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Who Framed Roger Rabbit?/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Alcoholic]]: At the beginning of the movie Eddie Valiant has been an alcoholic since his brother was murdered by a Toon, but he drops the habit by the end.
{{quote| '''Police Lieutenant''': Didn't you used to be Eddie Valiant? Or did you change your name to "Jack Daniels"?}}
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Cynical alcoholic with a streak of violent tendencies? Definitely [[Anti -Hero]]. But he does get better once he stops drinking and by end of the movie, he's a lot nicer.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: A typical private investigator - style trenchcoat.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Probably the only one human in among toons with this charateristic. He even manages to {{spoiler|kill Judge Doom himself, who is a toon stronger and taller than him, by spreading dip everywhere}}.
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==== Actor: [[Christopher Lloyd]] ====
The [[Hanging Judge]] of LA and Toontown, who thinks that the only way to repress the madness of the Toons is to make them respect the law... or more accurately, [[Scare 'Em Straight|fear it]]. If he has to execute a few on his way to get the message across, so be it. {{spoiler|It's later revealed that he himself IS a toon in a rubber mask, and wants to destroy Toontown (and the Toons while he's on it) so he can build a freeway and new city in place of it, thus making himself filthy rich. Ironic while considering that he's a Toon himself or possibly more horrific because he is one. He also killed Marvin Acme, R K Maroon and Teddy Valiant.}}
* [[All There in the Manual]]: {{spoiler|According to ''The Resurrection of Doom'' (a sequel graphic novel published a year after the movie's release), his real name is Baron Von Rotten, and he was a Toon who frequently played cartoon villains until an accident on the set rendered him thinking he was truly villainous.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ambiguously Human]]}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: For the most part, a calm, cool, and collected version. {{spoiler|Then he goes [[One -Winged Angel]] and loses it.}}
* [[Badass in A Nice Suit]]: Wearing completely black (A black fedora, a black trenchcoat), and don't forget the cane which has a sword hidden inside it.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Wears one.
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* [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]]
* [[Nice Hat]]: A black fedora.
* [[Nightmare Fuel StationattendantStation Attendant]]: {{spoiler|Expecially as a toon.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Not Even Human]]: He's a Toon and a terrifying hybrid of the two.}}
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Seriously, did anyone NOT immediately know he was the [[Big Bad]] the instant he showed up on screen?
* {{spoiler|[[One -Winged Angel]]: Of the 'behold my true form' version. He's revealed in the final battle to be a Toon and then makes use of his Toon body to beat the tar out of Eddie.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Psycho for Hire|Psycho in Charge]]}}
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]: He has this when he melts the poor toon shoe in the dip. The thing is doing intentionally to show how cruel and sadist he and his Weasels are.
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* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Not only is he the real villain behind all the murders, he's the toon who killed Eddie's brother!}}.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: A very rare live action version, occurs multiple times in the last third of the movie before [[The Reveal]].
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]
* [[Sinister Shades]]: {{spoiler|They cover his red, disturbing eyes}}.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: At first he only tends to normally smile evilly, {{spoiler|then after revealing his true identity and his real psychopathic nature he finally sports an horrendous one probably thinking of the fun he'll have beating and then killing Eddie.}}
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* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Invoked. Christopher Lloyd was given very pale make-up, was never shown to blink on camera, and has very stiff movements to make the audience feel something is very ''wrong'' about Doom.
* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: While the society is morbid with a few laughs at best. Doom is a [[Knight Templar]] murderer {{spoiler|As well as a nightmare worthy Toon abomination}}.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: At the climax of the film, {{spoiler|[[One -Winged Angel|he reveals his true form]] and goes from a [[Smug Snake]] to completely [[Ax Crazy]].}}
* [[Visionary Villain]]: He wanted to {{spoiler|erase Toon Town to create a freeway}} and goes to make an epic speech about it.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: At least, what he clamis to be: he thinks to bring order in Toontown, executing toons to give examples to the others. However, needless to say, it's obvious he's actually a sadist sociopath [[Complete Monster]].
* {{spoiler|[[You Are What You Hate]]: Wants to kill Toons because they're insane, but he's crazier than all of them.}}
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* [[One of the Kids|Adult Child]].
* [[Badly -Battered Babysitter]]: In his cartoons.
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor]]: A glass of scotch sends him bouncing around the room like he downed an equal amount of [[Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce]], culiminating with an earpiercing squeal that breaks all windows in the victinity: Eddie uses this as a [[Chekhov's Skill]] towards the end of the movie.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: P-p-p-pleaaaase!
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* [[Leitmotif]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcQ5Bo--Jmo Jessica's Theme]
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[Non -Indicative Name]]: She's only a Rabbit by marriage.
* [[Opera Gloves]]
* [[Parent Service]]
* [[Peek -a -Bangs]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
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* [[Fat Idiot]]: Stupid.
* [[Giggling Villain]]: Psycho, when he's not acting like [[The Hyena]].
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: Wheezy.
* [[Go Out With a Smile]]: All of them, but especially [[Psychotic Smirk]].
* [[Grotesque Cute]]: They have a certain appeal despite their behaviour, particularly Psycho - [[Your Mileage May Vary]], but the Patrol's fans mostly seem to think he's adorable.
* [[Half -Dressed Cartoon Animal]]: Wheezy, Smart Ass and Stupid wear only shirts, and Psycho only an untied straitjacket. Greasy is the only one who's fully clothed.
* [[The Hyena]]: All of them to varying degrees. Doom warns them that one day they're going to die laughing, like their idiot hyena cousins.
* [[Keet]]: Psycho.
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* [[Mix and Match Critters]]: Not them personally, but their relations apparently include hyenas.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Greasy and Smart Ass both have fedoras to match their Zoot Suits, Wheezy wears a bowler hat stuffed with cigarettes, and Stupid wears a beanie.
* [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]: They act like the typical incompetent villain - sidekick. However it's clear they are sociopath and evil just like their boss Judge Doom {{spoiler|since they cooperate with him in the genocidal plan to get rid of all their same the toon race}}.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Definetly...
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: All of them to some degree, but especially Psycho.
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* [[Cigar Chomper]]: Always has a smoke on hand or in his mouth whenever he's not in character.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: Granted, he could be mistaken as a [[Dirty Kid]].
* [[The Fool]]: His role in the cartoons. His character gets into all sorts of trouble, and comes out no worse for wear either by luck, or because [[Badly -Battered Babysitter|Roger]] takes all the blows.
* [[Hates the Job, Loves The Limelight]]
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: It may not look like it at first, but he cares about Roger.
* [[Nice Character, Mean Actor]]
* [[Older Than They Look]]
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