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The Legend of Korra/WMG/Plot General: Difference between revisions

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== Amon will be Korra's energybending master. ==
* Unlikely unless future episodes go to great lengths to establish Amon as an [[Anti -Villain]], and justify why [[Redemption Equals Death|Redemption]] [[Averted Trope|Doesn't]] [[Redemption Equals Death|Equal Death]] for him.
* If Aang learned how to energybend thanks to touching his Anahata and Ajna, shouldn't Amon or any other teacher be dismissed after the first class? Then again, since the Anahata is near Korra's boobs, maybe it will tke longer to learn, lest he look like a perv.
** Just speculating but maybe energy bending is has less to do with just knowing wheere to touch than being one the right spiritual level. Maybe since Aang, who as an airbender would already have been very spiritual, was the avatar, he possessed the ability to get to the right state spiritually to energybend. It remains to be seen how actually spiritual Amon is, but maybe he could have get there, too, and if he didn't, then that would just be more proof that his enegrybending is fake.
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== Tensions in the United Republic Council will come to a head, and directly stem from issues of representation ==
The Council is a [[Not So Omniscient Council of Bickering]] that will soon become [[A House Divided]], perhaps even to the point of [[Blood On the Debate Floor]]. Lets see what complaints we could theoretically level at the Five-Person Council, the sort of issues they and those they serve might snipe about behind closed doors. At least three of the Council Members are Benders, once again marginalizing a majority nonbender populace and stoking Equalist suspicions of a [[Fantastic Caste System]]. The Four Nations are represented, but what about Republic City as an entitity unto itself? Tenzin has too much influence as head of a micronation only four (soon-to-be-five) people strong, plus some acolytes. Though the Council represents ''four'' nations, the Water Tribes exert undue influence by insisting on two-person representation when the much more heterogenous, (and inferentially populous) Earth Kingdom should receive extra consideration. Wait just a moment, gentlemen, ladies, what is our representative system? Proportional or equal?(*Insert gavel banging here*)
** Five seats on the council with representation based on the nations, so both water tribes get a seat. It's really extremely [[What the Hell, Hero?|undemocratic]]
*** Republic City was never billed as a democracy though. So accusations of "undemocratic" practices aren't all that relevant.
== A Bender with Equalist parents will be introduced. ==
This character (who will come later and be part of the main cast) grew up with Equalist parents and was always forced to repress their abilities. The parents were always upset at having a bender child and the other anti-benders treated them poorly for it. The character will be upset and make a failed attempt at killing Korra to prove that they're loyal to the Equalist cause. Korra will eventually tell them that being a bender is part of who you are and you shouldn't lie to yourself or hate yourself. This sets the character on the right path, while still being doubtful, and spends the rest of the series trying to accept themself. By the finale they will have not only accepted but embraced their bending abilities.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]] as an [[Aesop]] in a [[Family -Unfriendly Aesop|children's show?]]
** More like Be True To Yourself And Don't Let People Tell You What You Are. A pretty common aesop for children ([[Harry Potter]] and the Dursleys for example).
*** Or it could be a person who disapproves of the way non-benders are treated and happens to be a bender themselves, or maybe just a [[Boomerang Bigot]].
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== Korra and her Krew will spend a day in [[High School AU|High School]]. ==
Just so that the show can poke fun at all the fanfiction out there that transplant the Gaang into school. The school play will also resemble the Ember Island Players.
* Alternatively, either Mako or Bolin will be students at United Republic High School (or something along those lines) -- Korra is sixteen, school-aged, and the brothers don't seem too much older than her. While she's training with Tenzin, they will be in class [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save The World|anxiously watching the clock and tearing out to meet Korra as soon as the bell rings]]. Also, Mako will constantly complain that fighting the Equalists takes away from his [[Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now|study time]] and Bolin will have [[Instant Fanclub|groupies]].
* Not so sure about this. Bolin is 19, and Mako is ''older''. They could probably be in University though.
* Wait, where did you get this? I never heard Mako and Bolin's ages confirmed...
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** I doubt they would go ''that'' dark. Despite all of the things they've done (terrorist attacks, scenes that have rape undertones), this is still a kids show. Killing off a main character like Bolin wouldn't sit well with a lot of people.
== There will be a [[Five -Man Band]] by the end ==
The first series started off with [[The Hero|Aang]], [[The Chick|Katara]] and [[The Smart Guy|Sokka]]; [[The Big Guy|Toph]] was added in the second season, and [[Sixth Ranger|Zuko]]/[[Guest Star Party Member|Su]][[Eleventh Hour Ranger|ki]] popped in by the third season. Since Korra is a [[Composite Character]] of Toph, Suki and Katara, Mako is a [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]] for Zuko, and Bolin is a more Aang-like Toph, there's some added credence in assuming that they'll get at least two more members.
** It's possible at least one of those two will be a [[Badass Normal]] who either knows chi-blocking either from being an ex-Equalist or through other means. Sokka was an amazing non-bender in the previous series, so why not have someone who can give Equalists and other enemies a run for their money in the Krew?
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Korra works incredibly hard to master airbending and the avatar state leading up to a huge battle with the Equalists on the scale of Aang's battle against Ozai, but when she goes into the Avatar state - BOOM. Someone kills her with a gun, a bomb, or some other sort of man-made weapon that even bending can't adequately counter. The Avatar cycle is broken, and the Equalists take power, somehow, leading to bending eventually dying out, and humans becoming much more focused on industrializing instead. And then... it becomes the world as we know it today.
* Going further (and preventing this from being a TOTAL downer ending) many years later a young earthbender is told about the old Avatar cycle by his [[The Mentor|master]], an old Earthbender who's gone into hiding since Korra's time. He tells the young earthbender that the world is dying as a result of the death of the cycle and somehow it must be restored. He then tells the boy (Or girl, it doesn't really matter at this point) about a [[Mythology Gag|mysterious lion-turtle]] who may know how to restore the cycle that's been spotted in the waters outside of Republic City and reluctantly asks his pupil to go find it. Thus begins a new series about an earth-bending Avatar focusing on how bending originated and how the cycle of the avatar began.
** And for added fun, the [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|previously-unnamed master]] tells his pupil that if by chance he/she ever finds avatar Korra, to tell her that [[The Reveal|Bolin]] [[Call Back|says]] [[Tear Jerker|hi.]]
== This series will have a downer ending or bittersweet ending to set up a third series ==
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Korra will undergo a slow [[Face Heel Turn]], her powers will increase anti-bender sentiment, and once she goes into the avatar state, she'll be killed by a descendant of the cabbage man in a [[Mini Mecha]] [[Macross Missile Massacre|in a hail of missiles]]. [[Anti -Magic]] will be discovered, and weaponized, and the elitist benders, fearing extinction will [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|initiate a police state.]] Muggles will devolve into [[The Morlocks|Morlocks]], and all will not be well.
* And then Bryke wake up with the worst hangover ever and decide never to chug half-a-keg of beer each ever again. ;P
** Half a keg? Pssh...[[Immune to Drugs|lightweight]].
== The series will end with a growing multiple front movement towards [[Everybody Was Kung -Fu Fighting|democratizing the Bending arts]] ==
Three forces, the pro-bending league, Tenzin's family and his acolytes, and what remains of the genuinely progressive arm of the Equalists will begin teaching not only bender culture, but bending forms to non benders. The pro-benders will see monetary potential in new non-bender athletic leagues that both open up entertainment avenues and get low-income kids off the streets and into their gyms. The Equalists will like the utility of these...these "martial arts" both for self defense (Turns out, with some disciplines, if you make a bending form rapidly and accurately enough with your bare fists and it connects, it can really hurt somebody! Go figure!) and exercise, and Tenzin will, after some nudging from his family, the Avatar and his associates, begin letting his acolytes have a go at the training gates, if he hasn't been at least teaching them meditation already. After all, having just a handful of Airbenders puts the nations out of balance, and the forms should be spread even if the innate capacity is lacking. Even the Spirit World might decide that Tenzin's line simply isn't enough to revitalize the Air Nation into counterbalancing the other three, so eventually, sufficiently dedicated, culturally reverant nonbender Air Novices will be stunned to find they can make the gates spin, all on their own...possibly after having vivid dreams about Sky Bison, a Lion Turtle or an Airbender man who wants to teach them a neat trick where you make a marble spin in midair.
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== Yakone was... ==
* ...an evil bending supremicist.
* ...an [[Anti -Villain]] who made friends with Tenzin before his defeat.
* ...an early Anti-Bender.
* ...Amon's father.
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** From what we saw with Aang, being in the Spirit World makes the Avatar pretty much comatose in the real world. Amon would take advantage of this. Also, I don't think she'll meet with Aang yet, but maybe someone else from ATLA.
* ...will clear up some questions of what happened between Aang's time and Korra's. There was The Promise, but there's still more that we don't know, like how Sokka and the rest died. We also haven't seen Zuko or the new Fire Lord yet. We don't know what happened to Ursa. We don't know about Azula's fate. We'll find out in Out of the Past. Or at least some of it.
* {{spoiler|Since Tarrlok forced her out of Republic City, Korra will be be forced to think and look within herself long to get in touch with the spiritual side she was struggling with}}. And she will be able to airbend, unlock the Avatar State, and {{spoiler|return back to the city}} to set balance. In other words, [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]].
* {{spoiler|Remember how Korra left Naga outside to wait for her? I suspect Naga will get anxious about Korra and go look for her. Not only that, but since she's a very large animal, Tarrlok won't be able to blood bend her effectively, so Korra can go back and rescue everyone.}}
** On a similar note, it's also possible that Tahno, who was just walking by, comes across her and the two go on the mission together, eventually becoming really close buddies.
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