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[[File:telek3_6648.jpg|link=My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|frame|Using telekinesis for truth and justice? Try fashion.]]
In fiction it's very common that a character's life drastically changes after they get superpowers. The first thing most people do (after dealing with the person bullying them throughout act 1), is strap on their shiniest [[The Cape|cape]] or nicest [[Kick the Dog|dog-kicking boots]] and become the local hero or villain. That's not the life for this character, though.
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Opposite trope of [[Comes Great Responsibility]]. Related to [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check]] and [[Chaotic Neutral]] (They tend to do whatever they want).
== Anime and Manga ==
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* In ''[[What Women Want]]'', the main character got the power to read minds thanks to lightning. He uses these powers to improve himself on dates, to bond with his daughter, and manipulate women.
** He also uses it to be better at his job, by stealing ideas from his boss and female coworkers.
* In ''[[Mystery Men]]'', it's heavily implied that Captain Amazing became a millionaire ''after'' becoming a hero thanks to, basically, [[Corporate -Sponsored Superhero|being a walking advertising board (imagine a Nascar racer fighting crime)]]. His problems at the beginning of the movie stem from waning interest in his heroic persona, meaning the companies are about to cut funding, ending his rich lifestyle.
** It was also mentioned he was a successful lawyer, so if anything may have merely [[Glory Hound|wanted the attention]].
* ''[[Chronicle]]'' features this in spades; after three high-school guys are given [[Mind Over Matter|telekinetic powers]] by a mysterious artefact hidden at the bottom of a crater, they mainly use their newfound abilities to waste time in increasingly spectacular ways, from playing pranks on customers at a department store, to playing football several thousand feet off the ground. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, a very nasty combination of [[Abusive Parents]] and bullying at school eventually turns one of them into a supervillain.}}
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[The Avengers: EarthsEarth's Mightiest Heroes (Animation)|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]''
** [[Zig Zagging Trope|Zig-zagged]] with Hank Pym who is able to control ants, become a giant and shrink down to ant-size...and uses them [[For Science!]] until his girlfriend (see the Wasp, below) convinces him to become more proactive.
** Subverted by Wasp. She starts out following this pattern, then got bored and decided to convince Hank Pym that they should become superheroes.
* In ''[[The Simpsons (Animation)|The Simpsons]]'', there is an episode where both Lisa and Bart get superpowers. After getting his powers Bart declared "[[It Amused Me|I must only use these powers to annoy!]]".
** Except that [[Subverted Trope|they both become superheroes instead]].
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', as shown in the page image. Admittedly, it must be hard to sew when you ''don't have hands''.
** Also a minority fan theory about cutie marks. Common fanon holds that a pony's cutie mark is what they're good at, full stop, and everything else is mediocre at best. The alternative theory is that each mark has a key talent, plus a whole host of [[Required Secondary Powers]] which have applications far outside the specific domain of the mark-represented talent.
* [[Phineas and Ferb]] are pretty much boy geniuses, capable of making anything, even if it defies logic, time and indeed, physics. Mostly this is used for their own amusement. Some examples: [[Humungous Mecha]] used for their treehouses and cold-fusion reactors used to power a merry-go-round.
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