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Compare [[Superheroes Wear Tights]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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* Lan Fan and Fuu from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' wear masks, and they're elite ninja bodyguards of a prince. Lan Fan in particular seems to feel insecure without her mask on.
* Ichigo and the Vizards from ''[[Bleach (Manga)|Bleach]]'' are able to release their Hollow abilities by materializing Hollow masks.
* Several of the cast of ''[[Naruto (Manga)|Naruto]]'' (most notably [[The Obi -Wan|Kakashi]])
** Of course, he gets bonus points. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGn-Tg1j8w0 What's under his mask?] {{spoiler|1=[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1eNQ68mf6Y&feature=related Another mask!]}}
** Tobi has a spiral mask, only one eye is visible, he is an Akatsuki member {{spoiler|He is the leader of Akatsuki and appears to be Uchiha Madara}}. In flashbacks he had a different mask that was flat with a flame-like pattern. Later, he got a new mask. {{spoiler|- [http://manga.bleachexile.com/naruto-chapter-514-page-18.html That shows both Sharingan and Rinnegan]}}.
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*** Also Quattro Bajeena, a ''[[Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Anime)|Zeta Gundam]]'' expy of Char who just happens to be... Char himself, sans mask, but with sunglasses that cover just as much. Said sunglasses did pretty much jack since everyone already knew that he's Char.
** Graham Acre in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Anime)|Gundam 00]]'' fulfills the nominal Char Clone role. Subverting the trope, Acre does not come into his mask until the second season, by which time most Gundam tropes have been creatively subverted or lampshaded. The mask is explained as covering a disfiguring set of scars left on Graham after his GN Flag was irreparably damaged in battle against the Gundam Exia. The general assumption is that he was burned from the heat of Exia's GN Blade.
** Rau Le Creuset and Neo Roanoke in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (Anime)|Gundam SEED]]'' and ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny (Anime)|Gundam SEED Destiny]]'' respectively. Neo's hiding scars (and his identity from the audience), Rau's hiding from the sight of his own face and attempting to create an [[Cloning Blues|independent identity]] for himself. Both are extremley dangerous, with Neo serving as a [[Badass Normal]] [[The Dragon|Dragon]] to Destiny's secondary [[Big Bad]], and Le Creuset functioning, in no particular order, as {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]], [[Omnicidal Maniac]] ([[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] version)}}, and one of the best pilots in all of SEED.
** In classic [[Char Clone]] fashion, Zeheart Galette from ''[[Gundam AGE]]'' dons one from Episode 20 onwards. Unlike the other "Char-style" masks, however, Zeheart's mask is [[Justified Trope|actually a device that helps him concentrate his X-Rounder abilities.]]
** And in ''[[Gundam Unicorn]]'', we have Full Frontal who also wears a mask, and looks and sounds a lot like Char. {{spoiler|In a brilliant bit of [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshading]], its revealed that he's a Cyber-Newtype who was surgically modified to look and sound like Char, complete with the mask, all in order to keep the morale of the Neo Zeon remnants up, making him a literal Char clone in universe.}}
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** In the first Slayers anime season, a Mazoku named "Tiiba" looks like a cute humanoid rooster in a waistcoat at first. Then he manages to slip away and find a mask into which most of his power was sealed, transforming him into a giant humanoid hawk-thing when he melds it into his face.
* The Zeiram's (from the ''[[Zeiram]]'' films and ''Iria: Zeiram the Animation'') only visible face is a three-inch thing on a long prehensile neck, but it resembles a Kabuki mask, so it might count.
* When Fubuki in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh GX]]'', suffering from Jekyll-and-Hyde Syndrome, succumbs to his [[Super -Powered Evil Side]], it is symbolized by such a mask appearing on his face from nowhere except a cloud of black smoke.
* The mysterious masked man in the second season of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]''. He could take the full brunt of Nanoha's attack without being fazed and routinely made short work of anyone he attacked.
* San from ''[[Princess Mononoke]]''. Her mask is so badass that it let her shrug off a nearly point-blank gunshot ''to the face'' (Okay, so it shatters at that point, but it gets fixed.)
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* Boy Blue from ''[[Fables (Comic Book)|Fables]]'' when he's infiltrating the Homelands, in a clear ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'' homage down to the near-identical bandana-mask. Admittedly, he doesn't wear it for most of the series, but the magical artifacts he carries at the time and from that point onward make him pretty damn powerful.
* The [[Anti -Hero]] in ''[[V for Vendetta]]'' wears a Guy Fawkes mask. In the movie, the mask is such a powerful symbol, it overshadows the hero himself up to a point where it's hard to tell who's wearing whom.
* Pretty much most (if not all) superheroes, but the second Batgirl took this to the logical extreme; her mask was skin-tight, designed to cover her entire skull, and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Knightalone.jpg really about the last thing you'd want to meet in a dark alley]. (Let's not even get into the pointy ears.)
** On the other hand, it's exactly the kind of thing [[Fetish Fuel|you'd want to see in certain nightclubs]].
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* Resident [[Badass]] Noburo from ''[[Okko (Comic Book)|Okko]]'' always wears a red oni mask to [[The Faceless|conceal his features]].
* [[The Green Hornet]] and his faithful sidekick Kato. They began on radio, expanded their territory into comics, TV and film... and kept their verdant masks on the whole while.
* [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] all wear masks; uniformly red in the original comic book, [[Colour -Coded for Your Convenience|color-coded on the TV shows and movies]] (red = Raphael, blue = Leonardo, purple = Donatello, orange = Michaelangelo.) In the TMNTs case, these accessories do not serve as identity concealers (it's rather hard to disguise a giant humanoid turtle as anything else) so much as badges of their Shadow Warrior vocation.
** The turtles' vigilante ally Casey Jones wears a hockey mask. This is more about looking scary than hiding his identity; Casey frequently yells out his name just so people know who's delivering the beatdown.
** The Shredder's helmet and the Foot Clan's ninja masks could count as well.
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* The Man in Black from ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'' (see page quote). He manages to kill the Rodent of Unusual Size and bluff Prince Humperdinck without the mask, but his coolest moments come while wearing his mask.
* ''[[Star Wars]]'': Darth Vader's face is fully masked and even if he's not the most powerful villains in the universe, he's amongst the scariest. He may have been more powerful before he needed a life support mask, but we don't recommend telling him if you appreciate being able to breathe.
* The mask of the ''[[Predator]]'' features (at least) IR vision, EM vision, "preda-tech" vision, optic zoom, breathing apparatus and a targeting module for the [[Frickin' Laser Beams|Plasma Caster]].
* In ''[[Transformers (Film)|Transformers]]'', Optimus Prime has a metal plate folds out over his mouth when he preps for combat.
** Bumblebee also puts on a mask for combat.
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* [[The Smurfette Principle|7]], in ''9'' wears a combo [[Cool Mask]]/[[Nice Hat]] dubbed the 'Skullmet'. Is she badass? Well, {{spoiler|considering that her entrance involves her ''decapitating the Cat Beast in one swing''}}...
* ''[[The Mask (Film)|The Mask]]''. It's literally ''about'' a mask that turns whoever wears it into the physical avatar of the [[Trickster God]] Loki.
* Jason Voorhees of the ''[[Friday the 13 th13th (Film)|Friday the 13 th]]'' series made the hockey mask a universal symbol of horror.
** He also inspired the song "The Man Behind The Mask" by [[Alice Cooper]].
* The Alchemist from ''[[Vidocq]]'' wears a mask made out of mirror that he uses to [[Your Soul Is Mine|eat the souls of his victims]]. For extra creepiness, it also makes the victim see their own dying face while looking at him.
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* In [[Robert E Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "[[Black Colossus (Literature)|Black Colossus]]", the prophet among the nomads always goes masked.
{{quote| "whom men called Natohk, the Veiled One; for his features were always masked."}}
* Legendary seducer [[Lord Byrons Don Juan|Don Juan.]] Different writers have portrayed him in various ways over the centuries- a high-spirited rascal, a heartless destroyer, even a semi-innocent victim of his own [[So Beautiful ItsIt's a Curse|good looks]]- but all the better-known accounts agree he had a penchant for wearing a mask.
== Live Action TV ==
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* Subverted/Played Straight with [[Kane (Wrestling)|Kane]]. In a 2003 angle, Kane was forced to unmask. When he first unmasked, he went back to being the Monster Heel he was at his debut; however, after a sucktacular match with [[The Undertaker]], he quickly became involved in some pretty idiotic storylines.
** The unmasking was actually Kane's idea; wearing it was growing increasingly uncomfortable and making it increasingly difficult to perform, and he felt that his inability to display facial expressions was limiting what they could do with the character.
* Played Straight with "The Hurricane" Gregory Helms, who underwent a [[Face Heel Turn]] upon (voluntarily) unmasking. He [[Growing the Beard|developed actual depth]] during his time afterward, but suffered from severe under-pushing, though he underwent a [[Heel Face Turn]] much later. He recently returned from injury on ECW, redebuting with a slightly [[Darker and Edgier]] [[Anti -Hero]] version of The Hurricane, as Hurricane Helms. It seems to be rather successful, though time will tell whether it results in a title push or Kane-like decay.
* [[SHIMMER]] features Allison Danger and Cat Power, both of whom incorporate cool masks into their entrances.
* In possibly a luchador tradition, nearly all masked wrestlers have a secondary goal of keeping their masks on. If unmasked, they will immediately try to flee the ring or cover their faces with their hands. Thus, being unmasked generally robs a masked wrestler of their ability.
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* Mask de Smith from [[Killer 7]] is a luchadore who has the most powerful weapon (dual grenade launchers) and largest health bar of any playable character in the game. He's physically strong enough to lift a semi-trailer truck. Near the end of the game, he receives an upgrade in the form of a new mask and costume that lets him fire infinite grenades without ever having to reload.
** In fact, luchadores period.
** Also, his [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword|ultimate upgrade]] not only makes him damn near invincible, but almost as terrifying as the monsters he's slaughtering with said [[Bottomless Magazines|infinite grenades]].
* No love for King from [[Tekken]]? He wears a mother-flipping LEOPARD MASK, and not just leopard print, no, he looks like a man with a LEOPARD FOR A FACE.
** And he always straps a tail on his pants for good measure!
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* ''[[Hellsing]]'' subverts this. Alucard is usually at his least powerful while dandied up in his signature hat, suit, and little round glasses. As a combat progresses and Alucard unleashes higher levels of powers, his appearance becomes more feral and otherwordly. This is somewhat justified in the fact that opponents have to knock him around first before he increases his power level.
* Gendo Ikari from ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' wears little round [[Scary Shiny Glasses]], and while he may or may not be physically formidable, he's a megalomaniacal mad genius and absolutely ruthless, as well as having large numbers of security goons and assassins at his beck and call, not to mention that he commands a force of [[Humongous Mecha]]; he is definitely ''not'' a man to be trifled with.
* No mention of Yu-gi-oh! GX's Shou Marufuji yet? If nothing else, the fact that they only fall off his face ''twice'' throughout the series (once for a [[Blind Without 'Em]] joke, once for drama,) makes them pretty cool.
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* Arguably, Tuxedo Mask from ''[[Sailor Moon]]''. In the manga, at least, he has some pretty hefty informed abilities and some extra powers. Still gets pwned.
* Wannabe [[Superhero]] Strike Man, from ''[[You're Under Arrest]]''
* Done in ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler (Manga)|Hayate the Combat Butler]]'' (in a [[Shout Out]] to ''[[Sailor Moon]]''), where Nagi dons a small face-mask and takes on the name "Mask the Money" when she rescues Hayate from the <s>[[Yakuza]]</s> very nice people looking to collect on his debt. She takes [[Crimefighting With Cash]] [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|very literally]].
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