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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Manga.ToAruKagakuNoRailgun 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Manga.ToAruKagakuNoRailgun, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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[http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_Wiki A Certain] [[The Wiki Rule|Wiki]] may help in understanding various terminologies that may be found on ''this'' wiki.
The anime is being licensed by [[FU NimationFUNimation]] entertainment, along with the first season of ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]''.
'''A note on timelines:''' The manga's events begin two weeks before the ''Index'' novel and anime. The anime, however, violates this by adapting events from Volume 8 of the novels into the anime's first episode. As it stands, Chapters 18 to 39 occur around the time of Volume 3 in the novels, Chapter 40 is around volume 5, Chapters 41-42 and around volume 8 and Chapters 43-current take place around volume 9.
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** Averted with Mikoto whom despite coming from a rich family, grew up like a normal girl thanks to her mother and acts kind and friendly to all people, no matter what social class they come from.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: Kuroko would not have survived ''getting her darned neck '''broken''' '' by the dorm supervisor in Episode 2 if it wasn't ''so darned funny.''
* [[Anti -Magic]]: Touma's right hand, the "[[Gratuitous English|Imagine Breaker]]".
* [[Anti -Villain]]: {{spoiler|Professor Kiyama}}, whose motivation of {{spoiler|saving children who were her students rendered comatose by a corrupt government experiment}} is noble enough to earn Mikoto's sympathy and offer to help her accomplish it.
* [[Art Major Physics]]: In reality, lightning travels ''extremely'' fast (about 92,000 miles per second, or 148,000 kilometers per second) so dodging or blocking [[Shock and Awe|Misaka's attacks]] should probably be out of the question. That's just the ''first'' one. This series isn't about the clash of Magic and Science, but the clash of Magic and [[Techno Babble]]. Given it opens with a acknowledged psychic powers, you should really expect that sort of thing.
** Also, Misaka herself comments on the fact that she is limiting her power just so they can get a reading in the first episode. The people administering the test are probably too scared by her power to notice anything odd.
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* [[Artificial Riverbank]]: Where Misaka and Touma have a duel.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Saten and Uiharu. In the manga, while they were very prominent during the Level Upper arc, they have extremely minimal appearances in subsequent ones. Even Shirai doesn't have nearly as many appearances in the manga as she does in the anime.
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]: {{spoiler|Kongo and Kuroko, who are [[The Rival|both rivals]] teaming up against the MAR mech troops!}}
* [[Badass Normal]]: A couple, including:
** Kurozuma Wataru, a former Skillout member whose fighting skills border on [[One -Man Army]] against the other Skillout members
** And the Dorm Supervisor of Tokiwadai Dormitories.
*** Just so you know, there's a couple of reason why she is very scary. She's in charge of a Girls Dormitory who students are mostly Level 3 or 4 psychics {{spoiler|including two Level 5's}}, is quick enough to {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap|break Kuroko's neck before she can teleport]]}}, defeat {{spoiler|the [[Elite Mooks|Hound Dogs, a Black Ops team]] [[Badass|all by herself without any weapons]]}} and has [[Scary Shiny Glasses]] too. (Did i forget to mention she also voiced by [[Hitomi Nabatame]] too?) With the things she does, it's no wonder why Mikoto, Kuroko and the rest of Tokidwai are scared of her and [[Mugging the Monster|haven't been abusing their powers or breaking the rules]] in the first place. But what's more scary is the fact there's [http://i.imagehost.org/view/0127/snapshotRailgun_Supervisor not one] [http://i.imagehost.org/view/0482/snapshotIndex_Supervisor but two of them!] God help us if the other one is scary like her too.
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** Not to be outdone, previous [[Butt Monkey]] {{spoiler|Kongo Mitsuko}} pulls this off twice. The first time was, [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome|unfortunately]] off screen. The second time she {{spoiler|knocks two helicopters out of the sky by blasting a truck at them.}} Not bad.
* [[Big Eater]]: Index's and Himegami's respective appetites haven't vanished even while cameoing over to this series.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]: {{spoiler|The reason for Miho for attacking Tokiwadai students in the first place.}}
* [[Black Bra and Panties]]: Saten rummages through Kuroko's underwear drawer, pulling a progression of worse and worse items. It starts with a pair of these, and ends with {{spoiler|full-body fishnet stockings}}.
* [[Bland -Name Product]]: A [[Freeze Frame Bonus|brief]] shot in episode 10 (when the characters are discussing {{spoiler|computer networks as an analogy for how Level Upper might work}}) reveals that Konori uses a "Macindows" laptop equipped with an "Outel" processor.
** And then averted when the Dorm Supervisor is seen going into a Pizza Hut.
* [[Blood Brothers|Blood Sisters]]: Mikoto, Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu.
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** Episode 12: The camera focuses to a group of 4 girls at a restaurant and a mysterious lady who likes [[Shakugan no Shana|Margery Daw]] at the nuclear power plant.
** Remember episode 17? The one featuring a mysterious girl whose pendant has a picture {{spoiler|of a certain scientist's student}} and the earthquake that happen in that episode? Guess who's the new transfer student at Uiharu's school and what the Anti-skills and Judgment are talking about in episode 20?
** Remember the [[Anti -Magic|Capacity Down]]? Yeah, we get to know who built it, and see it in use again.
** Chapter 44: Saten's urban legends strike again. She briefly mentions that there's a legend that the hundreds of clashing espers can create a kind of [[Unobtanium]] that can only be made during the Daihasei because that's the only time that so many espers are actively fighting against each other. Anyone want to place bets on what the conflict of the current arc is going to revolve around?
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Saten Ruiko is a Level Zero, so even with an aluminum baseball bat she can't do much in a battle {{spoiler|with a giant mech}}, yet {{spoiler|she proves instrumental in the final battle in episode 24 as she was the only one Telestina didn't detect and the only girl in the group aside from Kiyama not being affected by [[Brown Note|Capacity-Down]] and manages to destroy it!}}
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* [[Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs]]: All the main characters have some form of hair decs, but Uiharu is definitely overdoing it with the flower bouquet on her head. The four main girls' are highlighted in the first ending.
* [[Evil Albino]]: Accelerator. {{spoiler|Although he gets better in ''Index''.}}
* [[Evil Old Folks]]: {{spoiler|Kiyama's former boss, Gensei Kihara, is a heartless scientist who sees no problem with using children for his experiments. To him, they are "ingredients" to be use in [[For Science!|the name of science]].}}
** What's worse is [[It Runs in The Family]], as his {{spoiler|son Amata Kihara}} is an evil bastard just {{spoiler|like his father as Amata was the one who [[Training From Hell|"raised"]] [[Complete Monster|Accelerator.]]}}
*** {{spoiler|Add Telestina Kihara Lifeline, Gensei's granddaughter to the list of evil (and mentally fucked up).}}
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* [[Foreshadowing]]: In the manga {{spoiler|Kiyama}} gives a hint to Mikoto over where she got the idea to create {{spoiler|Level Upper}}. The origin of that idea? {{spoiler|The Sisters project.}} Skipped in Railgun anime which is switched to {{spoiler|Telestina telling Mikoto everyone in Academy City is a guinea pig to reach Level 6.}}
** Remember some of those Urban Legends the girls were talking at episode 4? {{spoiler|They hint about what's going to happen in the Index anime.}}
* [[For Great Justice]]: The Liberal Arts City {{spoiler|had been implied to have captured espers and experiment on them, as well as get rid of people who snoop using [[Secret Police]], control information, and other various things to create their own espers using a different method from Academy City, based off the magicians attacking them for this reason. They claim it's so they wouldn't be behind the times as the "World Police" since it's possible that espers would become common place in the future, but they were just as bad as Academy City's [[For Science!]]!}}
* [[For Science!]]!: We get a flashback of a previous incident in which orphaned children (complete with one girl talking about how grateful she was to the city for taking care of them) are used as research experiments (you see where this is going, right?) {{spoiler|and ultimately sent into comas when put through a treatment to test pushing psychic powers to their limits. As the experiment goes terribly wrong, the head researcher stops another from calling for ambulances, saying the results are much more interesting and no one will miss the children}}.
** It doesn't help that the {{spoiler|Academy City's Board of Directors}} allows this kind of activity.
*** It doesn't help even more that {{spoiler|Academy City is just a testing ground for them to be able to get the god-like power of a Level 6. ''Everyone'' within are guinea pigs for many kinds of experiments}}, at least that's what {{spoiler|Telestina '''Kihara''' Lifeline}} said.
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* [[Hero of Another Story]]: The Anti-Skills, Academy City's real police force. Despite the fact that always seem to be 10 seconds too late to help Kuroko arrest criminals, or stop Misaka from using them as a lightening rod, they really are useful at times, and actually have a bit of a [[The Cavalry|cavalry]] / [[The Rest Shall Pass]] moment when {{spoiler|they disobey orders and keep Telastina's mook army occupied during the highway duel.}}
** This can also be applied to Touma, who is literally the hero of the ''other' story. Most of the time he will show up just [[Where's Waldo|walking in the background]], and a few times he encourages Misaka, or points out how [[Self Sacrifice Scheme|stupid she's being]], there are [[Chronic Hero Syndrome|occasions]] when he becomes [[The Cavalry]] and saves her from various threats, ranging from {{spoiler|exploding balls of aluminum}}, or just the [[Stalker With a Crush|son]] of the head of her school.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Miho Jufuku shares the same voice as [[Lyrical Nanoha (Franchise)|Nanoha]]
** Kurozuma Wataru is voiced by [[Katsuyuki Konishi]], who has also voiced Kamina of ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Anime)|Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]''.
* [[Hive Mind]]: The true purpose of the {{spoiler|"Level Upper" is simply to harness the combined mental power of 10,000 espers as a super-computer substitute; this has the side effects of temporarily increasing the participants' powers (through leaked experiences) and granting the mastermind [[All Your Powers Combined]] but later [[Power At a Price|sends the users into a coma]]}}.
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* [[Hollywood Hacking]]: Misaka Mikoto herself. Granted, she's a master of electricity, but bypassing passcard locks, hijacking security robots, erasing herself from security footage, and breaking into a secure facility's network from a phone booth can't be THAT easy, even if you can control electricity.
** Of course, she IS a Level 5, one of the strongest and most skilled Espers there is. And then there's the [[Rule of Cool]] to consider.
* [[Hot Blooded]]: Mikoto's battles, {{spoiler|especially those in Episode 12 and 24 qualify; In particular the second, her final battle atop a speeding vehicle to save Harumi's comatose students from the clutches of [[Big Bad]] [[Complete Monster|Telestina]] in a [[Humongous Mecha]]. When she catches the mecha's [[Rocket Punch]], rips it off the and fires it like a giant missile BACK INTO the villainess to the heart-poundingly [[Hot Blooded]] [[Theme Music Power -Up|beat of "Level 5 Judgelight"]], [[Manly Tears|MANLY tears ]] '''will''' be shed. Quite an accomplishment considering the hero in question is a girl.}}
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Kuroko berates Kiyama for undressing in public as it's immoral yet Kuroko will do the same things to Mikoto.
** Also done by Mikoto chastising Kiyama's {{spoiler|heading off into danger, alone.}} This one's lampshaded immediately by Kuroko and Saten.
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Mikoto using her electric powers to cook rice and curry.
** And Kuroko uses hers to [[The Glomp|tele-hug Mikoto]], not to mention [[Stalker With a Crush|take sexier photos of her]] and [[Skinship Grope|grope her]] [[Pettanko|deliciously flat chest]] in the shower.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Mikoto led Telestina '''Kihara''' Lifeline straight to Harumi's lab and the Child Errors who are indirectly responsible for the Poltergeist incidents. As luck would have it, she takes after her grandfather just like his son did.}}
* [[Not So Different]]: {{spoiler|Kiyama and Mikoto. Both of them are good people who became cynical due to the fact those they care and loved were screwed by the corrupt Academy City administration (for Kiyama is was her students, for Mikoto her clone sisters) and both of them could not fight them as they were powerless against the administration. Though as shown in the "sequel" ''Index'', Mikoto eventually grows out of said-bitterness. And thankfully both of them [[Earn Your Happy Ending|got their Happy Ending]]}}.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Yoshikawa berates her fellow scientists over wasting their time figuring out what type of panties Mikoto wear so they could make {{spoiler|the Sister clones}} wear the same panties when they only need the cheap discount panties she bought for them. Even the Supercomputer Tree Diagram thought their idea was stupid too.
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* [[School Festival]]: Episode 19.
* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]]: Kuroko, who gets concerned at how much [[Foe Yay|fun]] [[Tsundere|Mikoto]] seems to be having in her [[Unknown Rival|rivalry]] with Touma. [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], too.
* [[Useful Notes/SchrodingersSchrodinger's Cat|Schrodingers Cat]]: Used to explain why Espers are able to use their abilities.
** [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Or a variation of it.
** [[Reality Warper]]
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** A screamingly funny one occurs in an Extra of the First Railgun DVD, wherein the Dorm Supervisor breaks Kuroko's neck ''thrice in a row'', and the poor [[Psycho Lesbian|Kuroko]] screams "Abeshi!! Hidebu!! Tawaba!!" each time like the [[Your Head Asplode|villains whose heads Kenshiro detonates with Hokuto Shinken]] in ''[[Fist of the North Star]].''
** In Chapter 25 of the manga, as Mikoto resolves to {{spoiler|stop Project: Radio Noise via terrorist attacks}}, she says "[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Just who do you think I am?]]" This is a more-than-likely [[Shout Out]], as she is attempting to touch the untouchable and break the unbreakable.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Delivered by both Saten AND Mikoto to {{spoiler|Telestina's}} hateful declaration of the worthlessness of human life. Saten {{spoiler|takes a firm grip of her aluminum baseball bat, shouts "Whatever Levels we are, we're not garbage. [[You Leave Him Alone|YOU LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!]]" and [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|SMASHES the console controlling the Capacity-Down device that paralyze her superpowered friends.]] }} Mikoto then shoves the rest of {{spoiler|Telestina's hatefully delivered [[Hannibal Lecture]] right back in her big ugly mouth... with her railgun.}}
* [[Single Target Sexuality]]: Kuroko towards Misaka, obviously, but also Saten towards Uiharu. At one point she's warned not to flip the new girl's skirt, and she can't understand why she would ''want'' to.
* [[Skirt Over Slacks]]: Misaka.
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** There's also the Queen of Tokiwadai's name and face, finally revealed after being in hiding for 20+ volumes in the novels.
** The United States is fully aware of Academy City's true technological prowess, including the fact that it has a military.
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]: During the final part of the fight with the {{spoiler|AIM Burst}}.
** Happens twice in Episode 24, when {{spoiler|Mikoto takes down Telestina's [[Humongous Mecha]] with a ''huge'' Railgun attack and then when she defeats Telestina herself after Saten destroys [[Power Nullifier|Capacity Down]]}}.
* [[Theme Tune Cameo]]: Mikoto singing "Only My Railgun", the first OP theme in episode 13 and her violin solo of "Real Force", the second ED theme in episode 19 .
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'''Harumi:''' You know, when a girl behaves all cold towards the guy she likes. It was popular a while back... Tsun... Tsun... Tsundara? No... Tsunjire?<br />
'''Mikoto:''' '''''[[Shock and Awe|Not a chance!]]''''' }}
* [[Unknown Rival]]: Misaka to Touma, as she thinks his [[Anti -Magic|Imagine Breaker]] is the sign of immense power. It isn't helped by the fact that his nonchalant attitude towards her and her power hurts her pride.
** Kuroko also considers herself Touma's rival for Misaka's affections, not that he would ever [[Oblivious to Love|notice]].
* [[Urban Legends]]: Episode 4 shows us that there are a few of these around. The Undressing Woman and The ability to nullify other abilities are... well the former is shown in the episode and the other is obviously Touma, so those two are confirmed. There are others though.
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** Don't forget the time that Kuroko [[Power Perversion Potential|teleports off Mikoto's underwear!]]
* [[Waif Fu]]: Kuroko.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Uiharu calls out to Kuroko when she learns {{spoiler|the latter had Mikoto illegally hacked into the student database to check Erii's background to see if she's a suspect in the Poltergeist incidents}}.
** Of course, fans said the same thing {{spoiler|about Mikoto when she allowed Telestina to take Harumi's students away What's jarring is the fact Mikoto knows Harumi very well [[Lawful Stupid|but still thinks she really is the bad guy despite what she's doing wasn't on purpose]]. Guess what happens to the students?}}
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Accelerator. The manga explains that his appearance and physique are due to his power unconsciously reflecting UV rays, eliminating the need for pigmentation and making it difficult to produce certain hormones.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: The Sisters. See For Science for details.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Kiyama-sensei and her Level Upper plot. A little less extreme than most, since she does have a way to reverse the effects of the Level Upper-induced comas once she's done.}}
* [[Wisdom From the Gutter]]: Subverted horribly. Mikoto gives some advice to {{spoiler|Saten}} telling her Level's aren't important in life yet she is quietly offended by this since Mikoto's a Level 5 while she's a Level 0. Mikoto realizes the consequence of what she said when she learns {{spoiler|Saten fell into a coma using Level Upper and the AIM Burst begins broadcasting the collective thoughts of all 10,000 Level Upper users: [[I Just Want to Be Special]].}}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway]]: This was the fan's immediate reaction to Uiharu's power. Then a little bit of [[Fridge Logic]] kicks in - she is only a Level 1, her power was never going to be very impressive. Give it time to grow though, [[Wild Mass Guessing|and depending on how it works]], it could be a very useful power indeed.
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*** {{spoiler|Negating one of the most basic and important laws of thermodynamics at will is "blessed with suck?" Wow. I'd hate to see the uber powerful in THAT handbook.}}
*** {{spoiler|That's the point. Right now it only has one, minor use, but if she ever powers up...}}
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?]]: Episode 3 is about a culprit who sneaks up on girls, stuns them with a taser and while they are unconscious performs on them the depraved, heinous act of {{spoiler|drawing them huge eyebrows}}.
** Because tasing someone to the point of unconsciousness is totally not bad on its own.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Nancy Drew]]'' meets ''[[X Men]]''.
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