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* [[All There in the Manual]]: You ''have'' read/seen ''[[Kara no Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', played the Heaven's Feel version of ''[[Fate Stay Night (Visual Novel)|Fate Stay Night]]'' (which was ''not'' [[Road Cone|in the anime]]), played ''[[Melty Blood (Video Game)|Melty Blood]]'', played ''Fate/Hollow Ataraxia'', played ''Kagetsu Tohya'', and read ''[[Fate Zero (Literature)|Fate Zero]]'', right? Actually, the game is pretty good at explaining the major bits, but the sheer [[Backstory]] is overwhelming.
** For example, the reason that Saber was able to defeat {{spoiler|Nrvsnqr is because his mage self was resurrected as well as his vampire self, and had extended his reality marble with his magic. However, in the [[Nasuverse]], an old famous sword can rip apart magic by having history. Old swords really don't get more famous than Excalibur. Boost that with a Command Seal backed Noble Phantasm; and his magic didn't have a chance.}} Even more telling is the [[Word of God]] via interview that Saber's Excalibur as the type of attack that is able to {{spoiler|kill Nrvsnqr, apparently because it has the sheer power to be able to kill all his lives in one shot.}}
* [[Anti -Villain]]: {{spoiler|Quite a few, actually ; after all, Kuu wants to save the world, and some characters wouldn't have followed her if she was fully evil. Apart from her, Caster just wants to find Kuzuki, Kiritsugu and Iris are mainly here to see how their children are doing, Aoko is her usual [[Chaotic Neutral]] self, Ilya doesn't really care and helps the heroes on several occasions, and Archer...well.}}
* [[Art Evolution]]: The game was released in four episodes over an extended period. The quality of the animation and sprites improves drastically as the game goes on. Compare [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdmTr88HRKo Haruna's attacks] when she first starts the game, and then [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np_d40FUh7Y one of her attacks after getting upgraded in Act 3.]
** Now that the 'Perfect Edition' is out, several of the old attacks have been retouched, and among others, Haruna, Takumi, and Nanaya Shiki have been completely redrawn and reworked, now having some of the best looking attacks in the game. Sadly, despite occasionally redrawing the old sprites for some of the new moves, Werk never bothered to completely replace the old sprites. As such, if you do a new move with a character who was there from the beginning (such as 17 Dissection with Shiki), you can actually see the sudden shift in sprites. It's really rather lazy looking.
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* [[Be Yourself]]: Part of the lesson that Shiki Ryogi gives to Tohno Shiki in gaining strength. There's no need to fight his origins as a Nanaya; merely master it. Kill one's enemies and don't kill one's friends.
** Symmetrically, when Shiki accepts himself, Nanaya starts accepting himself too. In ''Kagetsu Tohya'', he's infuriated to be created a "mass murderer" in Shiki's dream world. Nobody there was real, so the only person he can kill is Shiki; so he can't be a "mass" murderer. When Shiki has his revelation, Nanaya stops caring about killing other people and only wants to kill Shiki or be killed by him.
* [[BFG]]: Ciel's Seventh Holy Scripture is kind of iffy since it's not an actual ''gun'' (though it's frequently listed under this trope elsewhere, and ''looks'' the part if nothing else), but [[Ninja Maid|Natsuki]] wields an anti-tank rifle, which definitely fits. Also examples of [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: Takumi places himself into this role; giving advice, supporting, teasing, and ocassionally scolding Shiki and Akiha as need be. His comparisons of them to his little sister at home who is their age clinches it.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: So very much. Given the source material, it's to be expected. Everyone will suddenly pull someone else's bacon out of the fire at some point.
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* [[Bonus Dungeon]]: Have fun dealing with the "Tohno Family Takeover Plan" should you get all Battle Masteries. {{spoiler|Kohaku unleashes the Robopocalypse of Mecha-Hisuis as well as unlocks her Magical Amber form and Saber's Saber Lily form. She somehow takes control of Arcueid; and the cast has to deal with five rounds of this. Upon failure, Kohaku breaks out the [[Easy Amnesia]] gas.}} This does, however, unlock those extra abilities in [[New Game Plus]]; as well as a special item that increases all stats.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Arcueid, usually when in [[Magical Girl]] form.
* [[Colony Drop]]: One of [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Red Arcueid]]'s attacks involves ripping the moon out of the sky and dropping it on her hapless target.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: ( {{spoiler|Sakura decides to wear darker colors to represent accepting her [[Dark Is Edgy|Shadow elemental powers]].}})
* [[Cool Sword]]: In a universe filled with Cool Swords; Excalibur, Caliburn, Ea, ect. Takumi manages to compete with the Futsu-no-Mitama, an epic [[Energy Weapon|plasma]] [[Flaming Sword|fire]] [[Magitek]] [[BFS|two-handed monstrosity]] straight out of [http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/entry.php?entryID=53 Japanese mythology.]
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** Kotomine. Every other [[Big Bad]] and [[Disc One Final Boss]] in the 'verse showed up for the party but nobody invited the [[Final Boss]] of two out of three of [[Fate Stay Night]]'s routes? {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Kuu]] explains that she didn't bring him back because he would probably try to stop her. It would probably go like this "Hi, I'm Kuu. Would you help me save the world?" *Kirei kills Kuu, wakes up the Devil.*}}
* [[Dynamic Difficulty]]: Like in [[Super Robot Wars]], it has Battle Masteries, optional challenges for each stage, do them and the difficulty goes up.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning|Swords Are Better With Spinning]]: Saber Lily's main attack involves creating a second sword out of the back of Caliburn, and basically spinning the enemy to death. And it is awesome.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Averted with Sakura, who starts using [[Sealed Evil in A Can|Angra Mainyu]] to power her attacks after her arms upgrade in Act 4.
* [[Evil Twin]]: Shiki Nanaya is one of the beings brought to life by the incident. Ciel speculates he's a Tatari clone, but Shiki thinks he's [[Enemy Without|something]] [[Enemy Within|more]]. Note, he uses a knife similar to Shiki Ryougi's; not Seven Nights and cannot see the Lines of Death like the one from the ''[[Melty Blood (Video Game)|Melty Blood]]'' games; this is a more direct reference to the ''Kagetsu Tohya'' version.
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** In fact, the [[Fate Stay Night]] crew are ''unable'' to recognize that SHIKI is not actually Shinji Matou; something to his extreme irritation. "Stop calling me that!"
* [[Fandom Nod]]: One of the oldest unanswered questions in the Nasuverse fandom is the question of whether Arcueid could beat Gilgamesh and vice versa. Guess who picks a fight with who in Acts 3 and 4?
* [[Fan Service]]: Any female character's [[Overly -Long Fighting Animation]] has a good chance of featuring this at some point. Special mention has to go to Shirou and Sakura's combination attack, which features Sakura temporarily changing into a revealing dress that'd be fanservicey enough by itself, and then includes [[Gainaxing]] and teases [[Wardrobe Malfunction]] in several shots.
** There's also the Shiki-Shiki combo attack that quite blatantly shows off Ryougi's ass.
* [[Fan Translation]]: Aroduc has literally been a one man translation team.
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* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Kohaku and Hisui use a broom and a mop respectively in their attacks.
** * Scoffs* Warcueid hits you with '''''the moon''''' (at least that's how it appears). The moon, people. It can't ''get'' any more improbable than this.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: Arcueid picks up a beef with Gilgamesh in Act 4 for not treating her like a [[Worthy Opponent]].
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Ciel and Archer. Ciel is a Super-type unit with some evasion, Archer is a Real-type unit with high HP and Toughness.
* [[Joke Character]] / [[Spoony Bard]] (Avenger. His main gimmick is to counter every damage he received... but isn't built for tanking ''at all'', and even if he was, he'd still do less damage than anybody else.)
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Kohaku has nothing but caring and gentleness for Saber.
* [[Multiple Endings]]: Well, more like alternate mid-game. If you do not allow Shiki to kill Yumizuka the 3 times she shows up against you, {{spoiler|She will die protecting Shiki from Nanaya.}} If you do allow him to kill her those 3 times, {{spoiler|She becomes an unlocked character that you can now use in deployment.}}
* [[NamesName's the Same]]: There are ''three people'' in this game [[One Steve Limit|with the name Shiki]] (four if you count Shiki Tohno's "Nanaya" personality; they only refer to him as "Nanaya" though).
* [[New Game Plus]]: Like the [[Super Robot Wars]] series, completing one mode let's you get the [[Secret Character]] from the other mode. Also, upon finishing the game, one can increase difficulty 1-10; as well as add a special item that increases stats. Unused stat points also carry over; as well as certain special abilities should you beat the [[Bonus Dungeon]].
* [[Ninja Maid]]: Hisui and Kohaku, plus new character Natsuki.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: RoSHIaKI, a fusion of one of the most powerful vampires and a [[Half -Human Hybrid|demon hybrid]]. He's also a freakin' ninja!
* [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now]]: Kohaku, one of the most normal (relatively speaking) characters in the game tanks a blast from Gilgamesh's [[Wave Motion Gun|Ea]] in Act 4 and comes out pretty torn up but alive and in one piece. {{spoiler|[[Justified Trope|Fortunately she has Avalon, the Sheath of Excalibur.]]}}
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] : Kohaku: "I don't recognize the name 'Excalibur', I'm just not good with history!" [[Cough Snark Cough|:CoughyeahrightCough:]]
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*** Kuu is a feared ancestor of Haruna's.
* [[The Not Secret]]: Kohaku very quickly knows everything about Saber through a combination of her own intelligence and the ability to see Saber's dreams; although [[Obfuscating Stupidity|pretends to be clueless]] until Saber is ready to tell her about herself.
* [[Panty Shot]]: Arcueid specifically redesigns her [[Power -Up]] [[Magical Girl]] outfit to invoke this.
** Magical Amber's [[Overly -Long Fighting Animation|overly long fighting animation]] includes a ''zoom in panty shot''.
* [[Power Creep, Power Seep]]: Normally, characters like Shiki and Shirou would be crushed by the insanely powerful Servants, despite their special skills. And the Servants in turn would be taken out by Arcueid without her even breaking a sweat. For purposes of [[Competetive Balance|Game Balance]] they evened things out. (Plus it's awesome to have Hisui kill Nero Chaos with a ''mop.'')
** Also, all of the [[One -Hit Kill]] attacks (Gae Bolg, Point of Death and others) now simply do high damage.
** That's one of the big questions of the [[Nasuverse]] though. Remember, Shirou DOES fight Servants, in every single route, and wins generally through either ingenuity or sheer bullheadedness. The question of Tohno killing a Servant really comes down to one question: are they under Gaia? If the answer is no, he's crushed flat. If yes, he's able to kill them. Of course, none of this is a problem for Ryougi, who could probably slaughter Arcueid given proper luck and method of attack.
* [[Power Limiter]]: Haruna has several built in; to only be released for short periods of time by Natsuki.
* [[Precision F -Strike]] (Caren busts out with TWO f*** s in Stage 53)
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Certain members of the Mochizuki family have strong powers of Precognition. Archer explains that they work in a similar way to his and Shirou's Projection magic, meaning they can be applied to Clairvoyance and Postcognition as well.
* [[Purposefully Overpowered]]: Arcueid when she finally drops the [[Magical Girl]] idea and starts fighting seriously is horribly broken. She ''is'' among the most powerful beings on Earth, after all.
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** Phantasmoon's "[[Sailor Moon|in the name of the moon]]." Also, the magical girl movie that Shiki and Arc were watching is an obvious reference to [[Cutie Honey]].
* [[Shown Their Work]]: If it's not a [[Super Robot Wars]] reference, rest assured it's something from the [[All There in the Manual|manual]]. Even Kohaku's love of video games is from ''Kagetsu Tohya''.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]: Natsuki seems to be using an Anti-Tank gun as her standard weapon. Fortunately her Yokai ability is [[Super Strength]].
* [[Super Move Portrait Attack]] (comes with being a game based on the SRW series).
* [[Super Strength]]: Takumi. How strong is he? {{spoiler|He can match Berserker, AKA ''Hercules'', in strength}} The Magical [[BFS|Two-Handed]] [[Laser Blade]] helped.
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* [[Thirteen Is Unlucky]]: In both the Super and Real paths, mission 13 features the first major boss fight in the game, against Nrvnqsr Chaos.
* [[Weirdness Censor]]: Ilya has a ''castle'' in Misaki that nobody ever notices. It's specifically mentioned that there's magic on it to prevent [[Muggles]] from paying attention. Rin remarks that it's one of her "smaller" castles.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Kuu, a major role model of Haruna's until she found out that there was nothing she wouldn't sacrifice for the greater good. The Soul Suppression Ritual, for example, would have levelled the whole city and killed millions of people, and Kuu didn't even bat an eyelid. It would have also completely nullified the Devil that was about to emerge which supposedly would have killed more; and her original plan would have sealed herself with it.}}
* [[World of Badass]]: It's the [[Nasuverse]] as a ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' game. They couldn't dodge this trope if they ''tried''.
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[[Category:Strategy RPG]]
[[Category:Battle Moon Wars]]
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