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* [[Aliens Steal Cable]] - How she became a fangirl.
* [[Amazonian Beauty]]
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type V. Gets a better as time goes by, roughly a Type III be her final appearence.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]] - Interestingly one of ''two'' the Doctor knew at the same time. (The narrative uses this thematically.) Destrii fangirls 1960s and 70s sci-fi and westerns.
* [[Body Snatcher]] - Destrii tricks the Doctor's companion Izzy into swapping bodies with her to avoid capture by her people. {{spoiler|It gets reversed.}}
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* [[Breakout Character]]: Originally a comic book creation, Frobisher has had multiple feature length appearences in both Big Finish Audios and the novels.
* [[Comic Book Fantasy Casting]] - Frobisher's bartender look is modeled on James Gandolfini.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Penguins]]
* [[FirstpersonFirst-Person Smartass]] - He fancies himself a Sam Spade-style private eye, so his inner monologue is appropriately snarky.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
* [[The Lancer]]: His ego and arrogance contrast to the Doctor, which is no small feat given that this is Colin Baker we're talking about. Was specifically used in "The Holy Terror" as Rob Shearman felt he could meddle with the planet's culture in ways the Doctor would never even consider.
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* [[Affably Evil]] (to an extent; she's more ruthless than evil, but she's terribly polite about it)
* [[Amnesiac Dissonance]]
* [[Anti -Villain]] (see above)
* [[Bi the Way]] Has a thing for both the Doctor and her former cellmate Zed, who she ends up with after the events of the Crimson Hand story arc
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Revolving Door]]}}
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]
=== Sharon (Fourth Doctor) ===
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* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: Due to the [[Plot Relevant Age Up]] trope.
* [[Token Minority]]
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: So she's aged up four years and left on another planet in the arms of someone she's fallen in love with. Happy ending, right? [[Fridge Logic|But what about her family and friends back in Blackcastle?]]
=== Isabelle "Izzy" Sinclair (Eighth Doctor) ===
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* [[Comic Book Fantasy Casting]]: according to [[Word of God]], based initially on Louise Wener of [[Britpop]] band Sleeper, and later on the actor Luisa Bradshaw-White.
* [[Gayngst]]: To a limited degree.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]!: In a moment of self pity she wangsts to real life artist Frida Kahlo about the loss of her old body, telling her she has no chance of understanding what she's going through. However, having been the victim of crippling physical injuries herself, Frida angrily tells her that despite the trauma she didn't let her expreiences break her and that she's not the only person to suffer such a trauma.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Straight Gay]]: Although allusions to Izzy's homosexuality are made throughout the strip, it's never unambiguously confirmed until her final story.
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Abslom Daak was a thuggish Human criminal from the mid-26th century. Eventually he was convicted and given the choice between vaporisation or exile as a [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Dalek Killer]]. He chose the latter. During this, his only true love was killed by a Dalek survivor that Daak had overlooked, leaving Daak grief-stricken and vowing to exterminate every Dalek in the galaxy. Made his first appearance in a back-up comic strip in 1980. He met the Fourth and Seventh Doctors and also Bernice Summerfield a couple of times (he lived during the same 26th century time period as her).
* [[Anti -Hero]].
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Occasionally, but always if you're a Dalek.
* [[Badass]].
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* [[Cloning Blues]]: A cryogenically frozen clone of Daak was revived by Ace in 2573.
* [[Cool Starship]]: The Kill-Wagon.
* [[Deconstruction]]: Of [[Anti -Hero]] tropes.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Daak is almost psychotically eager for battle to the point that he's along with [[Doctor Who (TV)|the Doctor]] the only being able to make ''Daleks feel fear''.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|He got better.}}
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Partially.
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: His intentions towards the Daleks. He, a normal human, has killed single-handely at least ''one thousand Daleks''... [[One -Man Army|in his first appearance]].
* [[Nakama]]: The Star Tigers crew - the Draconian Prince Salander, Vol Mercurius and an Ice Warrior, Harma, who came to travel the galaxy with Daak in a small ship known as the Kill-Wagon.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: Against the Dalek Empire.
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* [[First Law of Resurrection]]: what his explanation of how he survived the end of the TV Movie boils down to.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Not So Different]]: his plan revolves around destroying the Doctor's moral authority by setting up situations where [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|his flaws will damage people he interacts with]].
* [[Path of Inspiration]]: sets one up to corrupt the human race into [[Suicide Attack]]-ing [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]].
* [[Race Lift]]: this version of the Master happens to be black in human ethnic terms, although little is made of it.
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