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** [[Averted Trope|Averted later.]] Rose angsts a fair amount about the futility of their session, and all of the Kids are affected to some extent by their Guardian's death. Dave outright goes a little crazy for a bit from grief and doesn't snap out of it until the end of Act 5.
** John, however, seems fairly chipper just hours after the deaths of his father, Rose, and her mother.
** Jade. Everything points to [[Break the Cutie]] for her, but the only part of her that's really broken is [[Precision F -Strike|holding back on the swears]]. She even turns out to be perfectly fine with Dreambubble shenanigans once she's gotten used to everything. Which is really a huge improvement from swearing to never go to sleep again.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: The scene is all set for an [[Evil Versus Evil]] [[Melee a Trois]] between Gamzee, Vriska and Eridan, and the plot has indicated that Gamzee would have the upper hand against the others... but then before anything happens Rainbow Drinker Kanaya runs and ''[[Groin Attack|kicks him where it hurts]], sending him right off a cliff''.
** Then she chainsaws Eridan in half no problem, where before no one could even get close to him.
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** The trolls were able to move far faster than light-speed, meaning the g-forces are not an issue, at least when using troll telekinesis. The friction problem does still hold merit though, given that during the Reckoning, meteors light on fire ''before'' entering Skaia's gate, and the meteor is later shown having a fiery trail in the Furthest Ring.
** Both apply to John and Jade in Andrew's study however.
* [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]] - Tavrisprite's creation was probably the most horrific thing to ever come out of Homestuck, and several fans were not happy at this turn of events (see [[The Scrappy]] below). Mere panels later (though about a day later), Tavrisprite explodes and Vriska and Tavros are apart again, albeit still dead.
* [[Browser Narcotic]]: Only because you're very, ''very'' likely to miss crucial details on the first read, especially if you zip through the relatively slow-paced first year, and updates drop sporadically. It could've updated ''[[Memetic Mutation|right now]]''.
* [[Cargo Ship]]: Bro/Lil Cal. [[Nightmare Fuel|Yes, it exists.]]
** Smuppets are someone's [[Rule Thirty Four34]] enough to make a profitable website out of it. Faith in the audience's depth of irony is a...[[Go Mad From the Revelation|more comforting alternative to imagine]].
* [[Complete Monster]]: The Jack Noir that becomes Jackspers Noirlecrow/Bec Noir not only kills hundreds of people for his own amusement - he '''thoroughly enjoys it'''. That he goes so far as to [[Hero Killer|kill many of the protagonists]] because he can only cements him in this status.
** [[Monster Clown|The Grand Highblood]]. The wall behind his throne is COATED with various colors of blood, and surviving a meeting with him is basically up to his whims: Whether it would be more hilarious to him to allow a troll to survive or to beat them to death for shits and giggles.
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** Vriska. Murderous, manipulative megalomaniac without a shred of empathy? Or girl living under impossible (partially self-inflicted) pressures, unable to make a single one of her dreams come true, who wishes to live in a less cruel world? (Answer: Both.)
* [[Kudzu Plot]]: Very much so! And Andrew is extremely good at keeping plot holes from happening <ref> There have been a few small goofs in art and timelogs, but aside from that he's been pretty much perfect about plot holes.</ref>
** Though some minor plot details [[What Happened to The Mouse?|have outright been forgotten.]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Doc Scratch
* [[Mary Sue]] / [[Parody Sue]]: Jade is full of [[Common Mary Sue Traits]], her grandfather even moreso. Fortunately averts the [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad]] and contributes no more than anyone else to the story.
** And now [[God Mode Sue]], since she's awakened to God Tier via Jadesprite, giving her Guardian powers in addition to her Witch of Space powers and probably Kernelsprite powers too, though that's kind of insignificant compared to the other two.
*** Of course, Jade is a subversion in that one of the true marks of a 'Sue is that she hogs the spotlight and makes everything about her. Jade is probably the human kid ''least'' in focus in the story.
** Vriska isn't just Vriska, she's [[Her Codename Was Mary Sue|Marquise Spinneret Mindfang]], and she has ''[[Munchkin|all the levels]]'' because she's [[God Mode Sue|great at everything]] (at least, [[Unreliable Narrator|if you ask her]]). In fact, she's essentially trying to ''[[Invoked Trope|become]]'' a Mary Sue- in addition to the [[Munchkin|min-maxing]], she [[Self Insert|retroactively makes herself critical to the origin of the]] [[Big Bad]] and tries to [[Glory Hound|make everyone pay attention to her above everything else]]. [[Deconstructed]] in that this behavior just makes everyone hate her, she's not actually massively more powerful than some of the other trolls, and she makes a lot of mistakes that [[Laser -Guided Karma|come back to bite her in the ass]].
*** This was also invoked by ''[[Trolling Creator|the author]]''. He's said outright that he [[They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste|intentionally]] made Vriska [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad|steal the spotlight]] to make the fans [[Base Breaker|argue about her]]. He's even made jokes in-comic about [[CreatorsCreator's Pet|being in love with her]].
** UU has more than a few traits that seem to be a commentary from the author on [[Original Character|bad fantrolls]]. She knows more about the game than anyone else, is the [[Last of His Kind|only remaining limeblood]] (a caste that apparently has unparalleled psychic powers, by the way), and, like Vriska, inserts herself as a key figure in a session other than her own. Additionally, a [[Western Zodiac|Ophiuchus]]-[[Sailor Earth|themed]] troll with the initials UU is a longstanding [[Wild Mass Guessing|fan theory]].
* [[Memetic Molester]]: Scratch's [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/scratch.php?s=6&p=005525 conversations] with Rose and Jade have catapulted him into this category, particularly [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/scratch.php?s=6&p=005538 this one].
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*** Hammered home with Jack's duel with Rose versus his duel with Vriska. He doesn't remotely take Vriska seriously and simply flies off to murder the rest of the trolls to rub it in her face.
<!-- %% Doc Scratch's narration outright states he's not interested in duels anymore. -->
* [[PoesPoe's Law]]: [[Zig Zagging Trope|Zig-zagged]]. Due to the meta-humour, self-parody and Andrew's [[Author Avatar]] persona, the lines between things like [[Creator Backlash]], [[Creator Breakdown]], [[Take That, Audience!]] and parodies of the same are pretty blurry.
* [[Rewatch Bonus]]: Lots of them, given the comic's layered symbolism and [[Anachronic Order]].
* [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]: How some viewed the troll romance shenanigans and subsequent exploration of terms.
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** Act 6. Although it might be a parody, given that it centers around [[Memetic Sex God]] Jake.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: It is very hard to take the ending to [[Con Air]] seriously anymore after [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003831 [S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter].
* [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: The trolls didn't come up at all until early in Act 3 with Jade's trollslum and Karkat's one angry rant at her. Then Act 4 featured lots of conversations between a few of them and the kids. Then all of Act 5 happened.
** The Post-Scratch Kids too to an extent.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]
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*** And in the B2 Universe he decided to do ''Problem Sleuth 2'', which clearly is far superior to anything else he could have done.
** Let's not forget ''Homestuck'' was originally going to be done entirely in Flash - [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=5&p=001893 as in the Beta here]. This was abandoned as Flash was too much work.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: John, despite several warnings from Future Dave and making a promise not to fly off to confront the Denizen, [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003552 does it anyway]. However, this isn't the first time Andrew has made 'THIS IS STUPID' jokes to illustrate that a character decided not do something. Thankfully, he quickly reconsiders.
** Not to mention John's utterly thoughtless [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005590 loss] of his ''sixth'' computer.
** Eridan's decision to join Jack despite Jack being an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] who probably wouldn't let anyone join him. Then there's his whole genocide against the angels on his planet. And his attempts to get his friends to help him genocide all of them. And his pathetic romantic miscues. The list goes on.
* [[Wham Episode]]: [[Wham Episode/Homestuck|There's a whole page for it.]]
* [[Wheelchair Woobie]]: Tavros, the woobie and pushover of the trolls' session, spends much of the story crippled. He even convinces himself his lack of mobility affects his self-esteem.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Clearly evident in Eridan after he destroyed the Matriorb and killed Kanaya and Feferi.
** Gamzee is seen as this by some, by [[Alternative Character Interpretation]] of suffering from abandonment issues.
<!-- %% Jack isn't an example; his reaction isn't being lost but love of all things. -->
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** All of these ''pale'' before Vriska admitting feelings for John and asking him on a date.
** With the advent of the Great SHOOSHPAPPING of 2011, the fandom is divided over Gamzee and the fate he deserves.
** Roxy is a more recent example. Some see her as an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] for some of her [[Crowning Moment of Funny|drinking moments.]] Some find the underaged drinking [[Dude, Not Funny|not so funny.]]
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]: During the Act 4 finale, we see [[Curb Stomp Battle|Jack slaughtering the white and black armies]] and [[Colony Drop|smashing Skaia and Prospit's moon together.]] Then we have a quick [[Tastes Like Diabetes|Squiddles!]] clip.
{{quote| '''Voiceover:''' I just had a '''''friendship aneurysm'''''!}}
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*** These authorial inserts are parodying the fan reactions to the events prior, see [[Creator Backlash]] below for more information. Given proper context in that sense, they are not [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|this trope]] but to a reader not aware of the fandom at large, they are indeed. Another example would probably be the out of nowhere Tavros and Gamzee rap battle late in Act 5, which is Andrew's nod to them being a popular pairing. A lot of the story is shaped by what the fandom does and thinks, so not knowing that entirely or being a fan disconnected from the fandom can cause some moments to be rather odd.
* [[Canon Defilement]]: John directly told Karkat he wasn't interested in him or any guy for that matter. John/Karkat and John/Dave remain some of the most popular ships in the fandom. Some fanfics will often have John say his previous "not a homosexual" was just a prank.
** Any flushed<ref>the closest thing trolls have to human romance</ref> or caliginous<ref>the closest thing trolls have to [[Foe Yay]]</ref> ships pairing [[Lesbian Vampire|Kanaya]] [[If ItsIt's You ItsIt's Okay|with]] a [[Incompatible Orientation|guy]].
** [[Double Standard]]: Related to the above. Shipping Kanaya with a guy is a good way to start a [[Flame War]]; shipping John with a guy is done by a large chunk of the fandom.
*** There's a long discussion about this one in the Headscratchers page, but to discuss it here further is [[Flame Bait]].
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* [[Creator Worship]]: Andrew has mentioned that people are beginning to recognize him in public and apparently doesn't wear MSPA merch outside of cons anymore so they specifically don't. Online, criticizing the Hussiah in some circles is tantamount to painting an enormous target on your back.
** One more good-natured and universal idea, however, is a respect of Andrew's decisions, as Homestuck is ultimately a grand experiment for him, and so certain things like Vriska being an intentional [[The Scrappy|scrappy]] are justified as him exploring the reception of characters.
* [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]]: Vriska again. She even develops a romance with John and is more important than Karkat, the designated main troll character. Also gets a sequence where Doc admits that she stood a fair chance at defeating Jack Noir, ie the man who blows up planets for fun. If that doesn't cry overpowered, nothing does. As with most things involving [[Teasing Creator|Hussie]], this was intentional.
* [[Darkness Induced Audience Apathy]]: Act 5 Part 2 just keeps getting bleaker and bleaker to the point where some fans just don't want to follow it anymore.
** Fortunately [[It Gets Better]] as the rest of the human kids ascend to god tier, Jade using her new powers to save all the planets and their inhabitants in the kids' session from the [[Reset Button|Scratch]], and there seems to be no more troll deaths.
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** Actually, the number of Eridan fangirls who bend over to excuse him for going in a rampage and killing Feferi is ''staggering''. Specially considering that many of them bash the crap out of Feferi and call her "bitch", "slut" and "shellfish" acknowledging that her and Eridan's moirail relationship wasn't the best for her, and breaking it off. She ''did'' offer Eridan to be her friend, which is frankly rather good considering how things were, but he still killed her. [[Dogged Nice Guy|Nice Guy (TM) syndrome]] at its finest.
** Whenever Vriska isn't labelled as [[The Scrappy]], she gets a surprising amount of this trope. To the level of Jack and Gamzee.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: There are several characters that die. Andrew plays this a few times for comedy and uses SBaHJ quotes.
** The quote in question, regarding Kanaya's death, [[Fridge Brilliance|makes a lot more sense]] when she comes back as a [[Our Vampires Are Different|Rainbowdrinker]].
** Gamzee's murders are the ones most often accused of this, as Andrew whiplashes between comedy and horrific images, such as using a SBAHJified Gamzee turning to face Nepeta immediately after having strangled Equius.
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* [[Fan Community Nicknames]]: Either Homestuckers or more and more commonly just "a Homestuck", as in "John is a Homestuck and keeps F5ing the main page".
* [[Fandom Rivalry]]: With ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]''.
** As well as with [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]].
*** [[Flat What|What]]. Why?
*** Slash ships mostly for the first, both coming to prominence on 4chan at the same time for the second.
*** Dirk turning out to be a brony and [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] becoming somewhat less prominent reduced the fandom fighting on that front, and the ''Hetalia'' rivalry reached it's zenith in December '11 with fans (or Funimation; it was never conclusively proved one way or the other) ironically buying adspace for it on ''MSPA'' before realizing the whole thing was somewhat stupid to begin with.
* [[Fountain of Memes]]
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: All. The. Time. If TV Tropes had individual pages for this trope, Homestuck would be one of the first to get one.
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* [[It Gets Better]]: The beginning with John floundering about in his room is starkly different from the later parts of the comic. In fact, each Act can basically be considered a somewhat different style of story, as by the time of Act 5, the plot has become incredibly convoluted, confusing, and dramatic.Fans of ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'' have been a bit put off by the drastic change in style. Note that it has been stated the slow beginning of ''Homestuck'' was intentional.
** The trolls might have been written too well, as they came across to readers as off-putting as they were to the main characters. Then twelve of them with accompanying [[Wall of Text|walls of text]] hijacked the story and severely throttled the pace. With [[Character Development]] and [[Art Shift|art shifts]], some managed to [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|gain sympathy enough to shed Scrappyhood]], while others sunk appropriately to [[Love to Hate]] revulsion.
* [[Jumping the Shark]]: Specifically perhaps with the introduction of Vriska, an up to then unseen character who unlike the other trolls who had appeared as far back as Act 3, immediately became a focal point of the plot and a deliberate exercise in [[The Scrappy|annoying the]] [[CreatorsCreator's Pet|fandom.]] [[Broken Base|It suceeded]].
* [[Just Here for Godzilla|Just Here For The Trolls]]: A large portion of the fanbase.
* [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]]: Due to the fandom's tendency to relentlessly ship everyone with everyone, the entire main cast could be classified as a launcher. This is especially true for the Trolls who are almost universally bisexual. Then there's [[Foe Yay|kismesis]], which opens up a lot of options.
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[[Category:YMMV]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]
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