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The Legend of Korra/WMG/Plot General

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

For theories about other subjects, see The Legend Of Korra Wild Mass Guessing Index.

Team Avatar will find a way to counter Chi-Blocking techniques from the Gaang's muggle pupils. A cure for Amon's Energybending will also be found

Actually this has already been discovered by the last series and might even be a Chekov's Gun, if not this time round than maybe Season 2. Sokka's frequent Face Palming made his head immune to Chi Blocking by Ty Lee, not to mention how he managed to dodge all her moves at Ba Sing Sae. And Suki's clearly developed the martial arts technique to fend of Ty lee's chi blocking attacks. Nothing has worked better against the Chi Blockers close quarters style of combat. Now here's how it goes. Ty Lee joining the Kyoshi warriors would have taught them all about Chi-Blocking's secrets, but Suki and co. would have also gone on counter attacks to render the Chi blocking ineffective. Surely they must have taught the art to their students.

And while we're at that, I'm guessing that Aang's son Bumi has learnt how to Energybend from Aang and might actually know how to restore a person's bending, because it appears that the secret to being able to bend or not is all about manipulating the energies in people's systems. He'll probably make and appearance sooner or later to help Tenzin and Team Avatar out. Bonus points if he also learnt from Sokka and Suki and knows how to make the body immune to Chi Blocking.

Season 2 will be called Energy or Spirit. There will probably be a small time skip between the seasons

Well what else can we possibly name it? It appears that Korra hasn't had sufficient time to complete her spiritual development yet with more than half of season 1 over. And villains don't pop out of thin air. It takes some time for them to come up with their plans and start operations. And we might expect to see Tenzin's 4th child by then, who might turn out to be a non-bender.

  • Metal. She takes up Metalbending under the tutelage of Lin.

Korra will learn from Spirit Aang that fighting in this case is not the answer.

Her attitude is obviously a fight first, talk later one. Once she finally establishes spiritual communication with Aang (and come on, she will) he will teach her that fighting won't solve everything, and she'll make massive diplomatic progress towards true bender/non-bender equality like putting a non-bender on the council or something. Of course, the finale needs an epic fight, so once this completely undermines Amon's extremist policies and he loses support, he'll go berserk and we'll see him one-on-one against Korra. Or maybe he'll pilot that giant mecha and the City's only hope is Korra going into the Avatar state.

Amon will be a martyr, and Korra will run away, just like Aang.

Amon didn't take away Korra's bending back in The Voice In The Night because he doesn't want Korra to be a martyr, because it would damage his cause greatly. But what if he, in an ironic twist, sacrifice him self and made himself a martyr? It's certainly something someone like him will do. It would be the perfect end for the first season. What other way to end it except having the whole world against you?

We may even see Korra run away from Republic City, even if there's still people who trusts her. My guess she'll go to the southern water tribe and go to Katara. It will bring the series to a full circle, but everyone wants a happy ending, right?

Amon doesn't actually have the ability to permanently take bending away.

No one's actually seen the long-term effects of Amon's chi-blocking. For all we know, he just temporarily takes bending away and the gang members at the demonstration were killed soon afterwards. The result is a city full of benders who fear the Equalists.

  • It's entirely possible. When Aang utilized Spiritbending in the series finale of TLA, he pressed upon two specific chakra on Ozai's body: his heart and his head. The heart chakra deals with love and is blocked by one's guilt. In accessing Ozai's spirit through that chakra, Aang could have made him feel guilt from the hurt he and his forefathers put upon the world with their war(this could be why Ozai seems to be brooding the whole time afterward). This act then sealed Ozai's Air chakra, while Aang's simultaneous sealing of his Thought chakra ultimately removed his ability to bend through actual manipulation of Ozai's soul. As for Amon, his method of bending removal involves him deliberately(seen with how he methodically turns Zolt around to access his neck) paralyzing his opponent through a pressure point strike and then simply sealing their Thought chakra. The difference here is that Amon's method merely blocks bending, meaning that such attacks could be healed if Korra ever learns Spiritbending herself, while Aang's method outright removes one's ability to bend.

Amon and Tarrlok are working together.

  • Episode 4: Korra sets out for Memorial Island with Tarrlok informing Tenzin, after she's left, that he had airships of Metalbenders sitting above the island ready to strike if anything went wrong. Korra's later captured, dragged off, puts up a bit of a fight, but is ultimately restrained and scared out of her wits by Amon's ability to end her so easily. And he gets more than enough time to monologue at length about how he's going to save his defeat of her for later and then use her defeat to ultimately break benders as a whole. Where was the SWAT team this whole time? The only time we see any of Korra's allies afterward is when she's knocked out, for some period of time, and Tenzin runs in to find her unconscious. And even then, he's not accompanied by Metalbenders or Tarrlok. So what gives? Either Tarrlok held back those metalbenders to allow Amon to strike at Korra without harrassment, or he lied to Tenzin(cloudly night, after all, and we never saw those airships) in order to keep Tenzin from following her over and possibly interfering with Amon. This would fit perfectly with Tarrlok's personality: He worked with the leader of the Anti-Benders in order to give himself more and more power(after all, he's now leading an almost SS-esque hit squad loyal only to him) to the point where he, ultimately, will become Dictator of Republic City.
    • And he likely enticed Amon with the deal by making sure he would get him Tenzin and his children, the only four (aside from Korra and the maybe the unborn child) people who can airbend, in exchange to make sure he can get more power. Knowing Tarllock, he would be delighted getting rid of his rivals.
      • It's also likely that Tarrlok thinks that he's the Man Behind the Man, with Amon as his dragon. Later in the series, however, Amon will off Tarrlok and take complete control of Republic City. This could then prompt the Krew to have to travel to other nations(that way we get to see the development of the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, and Northern Water Tribe) in an effort to raise an army to take Republic City back.
        • That sounds very reminiscent of Long Feng and Azula.
    • Episode 6 makes this even more likely. He's the first to give in when Chief Beifong insists that the pro bending finals take place, and he gives in way to easily for someone who was truly against it. He seems thrilled when she says she'll take full responsibility for the safety of the attendees, as if he knows she'll fail and thus lose support among the cityfolk. And sure enough, the Equalists show up prepared to fight metalbenders.
    • And honestly, Korra proved back in episode 3 that it's not that hard to find Amon if you want to, so surely Tarrlok would have been able to catch him if he were applying himself.
      • It's also possible that the Equalist base they raided in episode 4 was based on information given by Amon, who was willing to sacrifice a few followers to improve Tarrlok's image.
  • Episode 8 provides a different prospective: Tarrlok is working for Amon. The curfew, shutting off electricity, arresting non-benders for protesting this and holding them indefinitely is exactly the kind of 'bender oppression' that Amon's talking about. Its as if he wants to swell the Equalists' ranks.
    • Lets not forget the way Tarrlok's eye twitches when Korra points out his similarities with Amon. Most would probably say that he's getting pissed that he's getting compared to his enemy, which is a perfectly valid reason. Or, it could be because her accusation struck very close to home.
  • Or better yet, Tarrlok IS Amon. It's obvious that there's much more to him than meets the eye, with his ability to bloodbend without a full moon. Plus, he is in the perfect position to play both sides of the conflict, and has benefited the most from the Equalist "threat".
    • Unlikely, considering that Tarrlok was with the police force monitoring (poorly, but I digress) Korra while she was on the island for her duel with Amon.
    • Unlikely due to eye color differences. It is difficult to see, but on close-ups of Amon's face, he has amber/gold eyes. Tarrlok by contrast has blue eyes. Kinda hard to change your own eye color without contacts.
  • Seemingly Jossed by episode 9. Tarrlok deflects the suspicion of Korra's kidnapping onto the Equalists, only to be found out later. When he tries to run away and use Korra as a hostage, Amon tracks him down and debends him.

Tarrlok will seize control of Republic City.

Whether he is really working with Amon or not, Tarrlok will eventually see his chance to stage a coup and seize control of Republic City from the Council, blaming everything on the Equalists. Subsequent seasons will have Korra and her friends trying to fight both Tarrlok and the Equalists.

The statue of Aang will get blown up at some point.

Most likely during the Darkest Hour before the season/series finale.

    • Possible that Korra's Destructive Saviour tendencies will play in that destroying a good portion of Republic City and restoring it from scratch might be what they need too. Perhaps Aang's rebuilt statue will include one for Korra too.
    • That statue is the size of a Skyscraper. It would take something huge to blow it up. Any ideas?
      • A Freeze-Frame Bonus in the first episode implies Amon is working on a giant steampunk robot.
    • A clip of the season finale reveals that Amon has decided to vandalize the statue instead of destroying it.

Something about the series will go unanswered by the end.

Hey, at the end of the day Mike and Brian are sitting on one Hell of a cash cow, and if they can keep it going through suspense and a rabid fanbase more power to them. Besides, we all want to see that Mad-Max style earthbender series, right? They have plenty of unanswered questions aren't necessary to the plot to choose from already:

  • Who's Lin's Daddy
  • Who killed Mako&Bolin's parents?
  • What happened to Hasook?
  • How did Korra tame Naga?
  • Who gave Sato his once-in-a-lifetime loan?
  • Who the Hell is Yakone?
  • How is Amon taking away people's ability to bend?

Tahno will have his bending taken away by Amon...

Then he will go through a Heroic BSOD (Or Villanous?) and then join Korra's Krew.

  • Partially confirmed. Tahno is shown to lose his bending.
  • Confirmed as of And The Winner Is...

The show will run four seasons

The book names will be Air, Metal, Blood, and Spirit, each chronicling a style of bending Korra has yet to learn.

  • Jossed since Mike & Bryan made it clear they're only doing two seasons.
    • Not just yet...there's that option to renew.
  • Metal and blood are specific forms of earth and water bending respectively. They don't count as separate styles. This leaves Air and Spirit, which is exactly as long as the show has been confirmed to continue.

Amon will be Korra's energybending master.

  • Unlikely unless future episodes go to great lengths to establish Amon as an Anti-Villain, and justify why Redemption Doesn't Equal Death for him.
  • If Aang learned how to energybend thanks to touching his Anahata and Ajna, shouldn't Amon or any other teacher be dismissed after the first class? Then again, since the Anahata is near Korra's boobs, maybe it will tke longer to learn, lest he look like a perv.
    • Just speculating but maybe energy bending is has less to do with just knowing wheere to touch than being one the right spiritual level. Maybe since Aang, who as an airbender would already have been very spiritual, was the avatar, he possessed the ability to get to the right state spiritually to energybend. It remains to be seen how actually spiritual Amon is, but maybe he could have get there, too, and if he didn't, then that would just be more proof that his enegrybending is fake.

Amon will somehow momentarily cut off everyone's bending.

It's not impossible. The original series' season finale already established that a mere human can cause much damage to the world. Zhao killed the moon. I mean, everyone certainly can live without bending, it won't be great, but they'll eventually accept it in time. We did great without bending abilities. But the moon? I don't think there's anyway the world could have withstand such thing. Furthermore, Zhao could have killed the ocean (but even Zhao realized how crazy that is.)

Team Avatar will fight the Metalbender Cops in order to protect the Equalists.

Our heroes will come to learn that not every Equalists is an Amon-level creep, just like there were good people fighting under Ozai's banner. Afterward there will come a point where Chief Beifong's officers will attempt to crack down on the Equalists, and their overly wide net is going to round up some people who don't deserve to be arrested. Korra will attempt to stand up to this injustice, at first non-violently, having learned from her first run-in with the law, but after something bad happens -- the cops get too rough, someone throws a punch, whatever -- the situation will escalate. At that point Korra will jump in and forcibly defend the Equalists, but end up at the center of a battle royale where extremists on both sides try to attack her. It'll be a special moment in Republic City's history: bender and non-bender band together to take on the Big 'A'. It'll also earn Korra some street cred with the Equalist rank-and-file.

  • I was setting an episode to record and the description talked about Korra getting pulled into a violent scheme to get rid of the Equalists.
  • Not exactly, but "When Extremes Meet" has Korra oppose the police force to defend non-benders being illegally imprisoned under Tarrlok's orders. It's not much of a stretch that Tarrlok's MUCH more extreme methods lead to Korra actually having an Enemy Mine situation with Amon.

The mayor (or president) of Republic city will be a main character.

Only instead of being predictably evil or corrupt he'll be on Korra's side in wanting the anti-bending revolt to die down. He'll either be comically ineffective at all but passing laws or a tough military man who deeply cares about his city, or maybe both. Is it too late to guess Meelo will be his son?

  • Meelo has already been confirmed to be Tenzin's son.
  • Considering 1920s China really did have a president who was so corrupt and incompetent he triggered a Communist revolution, it's not really farfetched at all to have Republic City's leader (or her) turn out to be a President Evil. It's too early to tell, but Lin Beifong's metalbending force could easily be far more dictatorial and oppressive than it appears. Clearly, the city isn't doing so well, what with all the homelessness.
    • If the requirement for employment as an officer of the law is that you must be a metalbender, that's an institutionalized Fantastic Caste System right there, unintended consequence or not.
    • We've seen plenty of policemen who aren't the metalbending cops. Those appear do the the equivalent of a SWAT team.

Tensions in the United Republic Council will come to a head, and directly stem from issues of representation

The Council is a Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering that will soon become A House Divided, perhaps even to the point of Blood on the Debate Floor. Lets see what complaints we could theoretically level at the Five-Person Council, the sort of issues they and those they serve might snipe about behind closed doors. At least three of the Council Members are Benders, once again marginalizing a majority nonbender populace and stoking Equalist suspicions of a Fantastic Caste System. The Four Nations are represented, but what about Republic City as an entitity unto itself? Tenzin has too much influence as head of a micronation only four (soon-to-be-five) people strong, plus some acolytes. Though the Council represents four nations, the Water Tribes exert undue influence by insisting on two-person representation when the much more heterogenous, (and inferentially populous) Earth Kingdom should receive extra consideration. Wait just a moment, gentlemen, ladies, what is our representative system? Proportional or equal?(*Insert gavel banging here*)

    • Five seats on the council with representation based on the nations, so both water tribes get a seat. It's really extremely undemocratic
      • Republic City was never billed as a democracy though. So accusations of "undemocratic" practices aren't all that relevant.

A Bender with Equalist parents will be introduced.

This character (who will come later and be part of the main cast) grew up with Equalist parents and was always forced to repress their abilities. The parents were always upset at having a bender child and the other anti-benders treated them poorly for it. The character will be upset and make a failed attempt at killing Korra to prove that they're loyal to the Equalist cause. Korra will eventually tell them that being a bender is part of who you are and you shouldn't lie to yourself or hate yourself. This sets the character on the right path, while still being doubtful, and spends the rest of the series trying to accept themself. By the finale they will have not only accepted but embraced their bending abilities.

  • You Can't Fight Fate as an Aesop in a children's show?
    • More like Be True To Yourself And Don't Let People Tell You What You Are. A pretty common aesop for children (Harry Potter and the Dursleys for example).
      • Or it could be a person who disapproves of the way non-benders are treated and happens to be a bender themselves, or maybe just a Boomerang Bigot.

There will be a battle/chase on a motorcycle

Why? Because it would be AWESOME, that's why! I mean who doesn't want to see bending on motorcycles?!

  • I...wow. This...needs to happen. It just...it just does.
  • I support this theory. So much.
    • It'd be weird if they didn't do that.
  • Confirmed.
    • And it was amazing. I wonder, are they called Satocycles? Did we ever hear them refer to them as "motorcycles"?

There will be a particular band of pirates/smugglers hanging around Republic City consisting of:

  • A massive, dark-skinned, middle aged soldier with a shaven head.
  • A scrawny little gearhead
  • A female tattooed Badass Normal with paired dao and a visible Axe Crazy streak.
  • A mild mannered guy who looks and acts like a petty clerk from Ba Sing Se.

Korra and her Krew will spend a day in High School.

Just so that the show can poke fun at all the fanfiction out there that transplant the Gaang into school. The school play will also resemble the Ember Island Players.

  • Alternatively, either Mako or Bolin will be students at United Republic High School (or something along those lines) -- Korra is sixteen, school-aged, and the brothers don't seem too much older than her. While she's training with Tenzin, they will be in class anxiously watching the clock and tearing out to meet Korra as soon as the bell rings. Also, Mako will constantly complain that fighting the Equalists takes away from his study time and Bolin will have groupies.
  • Not so sure about this. Bolin is 19, and Mako is older. They could probably be in University though.
  • Wait, where did you get this? I never heard Mako and Bolin's ages confirmed...
  • Confirmed as of yesterday on Nick's website, Mako is 18 while Bolin is 16.

The new Team Avatar will watch a black-and-white silent film adaptation of "The Boy in the Iceberg."

It will be the perfect way for the creators to ridicule the live-action movie.

Bolin: Why are they dancing? Real bending doesn't look like that! And how do you keep Earthbenders prisoner with all that earth under them? Why is..
Mako: Bolin. Shut up.

One of the main characters will die.

The series is said to be Darker and Edgier after all, and while the Last Airbender killed off recurring characters they never axed a lead. My money's one of the Bending Brothers. Killing either Bolin or Mako would send the remaining brother into either a Heroic BSOD or a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, shake up the status quo with characters like Tenzin and Asami, and could be a serious Kick the Dog moment for the anti-benders in terms of their popularity within the Republic. Besides, what better way to send Korra into her Avatar State than killing her best friend/boyfriend in front of her eyes?

    • The Welcome to Republic City game had this rather...ominous thing to say for the Mako/Bolin description: "either would willingly sacrifice their live for the other". So that's more evidence for this theory.
    • My guess is that Bolin is going to die. Mako's death, while sad, would not have the Emotional Torque Bolin's death would. Allow me to present a scenario that will give him a Heroic Sacrifice even as they Kill the Cutie: The Krew is running away from the bad guys and all but Bolin make it through the Slow Doors. Mako and Korra try to find a way to get him out but Bolin insists that they run away while they still can. Mako will reply with a Big No. Bolin will calmly thank Mako for always looking out for him and say that it's time to return the favor. Rocks fall from the ceiling, cueing Korra to pull a BSOD Mako away to safety. Bolin's last request will be that look after Pabu as he gives them a thumb's up and Go Out with a Smile. Once Mako and Korra are gone, he'll go back into Game Face mode when the bad guys finally catch up and kill him off-screen (because it's still a kid show). If he doesn't die, at the very least he'll become Brainwashed and Crazy. If anyone can think of a more heartbreaking plausible death scene for Mako, I'm all ears.
    • I doubt they would go that dark. Despite all of the things they've done (terrorist attacks, scenes that have rape undertones), this is still a kids show. Killing off a main character like Bolin wouldn't sit well with a lot of people.

There will be a Five-Man Band by the end

The first series started off with Aang, Katara and Sokka; Toph was added in the second season, and Zuko/Suki popped in by the third season. Since Korra is a Composite Character of Toph, Suki and Katara, Mako is a Suspiciously Similar Substitute for Zuko, and Bolin is a more Aang-like Toph, there's some added credence in assuming that they'll get at least two more members.

    • It's possible at least one of those two will be a Badass Normal who either knows chi-blocking either from being an ex-Equalist or through other means. Sokka was an amazing non-bender in the previous series, so why not have someone who can give Equalists and other enemies a run for their money in the Krew?
    • I think we're going to have a Sixth Ranger who has had/will have their bending removed. Personal headcanon is that s/he was a waterbender, preferably not Southern Tribe because we have Korra representing that, maybe Swampbender? Reasoning behind this is that if many benders lose their powers, at least some will want to get back at Amon. Hopefully s/he learns to be Badass Normal, maybe wih the help of the above non-bender.
  • Bolin struck me more as a Earthbending Sokka.

The Final Battle will be an apocalyptic battle against a Cosmic Horror...and it will be awesome!

Because the Final Battle in TLA was an apocalyptic battle against an Evil Overlord. Only one way to go from there.

  • Working with the chi-powered mech theory below, it could be a giant war machine instead that rampages through Republic City like a Kaiju and is driven by Amon.
  • Alternatively, Amon's Energy Bending will backfire somehow, just as it almost did with Aang and the fire lord, resulting in him becoming this Eldritch Abomination.
    • Is it really a backfire ... or completely intentional from the very beginning?

Korra is unsuccessful, and there's a shocker ending.

Korra works incredibly hard to master airbending and the avatar state leading up to a huge battle with the Equalists on the scale of Aang's battle against Ozai, but when she goes into the Avatar state - BOOM. Someone kills her with a gun, a bomb, or some other sort of man-made weapon that even bending can't adequately counter. The Avatar cycle is broken, and the Equalists take power, somehow, leading to bending eventually dying out, and humans becoming much more focused on industrializing instead. And then... it becomes the world as we know it today.

  • Going further (and preventing this from being a TOTAL downer ending) many years later a young earthbender is told about the old Avatar cycle by his master, an old Earthbender who's gone into hiding since Korra's time. He tells the young earthbender that the world is dying as a result of the death of the cycle and somehow it must be restored. He then tells the boy (Or girl, it doesn't really matter at this point) about a mysterious lion-turtle who may know how to restore the cycle that's been spotted in the waters outside of Republic City and reluctantly asks his pupil to go find it. Thus begins a new series about an earth-bending Avatar focusing on how bending originated and how the cycle of the avatar began.

This series will have a downer ending or bittersweet ending to set up a third series

Just think about it: this show will be what, 26 episodes across two seasons? Why so short? Because this show is only really setting up for the "real" sequel to the original which will cover another major war worst than the first between the benders and the "normals". Remember, that it has been confirmed that the Avatar world is going through a Jazz Age/Depression era analogue. Does anyone remember when those things happened in our world? Ding ding ding ding ding! That's right: between WWI and WWII. My guess, this series will end on a sour note, with Korra failing to succeed in her mission. The anti-bender sentiment will grow and spark an all out revolution throughout the United Republic and thus the entire Avatar World will go through something akin to a mixture of WWI, WWII, the Russian Revolution, and the Chinese Civil War.

  • Well, the teaser trailers for the season finale do hint at a WWII-like confrontation with battleships, and the situation in Republic City is volatile enough without a full-blown economic depression thrown into the mix (but it is implied that homelessness is becoming a problem...)


Korra will undergo a slow Face Heel Turn, her powers will increase anti-bender sentiment, and once she goes into the avatar state, she'll be killed by a descendant of the cabbage man in a Mini-Mecha in a hail of missiles. Anti-Magic will be discovered, and weaponized, and the elitist benders, fearing extinction will initiate a police state. Muggles will devolve into Morlocks, and all will not be well.

  • And then Bryke wake up with the worst hangover ever and decide never to chug half-a-keg of beer each ever again. ;P

The series will end with a growing multiple front movement towards democratizing the Bending arts

Three forces, the pro-bending league, Tenzin's family and his acolytes, and what remains of the genuinely progressive arm of the Equalists will begin teaching not only bender culture, but bending forms to non benders. The pro-benders will see monetary potential in new non-bender athletic leagues that both open up entertainment avenues and get low-income kids off the streets and into their gyms. The Equalists will like the utility of these...these "martial arts" both for self defense (Turns out, with some disciplines, if you make a bending form rapidly and accurately enough with your bare fists and it connects, it can really hurt somebody! Go figure!) and exercise, and Tenzin will, after some nudging from his family, the Avatar and his associates, begin letting his acolytes have a go at the training gates, if he hasn't been at least teaching them meditation already. After all, having just a handful of Airbenders puts the nations out of balance, and the forms should be spread even if the innate capacity is lacking. Even the Spirit World might decide that Tenzin's line simply isn't enough to revitalize the Air Nation into counterbalancing the other three, so eventually, sufficiently dedicated, culturally reverant nonbender Air Novices will be stunned to find they can make the gates spin, all on their own...possibly after having vivid dreams about Sky Bison, a Lion Turtle or an Airbender man who wants to teach them a neat trick where you make a marble spin in midair.

The Air Acolytes will eventually give birth to airbenders

Word of God says that the reason all the Air Nomads were airbenders was because their way of life was so spiritual. The acolytes are dedicated to recreating their culture, even if they can't bend the element. So after some generations of reliving the old ways, they will start having airbender children.

Asami is a chi-blocker.

Cause why not?

  • Adding to this: she's the chi-blocker that fights Korra in Episode 3, who seems to have a female appearance.
  • Jossed in episode seven: she defends her father against Equalist accusations, is shocked and saddened when she finds out he is an Equalist, and when he asks her to join him she attacks him instead.

Part of Asami's role in the group is to provide additional transportation.

She gives the group a Cool Car so everyone doesn't have to rely on Naga for getting around.

  • Confirmed!
  • Incidentally, wasn't that the same extravagant car Tarrlok had sent to Korra to curry favor with her? Nice Chekhov's Car, if that's so.

Korra will take off Amon's mask while they're fighting

In "The Voice in the Night" she'll unmask Amon mid-battle. It would make really bad Nightmare Fuel, especially if Amon's face really is disfigured because of a firebender

  • Or it will turn out that all those theories about Koh being responsible for Amon losing his face were right...

The Gaang statues around Republic City are a secret defense mechanism.

We've seen three so far - Aang's, Toph's and Zuko's. Statues that large are almost certainly made from metal rather than stone. And what is the City police force known for controlling? That's right...

  • Combining this with the designs for a humongous mecha present in a Freeze-Frame Bonus here, an important episode, perhaps even the finale, will have an Equalist Humongous Mecha threatening an important part of the city (but avoid harming civilians). The animated statues will attempt to hold it off, but it's too powerful and can only be stopped by Korra entering the Avatar state, forming a Kaiju-like monster like in the episode "The Siege of the North". She'll have difficulty triggering it, either because she's Chi-blocked or perhaps even energy-bended, or just because the Avatar state is difficult to trigger. However, once she's entered that state, she's not in full control of her actions, so she causes excessive damage to the city while battling the Equalist mecha. The Equalists are defeated temporarily, but Amon will escape, and Korra will have caused enough damage that the Equalists actually gain popular support, perhaps even taking control of the city. Korra may be exiled, setting the stage for a second season where she learns energybending, or if she was energy-bended herself, she may be Depowered permanently and search for a way to regain her powers. If the latter is the case, the lack of an existing Avatar may cause an unbalance in the world, allowing spirits to cross over into the physical world, with Amon revealed to be Koh's agent, and the final battle will be between Korra and Koh/Amon.
  • Perhaps Korra can spiritually link to one of the statues (most likely Aang's) and we can have something similar to Koizilla, except with a giant statue.

The Spirit(s) helping Amon want Amon to destroy the United Republic, in order to stop a possible Tower of Babel scenario.

The series finale.

It turns out Amon is Korra's true father, the waterbenders he grew up with were just foster parents. The reason Korra wasn't told this was because Amon had been corrupted by Ozai. Ozai taught Amon energybending, which he had learned by osmosis when Aang used it on him. It turns out Ozai is still alive, and Amon is his Dragon. Ozai wants to rid the world of bending, because if he can't do it anymore, why should anyone else? So he uses Amon and the Equalists as a tool to achieve this. At some point in the series, during a heated fight between the two, Korra learns the truth from Amon, who tells her he is her father. This obviously leaves Korra confused and conflicted. In the series finale Korra faces Ozai and Amon, and she tries appeal to his father's better nature, but Amon appears to be untouched by her pleas. Ozai and Amon defeat Korra in a battle, and Ozai is about to energybend Korra's powers away, when all of a sudden Amon interrupts the process, saving his daughter. This interruption causes Ozai's energybending to backfire, killing him and mortally damaging Amon. Just before he dies, Amon asks Korra to remove his mask, so she will finally see the real face of her father. Amon then dies in peace.

Oh, and Mark Hamill will obviously return to play Ozai.

Koh taught Amon Energybending

So Koh who showed up one time for five minutes in the Season 1 Finale, and brought up again in webcomics will return. He told Aang they would meet again, but this could easily mean in the next reincarnation. Besides what spirt besides Wa Shi Tong wants to get back at the Avatar? Wa Shi Tong is cool and knows 10,000 definately including Energybending but I am going to focus on Koh. Koh is mad that the last Water Tribe Avatar Kuruk wants to kill him, so who will have to take up his mantle the next Water Tribe Avatar Korra, which will be really hard due to the loss of bending in the Spirit world. But i think somehow Amon found his way into the Spirit World and was taught energybending by Koh, what is Koh's modus operandi, stealing faces! Man behind mask is so lying about the firebenders burning his face five bucks!!! Its to gather sympathy and to blame a familiar enemy firebenders. So Amon once showed emotion in front of Koh who took his face or it was the price to learn energybending. And about how he can operate in real life, i don"t know about breathing and eating, but he just be fighting blind like Toph, hell he could just be an earthbender whose whole Equalist movement is facade to gather power. And we have only seen Amon's eyes on posters and not when he shows up, and even on the posters they look like sequins that are part of a inner layer of the mask. And thats how you wild mass guess.

Korra will use the Avatar State.

With disastrous results and massive colateral damage to Republic City.

Mako will use his past to undermine Amon.

Mako is a firebender who lost his parents to firebending. His bending allowed nim to earn a decent living and survive along with Bolin. He's realized that it wasn't the bending itself that was evil and that it's no different than a sword in someone's hands, and will make this clear to the anti-bending activists and supporters.

The series' plot and Korra's Character Development will deal with the unlocking of chakras.

The resolution of Korra's apparent lack of spirituality will undoubtedly be one of the key plot elements, but interwoven with her overall development will be many of the same difficulties Aang faced. Throughout the show, Korra is going to be faced with situations which generate those negative emotions which block the chakras. Let's run down the list: her fear of Amon and his abilities will prevent her earth chakra from functioning; her guilt for putting her friends in jeopardy will block her water chakra; her shame over not living up to everyone's expectations will block her fire chakra; she will grieve for the loss of one of her friends, sealing her air chakra; she will lie during the inevitable relationship struggle, thus blocking her sound chakra; she will have to dispel the illusion surrounding Amon and his abilities to unlock her light chakra; and the thought chakra will be her biggest hurdle, much as it was for Aang.

These are, of course, only guesses, but similar situations could easily arise over the course of the show's run, and Korra's tackling of these issues in her life will cause her to grow as a person, and will ultimately allow her to fulfill her destiny as the Avatar.

  • "The Voice in the Night" dealt specifically with Korra's fear, and we learned in "The Guru" that fear is what blocks the first chakra. So that's one bit of indirect evidence in favor of this WMG.

Yakone was...

  • ...an evil bending supremicist.
  • ...an Anti-Villain who made friends with Tenzin before his defeat.
  • ...an early Anti-Bender.
  • ...Amon's father.
    • As of Episode 8, Tarrlok's father. Seeing as how they look similar and are both blood benders.

In Order to defeat Amon...

  • Korra will have to master fighting without bending. If Amon turns out to be a master chi-blocking fighter besides a Diabolical Mastermind, then he is a master at dodging ranged attacks, which most bending is based on. And what better way to out-perforr the villain than the heroine defeating him on his own specialty? Besides, the show already borrows a lot from martial arts movies, this would be an even more direct homage.

Tarrlok is...

Related to Hahn.

  • Hopefully this means that he too will end up getting thrown off a boat.

Mako and Amon's stories are congruent and one of them is a lie

  • Amon is the villain and may well be an unreliable narrator, Mako's story has been done time and time again and seems oddly vague as though he intentionally left a part out to conceal something; both stories cannot be true for the sake of having an interesting plot. The two accounts also have the same factor of a rampaging firebender and may well be part of the same story, again in the name of a good plot.
    • Not necessarily. Sometimes, the interesting thing is the difference in how both the Hero and Villain dealt with the same situation. On the other hand, you may have a point, and the truth of the matter could be (see next WMG)...

Amon is a bender

  • Specifically, he's the firebender who killed Mako's parents. He came to feel immense guilt over what he had done, and blamed it on his bending, then from there came to see all bending as evil.

Who says Energybending can only take away bending?

  • Korra will enter the Avatar State in her final battle with Amon and, perhaps by accessing some of Aang's memories, use energybending to give him bending powers- probably firebending. What would destroy a man who so fervently hates bending more than becoming that which he hates the most. It's also a nice bit of karmic justice, and as much of a psychological mind rape as his mind games with Korra. He will probably echo the "what have you done to me?" line upon discovering his new abilities, just for a nice bit of synchronicity.
    • Yeah, I think this ties in with the idea that the second season will be Book Two: Energy. Before elemental bending existed, Energybending was the only sort of bending that existed; it could make sense than benders only came into existence from people energybending themselves and others; but somewhere along the way they lost the knack. So I think at the end of the first season every major bending character will have lost their abilities, and Korra slowly begins to give them back as she masters Energybending.

Korra will have her first spiritual encounter with Avatar Aang very soon and he will assist her in conquering her fear of Amon.

The ending of Voices In The Night sort of foreshadows that Korra will encounter Aang's spirit soon. Not only does her vision show Aang, but as Tenzin rushes to help her, she even mistakes him for Aang and whispers his name. It seems that her encounter with Amon has left Korra with her predecessor on her mind, perhaps wondering how the great peacemaker Avatar Aang would have dealt with Amon and the Equalists, and this will result in a dream sequence where she meets Aang in the spirit world so he can help her deal with her fear of Amon; after all, he went through a similar situation himself in Nightmares and Daydreams with his fear of confronting Ozai. He'd probably pass on a few words of wisdom about that which will help Korra start to learn how to deal with her fear of Amon.

  • In the Winner is, Korra has another vision of Aang, Toph and possibly Yakone.

There will be a flash-forward episode to the return of Sozin's Comet

Although I think it's unlikely, it would be interesting to see how its arrival would affect the world when there is no war.

Tahno will join the Gaang/Krew in a future episode.

The way I figure it, when Amon invades the Championship tournament, he will attempt to take Tahno's bending away and Korra will begrudgingly rescue him. If the leaked episode title Tahno's Love Triad is legit, it will have something to do with him thanking her somehow.

An Airbender will join the Krew

Similarities between the original Gaang and the Krew have been drawn, such as there being an initial trio (Aang, Katara, Sokka to Korra, Mako, Bolin) and having Benders of all nations present. Currently, the only Airbenders are Tenzin and his children, with no one in Korra's age group represented (excluding herself). However, a young man or woman from an isolated village will come to Republic City hoping to learn Earthbending. He/she is not very good, and the Krew will soon realize that he/she is actually Airbending dirt and that one of his/her parents was the child of an Air Nomad who went into hiding. This will allow Korra to have a peer in Airbending who is equal in ability to her (instead of a master or a young child) and more hope that the Air Nomad culture is still growing strong.

After The Legend of Korra is over, there will be a spinoff set in the early days of the Republic City.

It will star the adult Gaang and their children, and revolve around their conflict with Yakone. Come on, who doesn't want to see teenaged Tenzin and Lin, among others, or what members of the Gaang are like, all grown up?

Yakone and whatever he did will end up having some actual relevance to the plot

  • All the flashbacks of the adult Gaang look as though they were getting ready for something big,like Yakone, and said flashbacks must be relevant to something.

The unknown guy in the second flashback (who seems to be the cause of whatever is severely pissing off Aang) is not Yakone... its Ozai

A lot of people seem to think that the Flashbacks deal with Yakone, and that he is in some way integral to the back-story due to his description of having once posed a serious threat to republic city and having once fought Aang. However, there seems to be something a little... off about this.

In the flashbacks Aang looks pissed, seriously pissed, pissed enough to go into the Avatar state (as seen in the second flashback) which would mean that if it was Yakone the flashback was pertaining to, he would have had to do something reeeaaaally bad. However, when Tarlok mentions Yakone, Tenzin only seems irritated that Tarlok compared himself to Aang, which seems odd if Yakone had indeed done something bad enough to make Aang go apeshit on him.

In my opinion, the reference to Yakone was either irrelevant, a Chekov's gun, or a red herring to distract the fanbase from speculating who the guy in the flashbacks is.

Firstly, take a close look at the ages of the Characters in the flashback, Aang and Toph both seem to be in their 30s/early 40s at most, whereas the guy most people seem to think is Yakone is grey haired and markedly older. Which would have made him a full adult during the original series.

Secondly take a look at his face, specifically the eyes, the eyebrows, the nose, the mouth, and the jaw


...and compare them to a certain other character, who would have been a full adult in the original series, and would more than anyone would press Aang's Berserk Button

https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ozai&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1DVCJ_enGB435GB436&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=EQ Wv T 8 u-Joz Z 8 QO Qkdyd CQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1537&bih=951

Notice any similarities?

The man in the flashbacks is in fact our old friend Ozai, who from the looks of it is in some kind of trial proceedings (war crimes maybe?) and who clearly was able to cause some major nastiness seeing how Aang was so angered by it, and how flashes of these events echoed in Korra's mind.

This would explain multiple things, it would explain why Sokka looks so worried in the first flashback and why Aang was so extremely pissed off in both, it would tie up a loose end with Ozai and what happened to him, it may offer elaboration as to the effects of energybending, and it may even explain why Zuko gave up his position of Firelord to wander the earth. Whatever Ozai did may well have helped start the equalist movement, either indirectly (via some atrocity using benders) or directly in order to spite Aang.

It may also serve as a reference to a certain "other" character who was also voiced by Mark Hamill and the sinister effect he had on the Follow Up Series despite having "died" before that series.

Ozai used energybending to depower someone close to Aang, and Aang killed him. Amon is Ozai's disciple or son.

This WMG adds to the previous one, where it was guessed that the man in the flashback is an older Ozai. Now, suppose that Ozai learned the technique of energybending when Aang used it on him, but he couldn't use it to get his bending back. However, he could still use it to take bending away from others. He broke away from prison, went to Republic City and started the Equalist movement, who were at first only a small group of fanatics. Ozai wanted to have revenge on Aang, but he knew Aang was powerful enough to resist his energybending. So he decided he would take away the bending of someone close to Aang as a way of getting to him. My guess is that it was either Aang's son Bumi (he's said to be a non-bender, but who knows whether he was born that way?), or Toph (if taking away one's bending is cruel to begin with, it's even crueler when that person is blind and uses bending to "see"). What Ozai did got Aang so angry that he killed Ozai, and that is what see in the flashbacks. The reason this episode in Republic City history isn't common knowledge is because everyone present kept quiet about it, partially because of Aang's shameful act, partially because they didn't want Ozai to become a martyr for the Equalists. However, Ozai had already taught energybending to a disciple called Amon, who became his successor as the leader of the Equalists. It's even possible Amon is a son of Ozai, sired after he broke away from prison. If that's the case, then Amon's story of a firebender killing his family is somewhat true: the firebender was Aang.

Lightningbenders will be called to serve in the Republic City Police en masse, and Mako will join in.

The Equalists have established electricity as their primary weapon against Benders. The police force will need effective ways to counter this weapon, and turn it against its wielders. Lightningbenders can absorb and redirect the current, making it a liability for the Equalists. We've seen that Mako can do Lightningbending, and he's going to need a new job, now that the Championship Tournament has been lost, and Pro-Bending Arena is likely to remain closed for the time being, due to a national crisis. Plus, he definately wants to help Korra against Amon. Bolin might try and learn Metalbending too, for the same purpose.

Amon's character is building up for The Worf Effect

Well they did say he will be replaced in the 2nd season...

Amon will be given a lecture by Zuko

Who better? Both Zuko and Amon have had their faces disfigured by firebenders, and both are currently trying to keep balance, albeit in different ways. Hopefully Zuko will, at the very least, be able to speak to Amon about his equality ideas. Whether or not Amon will listen is another matter.

Tahno will learn Chi-Blocking.

Eager for revenge for losing his Waterbending, Tahno learns that Chi-Blocking can also be used to inflict paralysis, and this aspect also works on nonbenders. He studies the art, and when/if he becomes part of Team Avatar, this is how he keeps up with the heavy-hitting Benders.

Mako/Bolin's parents, Sato's wife, and (supposedly) Amon's family were all murdered by the same Firebender, who may become the Major Villain of Season 2

It seemed odd to me that for the trauma in the pasts of four of the shows most important characters, the perpetrator was in each case a firebender despite Republic city being extremely diverse and with a large population of Earth/Waterbending criminals as well as firebenders.

These are not just some minor incidents, they are major backstory events for the main characters which will likely be further explored in the future, likely with episodes dedicated to the identity(s) of the killer. Thus it would make perfect sense from a story perspective to have one sole "Evil firebender murderer" character rather than three benders and three suspiciously similar "backstory/revenge" episodes.

All of these Crimes could well have occurred at the same time period (about a decade beforehand as mentioned by Lin Bei Fong with regards to Mrs Sato being killed) as Bolin and Mako would have been children at this time, and Amon may well have been in his teens.

  • Heck we can take it farther and say this guy had one very busy day
    • Asami's mother was murdered 12 years ago, according to Tenzin. Mako is currently 18 years old according to the Nick website, and his parents were murdered when he was 8, so that crime took place approximately 10 years ago. They can't have happened on the same day, though they could easily have been committed by the same person in that 2-year time span.
  • Even better: Once the "Evil Firebender Murderer" is revealed, Korra will recognize that he/she is a worse threat than Amon. She will acknowledge that benders who abuse their powers should lose their powers and offer Enemy Mine to Amon. He will teach her Energy Bending and restructure the Equalists into a "International De-Power Police" that sits in judgement of criminals like EFM and Ozai.

Amon being replaced as the main villain for Season 2 is only Metaphorically True.

In fact by the end of Season 1 he will be unmasked, and his true identity will be revealed, along with his true motivations. This will significantly change the way the audience and the characters will view him, and alter his dynamics as an antagonist, thus, for all thoughts and purposes, making him a different villain.

  • Or after episode 8 the true villain of Season 1 is actually Tarrlok.

Amon is Mako and Bolin's Father

Lin Beifong will learn how to bend platinum

Because 1) it will be awesome and 2) The fastest way to get your ass kicked by a Beifong is to tell them they can't do something, only for them to go ahead and do it.

  • 3) it will make for a delicious Ironic Echo. "Even your Reowned Mother couldn't bend platinum." Imagine her crunching Sato's mecha and replying, "Yes, she could."

The masters of the Order Of The White Lotus will help Korra and the Krew against Amon

This is more me hoping they can show of their skills and power for pure awesomeness.

The Firebender that killed Amon's parents was Zuko

One day, Zuko decides to see what happened with Lee and his family. By this point, many years had passed and Lee has his own children and/or grandchildren, Amon being one of them. For whatever reason, a fight starts between Zuko and someone else, and a few stray fireballs catch the farm on fire and hit Amon in the face. With almost everyone dead from the fire, and a child writhing in pain from having his face burned off, Zuko enters a Heroic BSOD and then flees. After years of shame and guilt, Zuko finally decides that the world needs a new Firelord and steps down. However, unable to just do nothing after so many years of working towards peace, and to atone, Zuko travels the world as an ambassador to the other nations.

Amon IS Zuko

  • Zuko has worn masks to hide his burned face before, because it's so distinctive
  • He took Ozai's superior element theory and went for the opposite extreme of NO MORE BENDING.
  • He could be the "evil firebender" running around killing people.

Asami is Mako and Bolin's sister.

The Firbender that killed Mako and Bolin's parents, Amon's family, and Hiroshi Sato's mother are the same person.

They've said "A Firebender killed this person" too many times for this to be a coincidence. It's the same person, and will be the Big Bad of the next season.

In the finale of the first season Korra will take compensated chi-blockers from the metalbenders, and distribute them to the non-benders of Republic City.

It would be the perfect way to get them on her side: Show them she understands that there are times when people need to defend themselves, and they have a right to bear arms. She'll likewise get many people to turn against Amon by apologizing for her attacks against non-violent protesters, and addressing the entire city on the importance of absolute free speech. Of course this will lead to...

The series will end with Korra helping to author a new Constitution for the Republic.

...strongly modeled on the US Constitution.

  • That would be rather heavy handed. Even Ridley Scott couldn't make that kind of development anything but corny. Though it is likely that non-Benders will get proper representation before everything is said and done.
    • Korra's universe is sino-centric. That would make no sense.

Amon will take Korra's bending.

However, this will trigger the Avatar state, revealing that Amon can't truly take bending away. His supporters will turn on him and then the final battle will begin.

  • Alternately, he will take her bending, and she will need to master spiritbending to get her powers back.

The last two episodes of Book 1 will act similarly to The Siege of the North episodes.

Korra will enter the spirit realm and search for Aang and the spirits Amon supposedly gained his de-bending power from. While this is going on, the Equalists make their way to Air Temple Island and fight through White Lotus Guards, Air Acoylte Monks, and the Krew. The second half will involve the fully-developed mechas (and one giant one piloted by Amon), wrecked havoc, even targeting the statue of Avatar Aang. Once Korra comes back and sees the devastation, she'll go into the Avatar State and show Amon how severely outclassed his entire group is by curb-stomping the mechas. The difference is where his movement is crushed when Korra informs everybody what she found out while roaming the Spirit World.

Amon was the firebender who killed Bolin/Mako's parents and Hiroshi's Wife.

Adding to my above theory of a single "Evil Firebender Murderer" in the pasts of Amon, Mako/Bolin and Asami/Hisoshi, could it not also be possible that Amon was simply using the story of a crime he inflicted on someone else as his cover?

Close ups of his eyes in Episode 4 show him to have the amber colored fire nation eyes that are the mark of a firebender, and of course it would have the value of both

a) Dark Irony, given both the revolution is motivated by evil benders, and that Sato is a loyal follower due to the "Evil Firebender Murderer" killing his wife

b) Making Amon a truly evil villain due both to his crimes, and due to his using the Revolution against his own crimes to further his own power

Due to the timescale of him killing the various character's relatives, he would have never have been de-bended by Aang, so it is entirely possible he is merely hiding his Firebending abilities until forced to in desperation. His motivation for the rebellion could well be (in an ironic twist on his propaganda) to ensure that he has no possible rivals or threats to his own power in the form of other benders or the form of the Avatar. As to which spirit helped him gain his seeming energybending abilities, I doubt it will be Koh given his actions in trying to ensure the proper balance in the previous series

  • But Koh could be involved in knowing the details about Amon's doings and the spirit(s) he conversed with.

The Equalists, Amon especially, will be reminded how much the Avatar is out of their league when Korra enters the Avatar State.

The previous Avatar demolished entire naval fleets and made a master firebender charged by a comet flee. Giant mechas made of platinum aren't going to fare any better.

Tenzin will be de-bended.

As the Avatar, Korra is going to have to face Amon alone, which makes it very easy to turn Tenzin into a Sacrificial Lion. In fact, it would be epic if Amon were to take away Tenzin's powers and think he has denied Korra the opportunity to learn airbending, only for Jinora to teach her. Seeing as she's been training practically since she was born, Jinora is probably the equivalent of a first-degree black belt, at least. It's not like she'd be that much younger than Toph was in the first series.

The conflict with the equalists will ultimately be resolved by Korra using Energy Bending and the Avatar State to give bending to a non-bender

Historically, conflicts pertaining to inequality can only be satisfactorily resolved in the long term not by taking away privilege from the privileged, but by giving privilege to the non-privileged. So the conflict between benders and non-benders can be most equitably solved by giving bending (or the choice to get it - one wouldn't want to force anyone who didn't want to be a bender to become one) to non-benders. This would also make the conclusion of Lo K directly echo the conclusion of ATLA

Possible ways this might come about:

1. Korra uses the Avatar state to flat out give bending ability to all the non-benders in the world.

  • This may or may not require that she give up her own bending in the process, possibly even ending the Avatar cycle permanently.
    • It doesn't end it. It reverses it. In every generation, there will be one child who cannot bend. - Which leads to the world of Codex Alera.

2. Korra uses spirit bending to give bending to one non-bender, and with that demonstration, shows the world that she can give the ability to bend to any non-bender who wants to ask her for it.

  • Possibly, the person she gives bending to first will be Amon. This will either destroy him psychologically as suggested in another WMG above, or it will provoke a Heel-Face turn, and end in resolving the conflict with Amon entirely without violence.

3. Korra uses spirit bending to give the ability to give bending to others to some one else, thereby setting off a chain reaction whereby, in a short period of time, anyone who want sit can obtain the ability to bend.

  • The person she gives this ability to first could again be Amon (or she could even change his ability to take away bending into an ability to give bending). Again this will either result in a psychological collapse on Amon's part, or will effect a Heel-Face turn, ending the conflict peacefully.

When the Avatar heals using water from the spirit Oasis at the north pole( or equally spiritual places) It can cure the Bending Removal Amon uses.

Amon isn't a bender, and his " spirit/ energy bending looks very little like the real deal- he does the hand to face thing, but doesn't touch the vic's heart/chest. just because ordinary healers can't cure it doesn't mean the Avatar, who has REAL Energy bending can't.

    • she may discover this when Amon targets a loved one- takes Mako, Bolin or Tenzin's bending.

Theories of Out Of The Past...

  • ... will involve Korra going to the Spirit World She will meet Aang there. Also, I remember a trailer saying we will learn why bending is not possible in the Spirit World. I hope the last sentence happens in this episode.
    • From what we saw with Aang, being in the Spirit World makes the Avatar pretty much comatose in the real world. Amon would take advantage of this. Also, I don't think she'll meet with Aang yet, but maybe someone else from ATLA.
  • ...will clear up some questions of what happened between Aang's time and Korra's. There was The Promise, but there's still more that we don't know, like how Sokka and the rest died. We also haven't seen Zuko or the new Fire Lord yet. We don't know what happened to Ursa. We don't know about Azula's fate. We'll find out in Out of the Past. Or at least some of it.
  • Since Tarrlok forced her out of Republic City, Korra will be be forced to think and look within herself long to get in touch with the spiritual side she was struggling with. And she will be able to airbend, unlock the Avatar State, and return back to the city to set balance. In other words, Nice Job Fixing It, Villain.
  • Remember how Korra left Naga outside to wait for her? I suspect Naga will get anxious about Korra and go look for her. Not only that, but since she's a very large animal, Tarrlok won't be able to blood bend her effectively, so Korra can go back and rescue everyone.
    • On a similar note, it's also possible that Tahno, who was just walking by, comes across her and the two go on the mission together, eventually becoming really close buddies.

The war goes Three-Way

With the events of "When Extremes Meet", neither side is looking particularly good. It is quite possible that all these events are leading up to a third faction forming... one made of a mix of benders and non-benders working together and pooling resources to combat the extremes of both sides while trying to make meaningful changes. Tarlok is feeding Amon political ammo and Amon is well... Amon, so eventually people sick with both sides will start to find each other and eventually a third faction forms, likely with Korra, a rescued Krew, Tenzin, Bei Fong (from what we know, she applied the laws as equally as possible), and some non-Equalist non-bender leaders and characters. Then the war ends up going three way, Amon calling the third faction Bender manipulation, Tarlok calling them renegades, and the third faction basically telling both that they are too extreme. Maybe even some foreign support for the third faction; IE, the Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes, and Fire Nation all agree that both sides have gone over the top and they need to work quickly to restore order. Not neccesarily troops as politics may not allow it, but supplies, training, etc.

Korra will end up joining the Equalists

After the events of Episode 8, having witnessed the horrific abuse of non-benders by benders, Korra will approach Amon and ask to help the Equalist's cause. She may either refuse to bend, or even voluntarily have her bending taken away, or she may act as a bridge between benders and non-benders, as the Avatar is the bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. Team Avatar may reject her for this, seeing her as a traitor, or they may join with her, having experienced the oppression non-benders are facing first-hand. Tenzin will probably not approve, however.

Korra's flashbacks were a warning about Tarrlok, not Amon

The three flashbacks Korra has experienced so far all took place during episodes where Tarrlok made some sort of political power play. And we now know that Tarrlok and Yakone are both bloodbenders. So many of the flashbacks take place in the Council chamber that they must have something to do with politics in Republic City. There has to be some connection there...

  • Combine this with the other WMGs of Tarrlok possibly being the head of the Red Monsoons and Yakone's son, it could be that Yakone was the previous head of the Monsoons and presented a very lethal threat, and his death at the hands of the Gaang led to his son's grudge and lust for power and vengeance.

Tarrlok plans to hand Korra out to Amon.

If this wasn't a children's show, the implications of Episode 8's ending would be that he intends to take Korra to a quiet spot in the countryside and murder her. But since killing is off the table in this series, he does the next worse thing: try and get Korra de-Bended forever, and left as a prisoner of the Equalists. This way he can both get rid of a dangerous rival, and use her as a martyr to justify his extreme methods. His Bloodbending should keep the Chi-blockers and Amon himself at bay, and let him make a safe retreat, even if he can't make a brief truce with them using Korra as a bartering chip.

  • Alternate theory: Amon is legitimately disgusted when Tarrlok tries this, saying he won't accept it and later has Chi-blockers get him by surprise to de-bend him. It'll be a Kick the Son of a Bitch moment to end all Kick the Son of a Bitch moments when he strips Tarrlok of his bending.

Republic City is Kirkwall

Tarlok and the metal benders are Meredith and the Templars, The Equalists are the mages, Tenzin is the Viscount: a Reasonable Authority Figure who tries to mediate with nominal power but no political base and hence no real power. Team avatar is team Hawke: a team of powerful individuals who try to find a way to make peace between the factions only to fail time and again until ultimately the situation falls apart entirely leading to a worldwide revolution.

  • So who will be the Arishok analogue that will murder Tenzin and, in the process, pave Korra's rise to power and exacerbate the conflict?

Tarrlok will dump Korra/Korra will escape into the countryside

We know that the village from The Fortuneteller is near Republic City. Its a nice piece of trivia, but why else would they bother revealing it if Korra doesn't end up there?

Chief Beifong will save Korra.

She's pretty much announced that she will become Batman to protect the city from the Equalists. It would make sense for her to patrol near the Council building just in case. She might first assume that the Equalists have kidnapped Tarrlok, but will soon figure out what's actually going on after she runs into Naga.

Korra's first successful use of airbending will happen during a climactic fight with Tarrlok.

Narrative convention says that it must happen in the most awesome way possible. As for why Tarrlok, just for the irony of it. After all, Tarrlok is the one who really pointed out Korra's inadequacies through her inability to airbend. (Amon is a possible alternative, granted. But Amon never brought up Korra's inability to airbend, nor does he really seem to care.)

== Naga's Undying Loyalty and dogged (no pun intended) determination are what gets Korra out of her kidnapping predicament ==. She did ride Naga there, and Naga was probably witness to the 'napping.

== Tarrlok and Amon are both pawns of a Bigger Bad who wishes to use the chaos and conflict the two create for his/her own ends, and has been planning this since Aang's Era ==. First of all (and kinda unrelated, but bear with me) when the "Evil Flashback guy" (or EFG for short) was seen in the "everybody gets bloodbent" flashback, despite near the entire court getting disabled including Toph, Sokka and Aang, the EFG merely remained standing without moving at all. Also, notice the time of day it seems to be.

It seems likely from what was seen in the flashback that

a) EFG was not doing the bloodbending

b) there were multiple bloodbenders striking (as it is unlikely any one person could bloodbend a room packed with powerful benders)

c) these bloodbenders were able to do this during the daytime, which suggests they may have been specially trained to do so

However, EFG was still clearly in on this attack, given he merely kept standing and evilly laughing as it happened, so he was likely the one who ordered it. However, EFG was also likely a firebender given his eye colour, which would mean that whatever faction/organisation he is a part of is also a multi bender one if he was able to get a number of elite waterbenders to rescue him.

Now, several decades later when Tarrlok uses it on Korra, she gets this flashback, and he seems to enigmatically hint he was linked to it, and thus likely part of this same Faction. However, he also revealed that he REALLY hates Amon as shown by his reaction as when Korra compared the two and his quick psychotic breakdown afterwards. This hints at a deeper and more complex relationship between the two than merely Tarrlok using Amon's attacks for his own political advantage.

My theory is that they both were once in EFG's faction/organisation, and Tarrlok for unknown reasons utterly despised Amon. Not only that, but whomever was in charge of this faction decided to set them both against each other and ensured both were placed in powerful circles within the prototypical Equalists, or the City Council, so that they would ensure a vicious cycle of conflict and repression between Benders and Non Benders. This would be an Ideal way for whomever is working behind the scenes to seize power after Benders and Non Benders had nearly annihilated each other.

Tarrlok is Really 700 Years Old and wants to take revenge on Korra for something Aang did to him.

This is completely a guess, but judging from the fact that the guy the original Team Avatar is fighting in Korra's flashback in "When Extremes Meet" looks suspiciously like Tarrlok, and the fact that Tarrlok is crazy powerful and can bloodbend even when it's not a full moon, he's either somehow part-spirit or has somehow given himself extended life/made himself immortal.

Amon will pull a Big Damn Villains and rescue Korra

Think about it: what was the last major thing the Avatar did before her mysterious disappearance? She challenged the most powerful member of the Council and tried to defend a group of innocent non-bending civilians from his unjust actions. It's the kind of press that is the complete opposite of what Amon is trying to sell about benders in general. And he said he wants to save her for last: Tarrlok has upset his plans in that regard. So he finds out where Tarrlok took her, rescues her and de-powers Tarrlok for good measure. Bonus points if Tarrlok takes Korra somewhere remote, and Amon finds them easily: it'll show that Amon's message is not just confined to Republic City anymore, and the Equalist sentiment has spread far and wide.

We'll have some reference evil Airbenders impact the story at some point in the show

Most likely in a flashback but in the show we've already gone through the gamut of evil Firebenders (much of the Fire Nation in the old series, the assorted Triads), Earthbenders (Dai Li, assorted Triads), Waterbenders (assorted Triads, Tarrlok). Might as well go for broke. Maybe they'll bring in that traitor dude from the card game.

We've already seen the Red Monsoons

They were Tarrlok's "task force" in the fourth episode. Note that the members of the task force were referred to as "deputies", implying that they weren't regular law enforcement officers. Tarrlok is likely the leader of this Triad, which is the most dangerous because they seek political power in Republic City rather than simply extorting money from small businesses. The Earthbenders on the task force may have been borrowed from another Triad, and the other members of the City Council may also be bribed or threatened into supporting Tarrlok. And think about the timing: Tarrlok launches an attack on Amon right after he depowers the leaders of the other Triads. He's going after Amon because he feels personally threatened. Not only that, but with the power vacuum at the top of the Triads following Amon's "revelation", Tarrlok will be in a position to be Republic City's cappo di tutti capi, leader of all the gangs as well as the city council. Total power in the legitimate world *and* the underworld.

Tarrlok didn't do anything to get the new Chief of Police on his side.

The Chief was already on his side, and Tarrlok just hooked up one of his supporters with the job as soon as there was an opening, in order to secure his control over the police force.

  • Or, in the same vein, the majority of the police actually already support Tarlok. We already know that even Bei Fong considered Tenzin a coward for the way he was handling the equalists, the rest of the cops don't have her personal reasons to sympathize with Tenzin or to oppose Tarlok so they probably see Tarlok as someone who is standing up to the equalists while Tenzin is an appeaser.

Zuko will be called upon in Out of the Past to hunt the Avatar

Think about it: he has the most experience in the Avatar Tracking department, and he probably has a not-insignificant amount of authority in the city due to the whole 'original founder' thing. He would be the perfect candidate to find Korra and give Tarrlok a stern talking to about the ups and downs of running an oppressive regime. And he would knock some sense into the other council members too(the firebender comes to mind)

  • Bonus points if he wears the Blue Spirit mask while freeing Korra, or says some variation on "I'm getting too old for this."
  • This needs to happen. If not in show, then in fanfic.
  • Zuko will rescue Korra and give Tarrlok the pwning he deserves. He will then fail at giving Korra advice and they will do the Dancing Dragon. And Tenzin will say "Uncle Zuko!"

Yakone is the reason why the Equalist Movement exists.

Whatever he was on trial for, it was something bad enough to tick off the Gaang, and potentially bad enough to kill Sokka and/or Toph, if those WMGs are proven to be correct. Anyway, Yakone's crimes were mostly directed towards non-benders, possibly out of a sense of superiority. It's possible then, that Yakone was a Fire Kingdom national bent on trying to bring down Republic City, and the Agni Kai gang were/are his supporters. They wreaked havoc in the city, ruining who knows how many lives in the process, Amon and his family among them.

In the coming episode it will turn out that something - maybe Koh - is actively blocking Aang from Korra.

There is someone or something that is preventing Korra from reaching to her past lives. This is why she can only get random bits of visions from Aang. She will meet and confront these spirit during her trip to The Spirit World. My guess that it's Koh and this is part of his plan to get revenge on the Avatar.

  • Why should this be the case? Remember how Aang originally got contact to Avatar Roku? They couldn't communicate directly until Aang entered the Fire Temple during the Equinox, and after that they could communicate any time Aang meditated. There's no reason to assume that the same won't apply to Korra; she will have to find the place with most spiritual connection to Aang to open the connection inside her.

Out of the Past will end with a She's Back moment for Korra.

Turning the Tides will be a Melee a Trois between Team Avatar and friends, the Equlaists, and Tarrlok's forces.

Tenzin finds Korra.

Tarrlok stashed Korra away somewhere where no one would find her... No one except someone who knows the "Everything Is Connected" technique that Aang learned from Huu. Aang taught it to Tenzin, and then Tenzin uses it to divine Korra's location.

In the finale, there will be a huge windstorm during the Equalists' attack to foreshadow Korra's arrival to Republic City

And it will foreshadow her ability to airbend too.

When Korra fights the Lieutenant, she'll say, "Your weapons are just those Kali sticks; mine is all the water in the atmosphere!"

It's a great Shout-Out and downright awesome.

At one point, Tarrlok and Amon will have a big battle with one another

Tarrlok's Bloodbending and skill with Waterbending will even the playing field and the battle will end with the two evenly matched and in a draw, but Amon, being the Magnificent Bastard he is, uses this to reveal Tarrlok to Republic City.

  • And break his concentration long enough to close a gap and chi-block him, followed by de-bending.
  • Oh, they had their confrontation in Episode 9, but it wasn't much of a fight...Amon proved to be immune to bloodbending, and proceeded to easily defeat and de-bend Tarrlok.

Korra will finally access the Avatar State in the Season Finale and actually meet Aang.

As the promos have shown, Amon is going to try and take Korra's bending in the season finale at some point. What better way for her to access the Avatar State for the first time than Aang, who is supposed to be her mentor to the job in this series, coming to her as he tries and using it to save her the same way Roku used it to save Aang the first time they met?

The Southern Water Tribe will recall their representative.

The chief of the Southern Water Tribe is Tenzin's cousin (assuming, of course, that Sokka had kids, otherwise the chief would be Kya or Bumi). It's unlikely that he's pleased with the SWT's Councilwoman voting in lockstep with Tarrlok on every issue. Time to appoint someone who is more sympathetic to non-benders, or at least more considerate of the concerns of the Southern Water Tribe. Someone like Kya or Bumi.

  • Actually, I think the SWT representative is male. The councilwoman looks like she's from the Fire Nation.
  • The chief of the Southern Water Tribe isn't necessarily Tenzin's cousin: nowhere in the original series is it stated that the position of the chief is inherited. It's possible that the chief is chosen by a tribal meeting, or by some other process that doesn't involve inheritance.

Season 2 involve a Time Skip with a complete overhaul to the law system

It will be a 6-18 month skip in where Korra is sufficiently advanced in Airbending, a change in the council with Tenzin the only one to still be in his position, and Amon's legacy had some notable effects in that there is an extra seat for a non-bender or two. Not only the time skip justifies how they changed (repairing buildings, restoring order, fixing broken livelihoods), but gives time for a new Big Bad to get ready.

Korra will order Tenzin and his family to evacuate the city before things really go down.

Realizing that when Amon starts his endgame plan, the Airbenders would be his first target due to their small numbers and get them out of his reach before he can.

Tarrlok's secretary is an Equalist spy.

Why she didn't inform Tenzin and the police earlier? Because she wanted to hand Korra over to Amon. She followed them to the hideout, and then went to make her report, before appearing to give her testimony to the authorities just the right time -- the right time for Amon to get to the hideout first, wait for Tarrlok who would most likely retreat there after being outed, and capture Korra with one fell swoop. The timing is too good, especially since Amon appears to know exactly where Tarrlok's cabin is, and when he would get there, even though it's far from the city and any other habitation.

Korra will have to fight Amon with nothing but Airbending in the Avatar State

Based on a promo, it looked like Amon was about to take Korra's bending. For unknown reasons, she still has her airbending powers and has to rely on those to defeat Amon and the Equalists.

Amon will have a Villainous Breakdown when the nonbenders support Korra instead of him.

Remember when Korra protected the nonbenders from Tarrlok's men? Amon will seemingly unbend Korra or otherwise capture her and present her to the masses. To his surprise, instead of cheers, he gets stunned silence and boos. Leading to this:

Amon: She's the Avatar! She's everything we should be against! She's their Avatar! Why do you support her?!
Random Nonbender (or the same nonbender from "When Extremes Meet"): She's their Avatar!...But she's our Avatar too!

Cue the crowd turning against Amon and the Equalists. If he appeared to Debend Korra, it'll be revealed she took precautions to prevent him from doing so or was otherwise uneffected and was pretending to be effected. Amon loses his cool and Korra defeats him in his enraged state.

  • I so want to see this happen. Bonus points if Amon tries to de-bend Korra again, but it backfires and physically breaks him apart.

Korra will gain the peace of mind needed to accomplish airbending at the same time that Amon loses his cool

Airbending requires peace of mind and a spiritual connection. Korra will finally get it when Amon loses it, resulting in the normally calm Amon falling into Unstoppable Rage and the normally Boisterous Bruiser Korra fighting with Tranquil Fury.

Korra will spend season 2 mastering energybending.

After she defeats Amon in the season 1 finale, she will realize she is capable of energybending. She will spend season 2 practicing the lost art (as well as trying to make Republic City a better place for non-benders) mostly in an attempt to find if bending powers can be returned to those who lost them. After all, if they can be taken away, surely they can be given as well. People will expect her to use her powers to take away bending from benders who abuse their powers but she would have issues with the idea, due to the trauma Amon put her through.

Pema will give birth at the end of season 1.

After all the action is over, Pema will give birth to her child. The birth will symbolize a new era and a new hope for Republic City, where Korra & Friends (tm) will work to make Republic City a better place for benders.

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