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A favored trope of [[Sit Com|Sit Coms]] -- especially of the [[Three Is Company]] variety. Often exacerbated by a [[Shrug of God]]. Compare [[Innocent Innuendo]] -- where the answer is a short, but sweet "They didn't". Contrast [[Fake Out Make Out]] -- where they did (sort of), but didn't really "mean it".
See also [[What Did I Do Last Night?]] and [[Bedmate Reveal]]. Usually follows [[Will They or Won't They?]].
== Anime & Manga ==
* The infamous "arm repair" scene from the ''[[Kikaider]]'' episode "The Machine That Dreams". Mitsuko probably was ''just'' fixing Jiro's arm. But damn if [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|it didn't look like]] she was working on something else.
* The Major may or may not have slept with {{spoiler|Batou}} near the end of the first season of ''[[Ghost in The Shell Stand Alone Complex]]''. It's another shot you might miss if you look away, as the two of them (wearing their undershirts and having had the [[Viewers Are Geniuses|prerequisite discussion of mnemonic devices as related to personal identity]]) enter the Major's room and the door closes behind them.
* The [http://aph.starry-sky.com/grc2.html "Frequency" strip] from ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' has Japan find out that Greece is number one in the world when it comes to frequency of sex. Japan comments that he envies Greece's vigor as he considers himself rather lacking in that department, and Greece responds that it's best if he learns how to enjoy it more. Cut to a shot of Japan's house from the outside, with Japan screaming so loudly that another country, China, yells at him to be quiet. Cut to Japan in bed, yelling about how relieved he was that it was all a dream... and Greece sleeping right next to him. And they're both naked. Needless to say, a ''lot'' of fans don't believe Japan's denial there.
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** A later ''[[Elf Quest]]'' story has a variation. One of Skywise's three girlfriends(!) wants commitment and not just meaningless sex. At the end of the story she's considering whether to join in with the other three anyway, but the ending doesn't tell us what she decides.
* Despite [[Word of God]] proclamation saying "They Didn't" - and Rogue canonically losing her virginity to Gambit years later<ref>Though there was the swiftly-consigned-to-[[Discontinuity]] revelation that she actually had her v-card punched by The Sentry</ref>, the ''[[X-Men]]'' fandom remains convinced Magneto and Rogue got together during the time they were stranded and powerless in the Savage Land ]. The "They didn't" side isn't helped by the fact that that storyline was followed soon after by ''[[Age of Apocalypse]]'' -- Where Rogue and Magneto had a child together. And ''that'' was followed up by one of the first characters introduced in ''[[Exiles (Comic Book)|Exiles]]'' being Magnus, another son of theirs.
* [[Don Rosa]] [[Shrug of God|can neither confirm nor deny]] "what happened that night" in "The Prisoner of White Agony Creek" (Chapter 8B of ''[[The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck]]''), asserting it's "for each of us duck fans to imagine in our own minds. I have my own idea, but after all, this is a Disney comic!" (It should be noted that this scene is also listed under [[Destructo -Nookie]].)
* ''[[Superman]]''
** In [[Bronze Age]] comics, Clark's first date with Lois apparently ends with them talking on the couch, having enjoyed a meal of beef bourguignon. [[Fanon]] is that "beef bourguignon" is their codeword for sex from then on. (In [[Post -Crisis]] comics, it's still Clark's favourite food, and is used as a codeword that he's fine, not a shapeshifting alien monster, and so on...)
** The story in question was "Who Took the Super Out of Superman?". In the original script, [[Elliot S Maggin]] wrote the next panel after the lights went out as Lois at work the next day, singing happily to herself, wearing the same outfit she had worn the night before. A coworker pointed this out, clearly implying that Lois had gotten lucky the night before. The editor, Julius Schwartz, made Maggin change it in the published edition, so that the line instead refers to Lois wearing a different outfit, even though it's clear from the drawing that it's the same outfit.
** Another ''Superman'' example, this time from the Iron Age. It is at the very least subtext that [http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/1549078.html?#cutid1 Clark Kent and Cat Grant were sleeping together].
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== Comics -- Newspaper ==
* For a while, [[Word of God]] from Scott Adams was that whether [[Dilbert]] and Liz had done it depended entirely on whether the individual reader wanted them to have. Current [[Word of God]] is that Dilbert's still a virgin.
* In, of all places, ''[[Luann]]'': TJ leaves Brad and Toni on the couch while he shops for dinner ingredients. TJ returns to find Brad emerging from the hallway, claiming to have [[Is That What TheyreThey're Calling It Now?|shown Toni where the bathroom was.]] During dinner, we get [http://comics.com/luann/2009-11-07/ this] [[Freud Was Right|Freudian conversation]]:
{{quote| '''TJ:''' You two look all happy and grinny this evening.<br />
'''Brad:''' That's 'cuz the risotto's so good.<br />
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*** Well, that, and everyone obsessing over sex is missing the point of the scene. It's about realization of what they mean to each other. Anybody seeing anything dirty probably has a dirty mind to begin with.
*** Considering that the books are usually in the 12 and up section in most stores, that would be everyone.
* The fourth ''[[Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy]]'' novel points out three previous occasions on which Arthur may have had sex (with Trillian, with a Krikkiter woman, and with Mella the Golgofrinchan) before telling us to [[The Un -Reveal|mind our own business]]. He does definitely do it with Fenchurch, though.
{{quote| "Does he not, to put it in a nutshell, [[Precision F -Strike|fuck?]]"}}
* In the third ''[[Everworld]]'' book, [[The Hero]] and the [[Manipulative Bitch]] were noted by the other three main characters to have been sharing a room. It's never stated outright whether they actually did it, though [[The Hero]] denies it, and the [[Manipulative Bitch]] is in an unusually good mood afterwards, even going so far as to be moderately civil to [[Cain and Abel|her half-sister]] in conversation.
* In the novel ''[[Gone With the Wind]]'', after {{spoiler|Bonnie is killed}}, Rhett goes into a suicidal tailspin of grief...until [[Proper Lady|Melanie]] manages to get him to let her in where he's sitting with the body, and then nothing is heard from them for hours...until Melanie comes out and says that Rhett's OK with the funeral taking place. Margaret Mitchell was asked about what they did, and her response was "Oh, dear, even the most virtuous women must be careful..." but did not directly deny or confirm the fans' speculation.
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* Played with in series two of ''[[Ashes to Ashes]]''. Alex and Gene declare they are [[Lame Excuse|"Going home"]] at exactly the same then slipping off and becoming conspicuous by their absence, causing an awkward silence and much exchanging of looks between CID. Cut to them walking separate ways to a [[Ship Tease|pre-determined meeting point looking rather distracted]]. Add to that some [[Accidental Innuendo]] and most of the fandom groaned in frustration when it turned out they we're only bugging [[The Dragon]]'s office. They do, however fall asleep together on Gene's desk and have a type 2 scene the next morning in front of the rest of the team who don't know this is what they were doing.
* River Song appears in ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' with the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. She's met the Doctor before, but he hadn't met her -- they're both time travelers. Oh, and she has her own sonic screwdriver, knows how to pilot the TARDIS (possibly better than the Doctor, taught {{spoiler|by the TARDIS itself}}), can write Ancient High Gallifreyan, and calls the Doctor "sweetie". She's managed on two occasions to actually call the Doctor to specific locations in space and time just by placing clues she knew the Doctor would find. {{spoiler|The two kiss several times on screen in series 6, though nothing more, and she "marries" the Doctor in "The Wedding of River Song", though it could be argued that she's basically married to a robot duplicate...it's complicated}}.
* ''[[ItsIt's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV)|Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia]]'': One of the early episodes sees Dennis get really drunk and wake up in bed with a guy. Then another guy comes out of the bathroom. We don't ''know'', but we can guess.
* The second-to-last ''[[Bones (TV)|Bones]]'' episode of season 6 does this for {{spoiler|Booth and Brennan. They did.}}
* In one episode of ''[[How I Met Your Mother (TV)|How I Met Your Mother]]'', Ted leaves it ambiguous to everyone (and especially to Barney) if he just has had a [[A Threesome Is Hot|threesome]] or not.
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* [http://www.pholph.com/strip.php?id=5&sid=1615 This NSFW] ''[[Jack (Webcomic)|Jack]]'' comic.
{{quote| "If happened, Richek kind of want to remember!" (they did)}}
* In ''[[Nip and Tuck]]'', one of Nip's fellow stuntmen finds herself with a hole in her memory and missing underwear after a wrap party. And the local Alpha [[Jerkass]] is showing off said panties like a 10-point buck. (Turns out, the Jerkass came across the woman passed out on the toilet, and [[Dude, Not Funny|swiped her panties as a prank]].)
* [http://asivt.livejournal.com/38706.html This] ''As Seen in VT'' comic.
* In ''[[Namir Deiter]]'', everyone assumed Blue and her boss, Ian were sleeping together. Everyone, up to and including Ian's wife, who uses that as a rationale to file for divorce. They weren't. (They hadn't even entertained the idea until Ian's wife blew things up). And it turned out they didn't go much further after the fact. It also turned out that Ian was lying about his wife's motivation: He used Blue as a scapegoat for his multiple affairs after his wife caught him smelling of (someone else's) perfume.
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