking downed enemies while armed is a [[One -Hit Kill]].
* [[Cosmic Deadline]]: At the end of Sequence 11, right after Ezio is officially inducted into the Assassins, the Animus somehow glitches up and corrupts Sequences 12 and 13, skipping ahead to the final Sequence 14, which takes place 11 years after Sequence 11 and has Shaun helpfully inform you that Ezio's mortal enemy is now [[The Pope|Pope Alexander VI]]. The broken segments are later "repaired" as DLC: "Battle of Forlì", followed by the "Bonfire of the Vanities".
* [[Contract On the Hitman]]: The subject of at least one of the assassination side missions.
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** Equally, Rosa: She is shot through the leg trying to climb a secure building in Venice. Rosa rolls and ''runs'' off, with Ezio following. She actually makes it quite far before finally collapsing.
** Subverted in ''Brotherhood''. When quizzed by Mario, Ezio claims that {{spoiler|the armor of Altaïr blunted Rodrigo's attack. The armor, by the way, is a superstrong, superlight spacemetal forged by the Gods.}}
* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]]: The final boss of ''Assassin's Creed II'' is Pope Alexander VI, who by this point has both keys to the Vault, the Apple of Eden and the papal staff -- aka the Staff of Eden -- and is virtually unstoppable. So, what does Ezio say to him? [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|"Go fuck yourself."]]
* [[Dirty Coward]]: The "running Templars" you encounter in some of the Assassins' Tombs and Templar Lairs, who are near-impossible to catch just to add insult to injury. Fortunately, all of them except the first (the Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, a story memory) may be replayed.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: You get to see Giovanni "disappear"... by hanging.
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** There are also several bonus downloadable items depending on what retailer you preordered the game from. This is also Ubisoft's first game to integrate its community-based Uplay system, which lets you gain points ("Units") redeemable towards DLC for certain Uplay-enabled games.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Ezio has two hidden blades. Most of the time, they don't operate too differently from Altaïr, but they do allow you to shank two guards at once.
* [[Due to The Dead]]: Ezio pays his respects to all the targets he kills, except for Uberto and Vieri. The first he gives a [[Bond One -Liner]], the second causes him to fly into an [[Unstoppable Rage]] until Mario stops him and gives the last rites.
* [[Duel Boss]]: Vieri and Borgia.
** Can be averted in Vieri's case by throwing knives (if you find the right position to throw them from) or [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJHYeaWwFow&t=1m01s by surprising him (possibly by bumping into him)] (at 1:01), but with Borgia the only way to do so is a game-breaking bug (in the sense that you won't be able to complete the memory).
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* [[Eleventh Hour Superpower]]: {{spoiler|1=In a [[Shout Out]] to AC1's final battle, Ezio's learned a few tricks from that Golden Apple, too.}}
* [[Elite Mooks]]: Brutes, Agiles and Seekers.
** The Agiles have a habit of dodging most attacks that you make, but if you can force them to block they'll eventually tire, opening them up for a [[One -Hit Kill]], and as with the beret-wearing regular guards [[One -Hit Kill|all counter attacks are fatal to them]]. There's also several "degrees" of regular sword/bludgeon-wielding guard, proportional to the amount of armor they're wearing and the coverage of their helmets.
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: Archers will attack pickpockets and Borgia Couriers if they get onto roofs near enough, even though the Couriers will try to call for the guards to help them. In Bonfire of the Vanities you will see guards fighting each other even though they all appear red in Eagle Vision.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Ezio, and possibly [[Bishonen|Leonardo]].
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* [[The Evils of Free Will]]: To permanently secure their domain over the world, the Templars plan to launch a satellite with a Piece of Eden onboard, which will apparently allow them to mass hypnotize the entire planet. Even better? The date that the satellite will be launched is December 21, 2012 (the end of the Mayan Calender); this was hinted at in emails in the first game and some of the symbols that Subject 16 drew, and it's confirmed in the second game.
* [[Exclusive Enemy Equipment]]: Longswords, axes and polearms.
* [[Executive Meddling]]: Great, so if we want to play the PC version, [http://www.actiontrip.com/rei/comments_news.phtml?id=021810_6 we need to have an active Internet connection]... [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking It, Ubisoft]].
** Whoever was responsible for removing the ability to replay story missions (in ''AC1'') from ''AC2''. Fortunately, this has returned in ''Brotherhood''.
* [[Eye Scream]]: One of the Hidden Blade [[Counter Attack|counter attacks]] consists of Ezio shoving [[Dual -Wielding|both]] of the hidden blades into his enemy's eyes.
** There is also another one where when you counter a polearm guard while using a polearm, Ezio flourish-twirls the spear right into the guard's eye.
* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]]: Ezio's assassin outfit has several examples, though they're not at ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' levels of dramatic. One hand gloved, one bare. Half-cape over one shoulder. Once you have the piece, an armored spaulder/pauldron goes over the other. Lastly, and this can be easy to miss, Ezio's left hand hidden blade has a white-silver finish, whereas his right hand blade has a black finish.
* [[Fisticuffs Boss]]: It ends like this. Yes, you and the Pope fight with bare hands.
* [[Fling a Light Into The Future]]: {{spoiler|Desmond Miles was the key figure in a scheme by an advanced species that communicated a warning to him through Ezio Auditore as he inhabited the body of his ancestor via the Animus 2.0}}. Needless to say, this caused Desmond to exclaim "[[Precision F -Strike|What. The. Fuck?!]]"
* [[Fluorescent Footprints]]: Available using Eagle Vision.
* [[For Doom the Bell Tolls]]: In the [[Attract Mode]] video, after the second target is shot, there is a beat, then a bell sounds as he falls over dead.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: Rodrigo Borgia seems to be the only one able to see an Assassin in broad daylight and in his fight with Ezio, after being knocked down, he simply uses his powers to restrain and stab Ezio rather than engage him again.
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: Altaïr noted in the Codex that many would-be Assassins could not accept the [[Badass Creed]] and broke in the face of it.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: The Beat-Up missions have you going around getting into fistfights with adulterous husbands. Additionally, attempting to steal from men more than once will provoke them to carry out a little street justice themselves...even the ''[[Bare -Fisted Monk|monks]]'' want a piece of you! Like the Hidden Blade, unarmed fighting has also been upgraded; Ezio ''can'' block, after a fashion - it's more like automatic dodging - and counter in unarmed combat now, as well as disarm enemies.
** This is Ezio's only combat mode throughout his pre-Assassin life, although it's not til his training at Monteriggioni that he learns to disarm. Later on, during the contests for the Golden Mask, he's supposed to stick to unarmed fighting-- though, when the last set of enemies bring weapons into the pit, you're allowed to use your own with no penalty. And of course, the final fight with {{spoiler|Pope Alexander VI}}.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: Ezio is ''quite'' the ladies' man. As we later learn, {{spoiler|so does Altaïr}}.
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* [[Healing Potion]]: The sequel dispenses with the [[Call a Hit Point A Smeerp|'sync']] thing of the first game and gives us a regular health meter that doesn't fully replenish on its own. Cue little vials of a miraculous healing concoction.
** The change from the first game is implied to be a result of the Animus 2.0's superiority over the original Animus.
* [[Highly -Visible Ninja]]: Ezio is possibly a bigger offender when it come to this than Altaïr. In Altaïr's time, the bright white assassin robe at least had the perk that it was reminiscent of the one the local scholars wore, which made masquerading as one or hiding amongst a group of them possible. Ezio on the other hand has no such excuse, but unlike Altaïr, he has the option of changing the robe's color to a more camouflage-friendly one. Interestingly, his father, Giovanni, apparently kept the robe in its white default color, making him qualify for the trope as well. Note that this ''does'' tie into gameplay: if Ezio passes into line of sight of a guard in an area he shouldn't be in, they spot him right away. If the guards are on high alert, they'll also spot Ezio if he's walking down the street without using crowds, picking him out based on his flashy clothes.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: Ezio can disarm guards and kill them with their own weapons immediately afterwards.
* [[Hooker With a Heart of Gold]]: The Courtesans work for a brothel whose "mother" is on Ezio's family's side. Ezio can hire them to follow him as a "[[Lost in A Crowd|mobile crowd]]," and [[Distracted By the Sexy|distract]] guards.
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* [[Infant Immortality]]: Averted. Ezio's kid brother Petruccio, who has to be only ten or eleven years old, is hanged alongside his father in the mission "Last Man Standing".
** Shaun, whilst informing you about one of your assassination targets, recounts the time that the man, in order to stop a prominent family's plot against him, invited the entire family, including their children, to an Easter celebration, then had the children shot whilst their parents watched.
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]]: The Sword of Altaïr, which has maxed-out ratings in all three weapon stats. Interestingly, it's one of the least ostentatious-looking weapons you can have (though the eagle's head pommel is a neat touch) and is actually shorter than some of the other longswords, despite its status as top blade. It's also apparently manufactured in large quantities by blacksmiths, since you have to ''buy'' the historically ancient blade.
** Altaïr's armor is also the best in ''AC2'', with only the Missaglias Vambraces having any advantage (3 Health to the Vambraces of Altaïr's 2 Health). While all four pieces have to be worn together, at 8 Resistance they ''never'' break (hence saving ''florin''s) and grant a whopping 15 Health, three times what Ezio started with.
** The Hidden Blade is effectively one solely for the guaranteed [[One -Hit Kill|fatal]] [[Counter Attack|Counter Kills]] irrespective of enemy Health.
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: Thanks to ''Lineage'', which uses some of the VAs to live act their game roles, you can see that a lot of characters are modeled after their live-action actors.
* [[Instant Expert]]: The purpose of letting Desmond relive Ezio's life is to gain the latter's skills. Ezio himself takes to the Hidden Blade very quickly, though he could possibly have had weapons training in the past for the other weapon types and the training with Paola and Mario has a montage flavor to it that ''Renaissance'' confirms.
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* [[In the Past Everyone Will Be Famous]]: Taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Seriously. Ezio can't go for more than ten minutes without coming face-to-face with some important historical figure.
* [[In Universe Game Clock]]: Includes a day/night cycle which affects things like guards' shift positions. On a more literal note, the game ''slips'' surprisingly quickly from 1476 to 1499.
* [[ItsIt's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans]]: After participating in the [[Inevitable Tournament]] missions, a section of Venetia will be constantly celebrating Carnivale for the rest of the game. Even ''ten years'' after the plot begins.
** A straighter version of this trope is when you get the DLC pack that allows you to play through the Bonfire of the Vanities. After you kill the major villain, you can still go into that new section of Florence and people will still be burning stuff.
* [[It Will Never Catch On]]: Ezio suggests to Antonio that he add milk or sugar to his ''café''. Antonio scoffs, suggesting that coffee is simply an acquired taste. In another mission, dock workers complain about the ruling class importing an expensive powder from China, for fireworks.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Brutes and mercenaries.
* [[Mind Screw]]: There's a reason why Desmond's last words in the game are "What... the... fuck?" In addition, the ''[[Dream Sequence]]'' mentioned in Narm, below, sees you {{spoiler|apparently playing as one of Altaïr's sperm.}}
* [[Money for Nothing]]: Perhaps a lampshaded example. When the game begins, Ezio is [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]], regularly emptying his wallet on booze and whores. ([[Insistent Terminology|He'd never call that a waste!]]) Of course, you jumped into his life less than a day before it went to hell; the local magistrate frames and executes his family, for which he ends up as Ezio's first assassination. After that [[You Can't Go Home Again|He Can't Go Home Again]], eventually settling in a broken-down slum. Here's the lampshade; keep up that behavior and you'll spend the rest of the game -- and the next two ''decades'' of his life -- in [[Perpetual Poverty]]. Invest in turning that slum into something respectable, and you'll soon have cash coming out of your ears.
** Eventually revenue goes up way higher than costs, and other than broken armor there are no maintenance costs, meaning that near endgame having over 100,000 florins (when heals cost 50 florins) to Ezio's name is the norm.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Experienced by most of Savonarola's lieutenants.
* [[Munchkin]]: As noted on that page's quote. Ezio lives in Renaissance Italy, and by the end of the game is armed with: a dozen unblockable throwing knives, two wrist blades that can deflect almost any close-range attack or (with good timing) counter-[[One -Hit Kill]] any [[Mook]], a pistol, several doses of poison, armor made of a very light and strong metal that humans wouldn't have invented on our own, and at one point he ends up flying around on a hang glider, punting guards off of rooftops. Also, he can jump some six feet straight up while hanging from walls... while wearing armor and carrying weapons and coins.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Some of Savonarola's lieutenants say things to this effect when Ezio gets to them.
** [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] by the Merchant, who asks this very question then uses his last breaths to convince himself he was right anyway.
* [[Naughty Nuns]]: Sister Teodora and her ''ahem'' congregation.
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* [[Not So Different]]: Ezio's first mark throws this excuse at him: "You would have done the same, to save those you loved." Ezio's response is "Yes. I would. And I have." Ezio's later marks usually don't bother to defend themselves, likely in response to complaints about the speeches in the first game.
* [[Not Worth Killing]]: Ezio eventually decides this about {{spoiler|Borgia}}.
* [[The Obi -Wan]]: Mario Auditore.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]: {{spoiler|Caterina.}}
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Press the Weapon Hand button when prompted during the cutscene where Ezio faces down Rodrigo Borgia in Venice, and he'll do this to a pair of mooks ''with his Hidden Blades'', without so much as taking an eye off his target. Similarly, this is one of his low-profile double Hidden Blade assassinations, standing between his two targets and stabs them both in the face while staring straight ahead.
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: Although Ezio appears to age over the course of the game, mostly due to facial hair, his uncle, mother and sister appear and largely act the same even 23 years later.
* [[One Mario Limit]]: Averted for the most part with Mario Auditore, one of the prinicpal characters of the game who mainly has nothing to do with that ''other'' Mario, but the game can't help providing a [[Shout Out]], as in his first scene, Mario cheerfully introduces himself with [[Super Mario 64 (Video Game)|"It's-a me, Mario!"]]
* [[One -Woman Wail]]: Present in a lot of the soundtrack, most noticeably the title sequence.
* [[Only Smart People May Pass]]: Subject 16's "The Truth" puzzles, especially the last few.
* [[Panty Shot]]: Given by Caterina Sforza in Sequence 12.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: During Carnevale, Ezio wears a little mask to disguise himself. It works surprisingly well, given that he's wearing it ''under his hood''. That is to say, the hood of his distinctive Assassin's Robes, which he continues to wear. Even during the rest of the game, this applies ''just because of him being able to be Incognito despite wearing the Assassin's Robes -- aka the very robes he had been wearing at his father and brothers' execution -- in public''.
* [[Perfect Poison]]: Ezio eventually acquires poison that he holds in a hollow section of a Hidden Blade. This likely means he transfers the poison to his target by a cut or prick (the in-game animation is a subtle poke). The poison acts so quickly that the target doesn't even have time to realize that he's been poked with a sharp object before it takes effect.
* [[Point of No Return]]: At the start of Memory Sequence 14, after finding and putting together the Codex you'll be given a choice to travel to Rome. Once you do, you won't be able to go any other part of the game until after you finish the story by defeating Rodrigo Borgia and entering the Vault.
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** Even more technically, everyone who isn't a modern-day character.
* [[Power Fist]]: You can buy a Metal Cestus for Ezio. It only goes on one hand, oddly enough, and can never be unequipped.
* [[Practical Taunt]]: The taunting action makes an opponent attack sooner, so you don't have to wait as long to [[One -Hit Kill|counter the attack]].
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: Although the F-bomb is dropped several times throughout the game, there are several points where it truly serves to accentuate the scene:
** In the beginning, Lucy yells at Desmond to "Shut the fuck up!" during their escape.
** Ezio tells the final boss, Pope Alexander VI, the ''most powerful man in Italy and the entire Catholic religion'', to [[One -Liner|"Go fuck yourself."]] Talk about balls of steel.
** The last line in the game before the credits roll and [[The Stinger]] occurs is "What. The. Fuck." Desmond adequately sums up what's probably running through the gamer's mind or being spoken at the time.
* [[Precursors]]: {{spoiler|The plot reveals them to be a humanoid-like race that created humanity "in their own image" thousands of years in the past. The humanoids fought a war against the early humans, and were defeated thanks to the sheer number of humans there was. Both races however, were devastated by a apocalyptic event, but humans came up on top. Gods in all world religions are actually distorted historical truth about these humanoids.}}
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* [[Slut Shaming]]: The courtesans all wear a certain style of dress and have their hair up in points by law. This was to define and constrain them because [[Sex Is Evil]].
* [[Soft Water]]: In addition to the Soft Hay from the first game, the trope is played perfectly straight. Ezio's ability to swim is added to the Assassin repertoire.
* [[Somebody ElsesElse's Problem]]
{{quote| '''Random NPC:''' Isn't that illegal? Eh, not my problem...}}
* [[Spam Attack]]: One of the animations you can get if an enemy is killed with Hidden Blade normal attacks is Ezio stabbing him in the gut many times.
* [[Star -Crossed Lovers]]: In Carlo Grimaldi's backstory, we are told about how he became a confidante to a noble's daughter who was in love with a servant's son and wanted to run away with him. Grimaldi quickly rewarded the couple's trust by selling them out to the girl's father, to further his own political aspirations.
* [[The Stinger]]: Desmond battling the Templars during the end credit sequence.
* [[Stealth Mentor]]: See [[You Are Not Alone]] below.
** Giovanni Auditore. Under his secret tutelage, his sons Ezio and Frederico learned fighting skills and [[Le Parkour]] while remaining unaware of the existence of the assassins and that their father was one of them.
* [[Story Driven Invulnerability]]: If the plot doesn't call for Ezio to kill his target yet, even if the mission objective is "assassinate suchandsuch", then the target will be [[Immune to Bullets]], Smoke Bombs, Throwing Knives, Counter Kills, and practically everything else you could use to kill them without having to wear them down.
** [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: Vieri de' Pazzi has the above in his first two appearances... but when it comes time to assassinate him, he's impossible to sneak up on and [[One -Hit Kill]], even if you're literally right behind him clinging to the topmost ledge of his tower; as soon as you climb up, he and his guards all react and and draw their swords. He also seems to preternaturally sense your location, making it impossible to double back to assassinate him from behind (as long as you can find a high enough spot with a line of sight to him, you can actually kill him with a pair of throwing knives without ever getting close).
* [[Suit Up of Destiny]]: Ezio continues his legacy when he puts on his Assassin's Robes for the first time. He doesn't take them off for the next twenty years.
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: Ezio can swim. The guards, even Venetian ones? Not so much.
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* [[The Tape Knew You Would Say That|The Hologram Knew You Would Say That]]: {{spoiler|Minerva. Very much so. Very, VERY much so. She even knows what someone would say, ''after her death''.}}
** {{spoiler|The hologram knew what your name would be.}}
** A [[Write Back to The Future]] message, wrapped inside a [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] and mailed with a [[Batman Gambit]] postage stamp.
* [[Thieves Guild]]: In Venice. Its leader Antonio {{spoiler|is an Assassin}}.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: You father and two brothers are killed, your mother is raped and now mute and unresponsive, your sister is scared out of her wits, and you've got [[The Knights Templar]] out for your blood? Time to murder half of the Italian nobility.
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* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Ezio, though in this case the gambit is organized by {{spoiler|[[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]].}}
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: The Animus 2.0 which the modern Assassins used on Desmond to relieve Ezio's life as Assassin training for Desmond.
* [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential]]:
** Thieves will compliment you on how well you climb, courtesans will compliment you on your good looks - sometimes ''while you climb''! -, and mercenaries will compliment how badass you are when you take down a small army of guards all by yourself. It's very rewarding to hear something other than "''That idiot will hurt himself!''" or "''Must be a drunken wager or something!''" from EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE DAMN STREET. As if they have nothing better to do than stick their nose into your business.
** A quick-time event lets you hug Leonardo da Vinci in one instance.
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** Claudia suggests to Ezio that he take the Villa's funds to the bank, but this isn't actually possible. Presumably the canon explanation for his endless pockets is the existence of banks, but the designers probably realized that filling out deposit slips doesn't make for compelling gameplay. When they first set up shop in the Villa, Claudia tells Ezio in no uncertain terms that once the chest is full, she'll skim the rest off the top.
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Altaïr becomes one of these while writing his Codex.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: After you assassinate Vieri, Ezio acquires a letter where Vieri is diagnosed as this. Pity about [[Complete Monster|the way he seeks attention]].
* [[Well, This Is Not That Trope]]: In describing the tragic life of Bianca Riario (Caterina Sforza's daughter), Simon opens this way: "Some people live in a dream[[Wanton Cruelty to The Common Comma|,]] Bianca Riario...was not one of those people."
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?]]: Blacksmiths provide simple equipment. Leonardo provides the advanced stuff.
* [[White Mask of Doom]]: The Doctors.
* [[Wife Basher Basher]]: Ezio in the Beat-Up missions, though rather than beating them up for domestic abuse, he beats them for cheating on their girlfriends.
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