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A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters/House Stark: Difference between revisions

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* [[Foil]]: To Cersei. They're both extremely determined women who [[Mama Bear|would do anything to protect their children]], but at first Catelyn is presented much more sympathetically, as a [[Team Mom|wise, protective maternal figure]] as opposed to a [[Evil Matriarch|scheming bitch who will attempt to destroy anyone she even perceives as a threat to her offspring]]. However they later become [[Not So Different|increasingly similar]] as the results of their respective actions on behalf of their children play out, {{spoiler|particularly after Catelyn comes back from the dead and goes on a killing spree directed at anyone who ever wronged her family while she was alive}}.
* [[Happily Married]]: As noted above, what began as an Arranged Marriage to the younger brother of her murdered fiancee ended up with her and Ned truly falling in love with each other.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: She trusted Petyr with Ned's life. [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?]] Also, she truly believes that Jon (or his children) will try to steal Winterfell from her kids.
* [[Mama Bear]]
* [[The One That Got Away]]: For Littlefinger.
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* [[Heroes Love Dogs]]: If only he had listened to his wolf Grey Wind ''a little bit more''...
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: He takes after his father in this respect.
* [[In -Series Nickname]]: " The Young Wolf."
** [[Red Baron]]
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
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* [[Supporting Leader]]: Robb is the one leading the "good" Stark forces despite not being a POV character
* [[Tragic Hero]]
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Subverted: his father loves him and is very proud of him... which has led to Robb feeling like any failure on his part would make him unworthy of said love.
* [[Young Conqueror]]: Robb commands a good percentage of the continent's armed men while barely old enough to grow a beard. Though he is also a deconstruction, as his youth leads him to act impulsively and make a number of mistakes that {{spoiler|lead to his apparent death.}}
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** She has another when {{spoiler|she starts menstruating, which means Joffrey will try raping her as soon as he finds out. Really not helped by her having horrible cramps.}})
* [[The Ingenue]]: Quite the [[Deconstruction]].
* [[In -Series Nickname]]: Sandor Clegane almost never calls her by her actual name. He decides right off the bat that she's like a "pretty little talking bird," and refers to her almost exclusively as "little bird" from then on. Naturally, fuels the [[Shipping]].
* [[Innocence Lost]]
* [[Jade -Colored Glasses]]: Gains those as the series advances.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]: Has to put on one of these to survive, while taking [[Manipulative Bitch]] lessons from Littlefinger. It helps that she's got talent to lie to other people, though that one still needs polishing.
* [[Loose Lips]]: {{spoiler|Unintentionally helped the queen's plot against Eddard, which cost him his life, and also prevented the Tyrell's plan to help her and whisk her away to Highgarden because she can't keep her mouth shut.}}
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* [[Put On a Bus]]: She does not appear in the fifth book, but will return in the sixth.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: {{spoiler|Littlefinger seems to have transferred his unrequited affections from Catelyn to Sansa, who strongly resembles her mother.}}
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: The Stark sisters are about as different as they could possibly be. They even look very different, with Sansa getting her mother's auburn hair and blue eyes, and Arya taking after her father.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She plays the girly-girl part to Arya's tomboy.
* [[Virginity Makes You Stupid]]: At the beginning.
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Eddard's free-spirited tomboy daughter who doesn't fit into her highborn role at all. During the beginning, she mostly exists as a foil for her older sister Sansa. When the war breaks out, Arya plunges into the wide world and becomes embroiled in a surprising number of violent adventures despite her tender age.
* [[Anti -Hero|Anti Heroine]]: She appears to be slowly working her way up the [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|sliding scale]] as she [[Took a Level In Badass|takes levels in badass]]: she's around a type III in A Clash of Kings, and a type IV in A Storm of Swords.
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Even though she's nine years old at the time.
* {{spoiler|[[Ax Crazy]]: She has been displaying signs of this since the end of ''A Storm Of Swords''. When she needs money, her first idea is to kill and rob someone where nobody can see.}}
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* [[Rebellious Princess]]: Deconstructed, since she suffers ''so damn much'' because of her rebelliousness.
* [[She Fu]]: Eddard has a [[Genre Savvy]] moment at realizing her [[Tomboy|Tomboyish]] ways and decides she should be trained in the more "elegant" Braavosi fencing style.
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: The complete opposite of Sansa in almost every conceivable way.
* [[Snooping Little Kid]]: Arya overhears some important conversations through her travels, and starts snooping in earnest during {{spoiler|her training with the Faceless Men}}.
* [[Street Urchin]]
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* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: Another one, and probably the only one that actually deserves that title.
* [[NamesName's the Same]]: His full name (Brandon) was shared by a number of his ancestors, including a couple of legendary figures in the history of Westeros and his deceased uncle. Whether this has any significance has yet to be revealed.
** In-universe, it's not particularly notable, as it seems to be a custom of House Stark to have a Brandon every generation. The important ones tend to go have epithets: [[The Blacksmith|Bran the Builder]], [[Never Found the Body|Bran the Shipwright]], [[Love Makes You Crazy|Bran the Burner]] (destroyed the aforementioned fleet at anchor after his father died at sea), [[Shrouded in Myth|Bran the Daughterless]]... and now, [[Wheelchair Woobie|at least in his own mind]], Bran the Broken.
* [[Obliviously Evil]]: As a skinchanger Bran does things he considers harmless, but other skinchangers would call "abominable."
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* [[Seers]]: He hasn't shown the ability to see the future and it is not known if he could, but {{spoiler|he could see the past and present through the eyes of all the weirwoods, events that can go back the thousands of years the weirwoods had stood.}}
* [[Snooping Little Kid]]: With traumatic results.
* [[Sorry, Billy, butBut You Just Don't Have Legs]]: His dream of becoming a knight.
* [[Trauma Induced Amnesia]]
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: Weirwood paste.
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* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Mine]]: Jon is actively recruiting wildlings to come south of the Wall and even man the castles of the Watch, because the white walkers trump everything. The other officers are willing to live with it, but they take every opportunity to express their disapproval.}}
* [[Fake Defector]]
* [[Five -Man Band]]: Jon has a clique of friends in the Night's Watch - Jon himself, Samwell, Dareon, Grenn and Pyp.
** Jon, [[The Hero]]
** Pyp, [[The Smart Guy]], though more of a wit then a planner.
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* [[Heroic Bastard]]
* [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten]]: When Jon fakes his defection to the wildlings, they make him execute the [[Colonel Badass]] he's serving under. Unfortunately for the wildlings, the man figured this would happen and warned Jon beforehand, since the information Jon could gather was more important than the life of one ranger. Jon still feels guilty about killing him, though.
* [[Jade -Colored Glasses]]: Gains them when he arrives at the Night's Watch.
* [[Kid Hero]]
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
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* [[The Oathbreaker]]: subverted in the first book. Keeps his vows even though he'd rather break them and go riding off to help Robb fight the War of Five Kings.
** Played straight in the third, when he breaks his [[Celibate Hero]] vow. (In fairness, it was a "[[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten|If You're So Evil, Fuck This Girl]]" situation. And as early as the first book it was clear that few brothers of the Night's Watch take this one seriously.)
** {{spoiler|Played straight again in book 5. Jon admits in his own mind that he is forswearing his vows when he tries to lead a wildling crusade to Winterfell and bring back Ramsay Bolton's head. Two pages later, he's being stabbed. Lord Commander [[Can't Get Away With Nuthin']]!}}
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. Jon is a very common name in Westeros, partly because of Jon Arryn, whom this character was named after.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: As {{spoiler|Lord Commander.}}
* [[Eerie Pale -Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Scylla and Charybdis]]: Toward the end of ''ADWD'', Ramsay Bolton sends the Night's Watch a letter blaming Jon for kidnapping Arya and demanding her return, threatening to attack if she isn't sent back. Jon knows Bolton wouldn't believe the truth(that they don't have her) and will therefore attack anyway, so he's basically forced to prepare to attack Bolton first. The other officers of the Watch, viewing this as taking sides in a conflict, disagree. [[Knife Fight|Vigourously.]]
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* [[Arranged Marriage]]: To Robert Baratheon. She was not happy due to [[Anything That Moves|his reputation]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't beat her father's men. And don't tease her 'cause sad songs made her weep.
* [[Blood -Splattered Wedding Dress]]: She appears as a sad girl with a white dress splattered with blood in a dream.
* [[Bury Me Not On the Lone Prairie]]: Ned claims that Lyanna's [[Last Request]] was to be buried in Winterfell. Note that she died in ''Dorne''.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: At first looks like she was a [[Princess Classic]], then we learn that it wasn't the case.
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* [[The One That Got Away]]: To Robert.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]: As with most of the Starks.
* [[Second Hand Storytelling]]
* [[Sex Slave]]: Robert thinks she was this to Rhaegar after her abduction. It's implied that there was something more between them, however,
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* [[Tomboy]]: As a kid. {{spoiler|In a vision Bran sees child-Lyanna fighting and winning against Benjen: he mistakes her for Arya and is confused 'cause they never played like that}}.
* [[Worlds Most Beautiful Woman]]: Played with: while it's generally accepted that Lyanna was really beautiful, the ones to believe her beauty extraordinary are Robert (her fiancé) and Eddard (her brother). Some characters, including Barristan Selmy and Cersei herself, note that if Rhaegar had married Cersei instead, he would not have looked twice at Lyanna.
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{{quote| ''"You will feed them yourselves, you will train them yourselves and if they die you will bury them yourselves"''.}}
During the very first chapter of the series, the Starks find a dead direwolf (impaled through the throat with a deer antler) and its six pups; three males (Grey Wind, Summer, Shaggydog), two females (Lady and Nymeria) and an abandoned mute albino male (Ghost). "[[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]," the characters ask each other. Each Stark child takes a pup, with the bastard Jon Snow taking the albino, which is an outsider like him. The personalities of the wolves mirror their owners', as do their fates...
* [[Action Girl]]: Arya's wolf is named "Nymeria," after a warrior queen. True to her namesake, she's currently leading an enormous pack of wolves on a rampage around the Trident.
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** Grey Wind is stated several times to have had his own fearsome kill tally of Lannister bannermen and horses.
* [[Bond Creature]]: Even after learning the nature of wargs/skinchangers and their animal thralls, Jon recognises the connection between him and his direwolf goes deeper than that. Ghost is a part of him. This seems to be true of all the Starks and their wolves.
* [[Evil -Detecting Dog]]
** Nymeria bites Joffery before it is clear just how much of a monster he is.
*** Questionable, considering that it was in response to Joffrey attacking Arya.
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* [[Never Found the Body]]: Grey Wind. During the Red Wedding, he was kept chained to a post outside the castle, and so when letters came to King's Landing saying that {{spoiler|his head had been lopped off and sewn to Robb's chest}}, there's no reason not to believe it. It wasn't until two books later that {{spoiler|it was remarked that during the massacre, one of the Westerling knights had freed him from a net the Freys had thrown over him}} and that he was last seen running toward the woods. True, his immediate future wasn't looking too good, what with {{spoiler|being pierced by several crossbow bolts and all}}, but his {{spoiler|previously reported death}} now isn't a 100% certainty.
** Then again, Daenerys had a vision of the Red Wedding, including a man with the head of a wolf.
* [[Not Now, Kiddo]]: Despite their connection, the Stark children have a tendency (at the worst possible moment) to view them just being restless animals.
** Robb laments Grey Wind's new found aggressive nature toward people, blaming it on him growing too fond of violence from their battles together. In reality {{spoiler|it's the treacherous Westerlings and Freys that are setting him off}}.
** When Ghost becomes increasingly uncontrollable to the point of going berserk, Jon leaves him behind attributing it to his desire to hunt a huge boar. {{spoiler|It's because his Night's Watch brothers are about to betray him}}.
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