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They're best known for their New Year's Punishment Games and the Silent Library skits. [[Silent Library|the latter of which became the basis of its own game show in the United States on]] [[MTV]].
=== This show provides examples of: ===
* [[Adam Westing]]: [[JAM Project|Mizuki Ichiro's]] appearances in the Batsu games tend to revolve around him gleefully indulging in this. (Mizuki is an anime/tokusatsu singer best known for singing the opening theme of [[Mazinger Z]].)
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* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: [[Law and Order Special Victims Unit|Detective Benson and Stabler]] would be aghast at some of the incidents shown in the show.
* [[Boke and Tsukkomi Routine]]: Actually subverted, depending on your point of view; Downtown is credited with bringing a more conversational and improvisational style to the previously rigidly-structured ''manzai'' routine. The "Free Talk" segments on ''Gaki no Tsukai'' are always an excellent example.
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]] : Played for laughs to some degree.
** A regular example of this that actually involves food can be seen in the various 'Absolutely Tasty!' episodes. While the cast like to experiment with their ingredients (such as [[Running Gag|Endo's use of Frisk mints]]), they're usually surprisingly rational to some degree... until Matsumoto's choices come up, which are almost always very bizarre and nasty. Past choices have included {{spoiler|horned turban liver, a bear's paw, a tuna's head and the skin of a pig's face.}}
{{quote| Endo (regarding the {{spoiler|horned turban liver}}): If I give it ten points, do I still have to eat it?}}
* [[Breathless Non -Sequitur]]
* [[Butt Monkey]] : Tanaka and Yamazaki, but Heipo stands above those two.
** Or is it below?
** To be fair, every cast member (even Hamada) gets his turn at getting this treatment, but Heipo in particular gets the [[Chew Toy]] treatment.
** Many other crew members too; if a mistake is made, the cast will heckle the crew mercilessly. Some of the most enduring [[Running Gag|Running Gags]] on the show were born out of [[Never Live It Down|minor screw-ups on the part of the production team]].
* [[Can't Get Away With Nuthin']] : With a little dose of [[Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin']]
* [[Caught With Your Pants Down]] : Specially when they have to go to the restroom; other times, someone will [[Black Comedy Rape|pull down their pants]].
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]] : The five cast members are each associated with a particular colour. Matsumoto is red, Hamada is blue, Yamazaki is green, Endo is orange/yellow and Tanaka is purple/pink. This can be seen in the show's colouring of dialogue subtitles, and is all but confirmed in the 2009 Hotel Batsu game.
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* [[Cool Mask]] : Dynamite Shikoku
* [[Contrived Coincidence]] : How Masahiro Chouno ends up slapping Yamazaki, one way or the other.
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]] : Integral part of their "Zettai ni Oishii" segment. See [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]].
* [[Cosplay]]
* [[Couch Gag]] : The regular episodes are often (though not always) opened by a cast member, usually Hamada, quickly shouting out [[Title Drop|the show's title]] and the episode's game/skit in a tongue-twisting fashion. [[Hilarity Ensues]] when, on occasion, the cast member screws it up.
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* [[Embarrassing Nickname]] : Natsumi, Hamada's wife, calls him Piko-chan.
* [[The Everyman]] : Tanaka. Referenced during the gossip section of the 2009 Hotel Batsu.
* [[Five -Man Band]]: The core five cast members, obviously.
** [[The Hero]]: Matsumoto
** [[The Lancer]]: Hamada
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* [[Long Runner]]: 22 years and approximately 1,040 episodes, as of this edit. Downtown have almost as much seniority, and wield at least as much influence over their respective culture, as [[The Tonight Show|Johnny Carson]] did in his day.
* [[The Men in Black]]: In the 2010-2011 Spy Batsu game.
* [[Million -to -One Chance]]: In a revival of their Gorenjai skits, the entire Gaki crew had to don one color of five Gorenjai costumes inside a booth, with the goal of having everyone donning a different color. While they do have six hours to do so, keep in mind that the probability of five people wearing five different colors is 24 in 625, or ''3.84%''! <ref>The odds that the second guy will pick a different color from the first is 4 in 5. If this does happen, then the odds the third guy picks a different color from both of the first two is 3 in 5, and so on until the last guy only has a 1 in 5 chance. The overall odds are therefore 4/5 * 3/5 * 2/5 * 1/5 = 24/625</ref> They actually ''did it'' with minutes to spare, and this is unscripted.
** However, they were literally [[Tempting Fate]] when later, they added the Ameagari duo and expanded the costumes to 7 colors (including black and white). The probability this time balloons to 720 in 117,649, or 0.612%. Needless to say, they had to bow down to statistics; six hours were not enough for them to actually complete this.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Masahiro Chouno. The mere presence of him in the same scene as the regular cast means someone is gonna be in a lot of pain soon... and they know it. {{spoiler|[[Running Gag|Most of the time]], it's [[Butt Monkey|Yamazaki]].}}
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* [[Pixellation]]: And thank goodness for it.
* [[Playing Against Type]] : Often the schtick of various [[Special Guest|Special Guests]] showing up in both the regular episodes and the specials. Recently, a number of period drama and soap opera actresses have somehow ended up playing parts in the No Laughing Allowed batsu games.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] : Matsumoto's Red to Hamada's Blue. [[Lampshaded]] in the 2008 New Year's Batsu special, with Hamada's color being blue and Matsumoto being red, not to mention their behavior during their Test of Courage segment.
{{quote| {{color|red| Matsumoto: Nyah~!}}<br />
{{color|blue| Hamada: Shut up, will you.}} }}
* [[Replicant Snatching]] : In the 2010-2011 Spy Batsu game, where a member of the cast gets snatched and replaced with Itao Itsuji wearing a facemask in the victim's likeness. Also counts a bit as [[Mirror Universe]] as the Replicant acts quite out of character. Obviously played for laughs -- especially since the rest of the cast could tell quite easily that something was wrong.
* [[Running Gag]] : Oh so many, from Tanaka's cowardice, Heipo's ineptitude, Onishi's [[Epic Fail]] at English, Yamazaki being slapped around by Masahiro Chouno, Endo's Dynamite Shikoku, Matsumoto's [[Hair -Trigger Temper]], Hamada's sociopathy, Fujiwara crossdressing, Chiaki's new Onii-chans, Suga inserting photographs of himself in bizarre places, the list goes on.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Yamazaki'''}}:''Chouno-san, do you want to slap me? You want to slap me, right?''<br />
''TANAKA.....THAI KICKU!!'' (Hotelman, Spy, and Airport) }}
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* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]
* [[Too Soon]]: No such thing on this show. They were making jokes about Endo and Chiaki's divorce mere ''weeks'' after the fact (and they still are); Matsumoto essentially painted a target on himself as soon as he -- finally! -- got married and had a kid (his daughter's toys have begun popping up in awkward places during the batsu games).
* [[Torture Cellar]]: Borders on [[Cold -Blooded Torture]] with Heipo stuck in a shipping container (furnished like a studio apartment) for 24 hours, for the duration of the Hotel batsu, with live feed for the regular cast.
* [[Visible Silence]]: Used prominently in the Batsu Game series, usually denoting a beat when someone says something peculiar which is invariably followed by at least one of the parties (or both) trying not to laugh. Usually, [[Rule of Funny|they fail spectacularly]].
** For example, from [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgLbEPCdPsQ Yugawara Batsu Game] (around 01:05):
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'''Both''': ...<br />
'''Yamazaki''': ''[cracking up]'' What the ''hell'' is "magnitude" supposed to mean?! }}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Tanaka and Heipo are scared of ''everything''. Tanaka's [[Face Fault|legs tend to give out]] whenever he gets a nasty, sudden surprise, whereas Heipo just screams and flails.
* [[Worked Shoot]] : The pranks that the cast used to pull were typically framed like this. The most famous examples were when Hamada would go into a blind rage over something and would need to restrained by the rest of the cast before he could actually attack the one "responsible" for the error. When they pulled this one on Tanaka, he ''started crying''.
{{quote| '''Tanaka''' (during Hamada's [[Comedic Sociopathy]] trial): That was the only time in my life that I have ever cried in the arms of another man.}}
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