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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Film.StarTrekVTheFinalFrontier 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Film.StarTrekVTheFinalFrontier, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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{{quote|"''Why are seat belts being installed in movie theatres this Summer?''"|Paramount teaser ad intended to refer to the movie's fast pace, [[I Thought It Meant|not to]] [[Anything but That|being strapped in and forced to watch the flick]].}}
They've [[Star Trek: theThe Motion Picture (Film)|stared at V'Ger]], [[Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan (Film)|defeated Khan]], [[Star Trek III the Search For Spock (Film)|found Spock]] and [[Star Trek IV the Voyage Home (Film)|saved the whales]]. But can the ''Enterprise'' crew survive their greatest challenge yet? [[William Shatner]]! ...[[Dramatic Pause|In!]] ...[[Directed By Cast Member|Thedirectorseat]].
With a brand-new ''Enterprise'', Kirk and crew set out to resolve a hostage situation only to discover that they've been suckered as part of a grander scheme. Who's behind it? Why Spock's [[Long -Lost Relative|long-lost half-brother Sybok]], of course! Sybok commandeers the ''Enterprise'', winning over most of the crew by using his [[Telepathy|telepathic]] [[Epiphany Therapy]] on them. Failing to realize that there is [[No Such Thing As Space Jesus]], Sybok makes them set a course for the [[Sci Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|center of the galaxy]], where he believes [[God]] is waiting. With the bulk of his crew now working against him, Kirk must [[Die Hard On an X|John McClane]] his way up the ''Enterprise'' armed with his wits, a pair of rocket boots... and ''Trek's'' very first fart joke.
Now it should be noted the [[Mis Blamed|movie's failings aren't all Shatner's fault]]. We can also thank [[Executive Meddling]] for all the forced "humor" and the [[TV Strikes|1988 WGA strike]] for short-circuiting the screenwriting, and the infamous [[Special Effect Failure]] was due to ILM being too busy with other projects to work on the film.
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* [[Agent Mulder]] & [[Agent Scully]]: Sybok and Kirk, respectively. McCoy goes from Scully to Mulder when they meet "God" and back to Scully when "God" starts being a dick.
* [[Amazonian Beauty]]: Vixis. As Chekov put it: "She has wonderful muscles" (by which he meant [[Male Gaze|gluteus maximus]]).
* [[Armor -Piercing Question]]: 'What does [[God]] need with a starship?' Easily one of the most famous examples of this trope.
* [[Artists Are Not Architects]]: In one scene, the Enterprise is shown to have about twice as many decks as it could possibly contain, and they are numbered in reverse order for some reason.
* [[Ass in Ambassador]]: Inverted, unusually for ''Star Trek''. St. John Talbot and Korrd are not unreasonable people (just incredibly jaded), and Caithlin Dar is downright ''nice'' (a rarity for Romulans, actually...).
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* [[Behind the Black]]: Scotty, after claiming to know the ship like the back of his hand, concusses himself on a bit of bulkhead that sticks out from the wall. Whilst unseen by the audience before impact, Scotty was walking towards the bulkhead and, in fact, was looking right at it when he hit it.
* [[Big Damn Gunship]]: Spock, commanding a Klingon Bird of Prey, opens fire on "God" in order to rescue Kirk.
* [[Big Ego, Hidden Depths]]: Sybok. {{spoiler|Cruelly invoked by "God", who takes the form of Sybok and mocks, "What's the matter? Don't you ''like'' this face? I have so many, but this one suits ''you'' best."}}
* [[Big No]]: SHOOT HIM!!!!
* [[Book Ends]]: Camping with the [[Power Trio]].
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** The novels, which are now vetted more thoroughly than they used to be, have featured Sybok exactly twice, both of them in the Myriad Universe novels, which take place entirely in alternate universes.
** The novels have also mentioned the God-like creature at the center of the Great Barrier; in the ''Q Continuum'' trilogy of novels, He referred to Himself as "The One", and was a contemporary of [[Big Bad]], the Beta XIII-A entity, and Gorgon. The four of them were responsible for the destruction of the Tkon Empire. It is mentioned that pretending to be God and then using the resulting influence to drive civilizations to self-destruction is his entire schtick.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]: All of Klaa's actions are because...he's bored.
* [[Catch a Falling Star]]
* [[Catfolk]]/[[Catgirl]]: With three breasts. Defeated by Kirk when he throws her into a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|literal]] ''[[Cats Hate Water|pool table]]''.
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** Shatner was also (reportedly) never thrilled with Roddenberry's idea of a perfect future, so he had those elements to show a more "realistic" future.
* [[Death From Above]]: Kirk calls down some Close Air Support from the Enterprise in order to try and cover his escape from "God". While a photon torpedo ''should'' have been quite a bit more powerful than shown, it was still cool.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Or, in this case, shoot God with a torpedo and then a disruptor cannon.
* [[Epiphany Therapy]]
* [[Everyone Knows Morse]]
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* [[Kick the Dog]]: Klaa shoots down Earth's first deep space satellite.
* [[Kill Him Already]]: Kirk pulls this on Spock with Sybok, until he finds out that the two are half-brothers.
* [[Long -Lost Relative]]: Sybok.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Anyone who is "helped" by Sybok tends to follow him around like a puppet.
* [[Multi Boobage]]: The [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Cat Dancer]].
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* [[Path of Inspiration]]: Sybok's offer of internal peace.
* [[Pillar of Light]]: How "God" first appears.
* [[Plot Induced Stupidity]]: Sending a barely functioning, untested ship into a hostage situation when it doesn't even have functioning transporters. A [[Hand Wave]] was attempted by saying there were other ships around, but only Kirk had the experience. By that logic, they could have just sent a working ship to ''meet'' Kirk. Even ''Kirk'' thinks the reasoning is bullshit. Then again, [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?|it's just a hostage negotiation]].
* [[The Pollyanna]]: You just get that vibe from Caithlin Dar.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: (or [[The Power of Love]] if you [[Ho Yay|so desire]]) Refusing to desert Kirk is what keeps Spock and McCoy from being brainwashed by Sybok.
* [[Power Trio]]: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, obviously. Notable as, while an important part of all of the movies and the show, this movie focuses on them as a trio more than any of the other movies.
* [[Precision F -Strike]]:
{{quote| '''Spock:''' General, I require your assistance.<br />
'''Klingon Ambassador:''' My assistance?<br />
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* [[Understatement]]: "The Klingons will not be happy." [[Lampshade Hanging|Pointed out]] as such by Sybok.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: Implied to be between Uhura and Scotty.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: After having been blasted with a photon torpedo, "God" come out of it as this [[Narm|rather goofy]] distorted face exclaiming '''''"[[You Exclamation!|YOOOOOUUUUU!]]''''' while floating after Kirk.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Probably the saddest thing about Sybok is that he's sincere. He honestly wants to help people, he honestly wants to do good, and he actually stands up to what he believes is God to demand to know why his "friends" are being hurt.
* [[Wretched Hive]]: Nimbus III is a godawful hellhole.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: The film's rather mundane opening scene.
* [[You're Insane!]]: Kirk tells this to Sybok, who replies "Am I?", apparently genuinely considering it.
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