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** "A real man never dies even if he's killed!"
* "[[Ear Worm|ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH]]!" <ref>Three songs used in ''Gurren Lagann'' OST have a [[Surprisingly Good English]] Rap Track with the chorus of ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipy1ZJQeUcs "Do the impossible, see the invisible, row row fight the power!"]'' Sometimes "FIGHT" and/or "POWAH" are replaced with something else - for example, "Clean the Uncleanable, Wash the Unwashable, Row Row Take a Shower!"</ref>
* [[Fan Nickname|Bruce]] [[Bicep Polishing Gesture|Ironstaunch]]. <ref>A background character with [[No Name Given]] who gives the [[Bicep Polishing Gesture]] to Rossiu upon his announcement that Simon will be executed. Became a [[One -Scene Wonder]] [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] ([[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|mostly with American audiences]]) who got a lot of fan art of him beating up Rossiu, due to the cultural misconception explained on the [[Bicep Polishing Gesture]] page.</ref>
* Shopping Kamina's [[Cool Shades]], or even Simon's weird-ass star-shade-goggle-things, onto a character [[Memetic Badass|makes them instantly badass]], or even ''more'' badass, as the above image demonstrates.
** [http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad197/ZeitgeistGlee/TTGLJesus.jpg Kamina Jesus: Who the hell do you say I am?!]
** Even [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji]]. [http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/489602/ Case in point]. (NSFW)
* ''40%''! <ref>[[Word of God]] that the last few episodes of ''Gurren Lagann'' cost roughly 40% of the entire show's budget.</ref>
* "[[Million -to -One Chance|0%?]] ''[[Never Tell Me the Odds|SOUNDS LIKE A HUNDRED TO ME]]''" <ref>Simon's response to Nia's claim that as long as the success chance isn't exactly 0, it's as good as 100% to him. Embodies the characters' habit of surpassing all expectations, even if physics itself is against them.</ref>
* 8:52 is the hour that real men go beyond all known laws of reality, become heroes, and ascend to the realm of GARhalla. <ref>Used in reference to Kittan's [[Heroic Sacrifice]] with [[Crowning Music of Awesome|Libera Me From Hell]] blasting in the background. His big moment started at approximately 8:52, and his final moments were just seconds before 8:53 on the timestamps. Kamina's [[Dying Moment of Awesome]] also occurred at around 8:52 of episode 8.</ref>
* '''[[Kick the Dog|ROSSIU LIED,]]''' '''''[[Senseless Sacrifice|PEOPLE]] [[Shoot the Dog|DIED]]''''' <ref>A crossover meme with ''[[Code Geass]]'', due to Rossiu and Lelouch [[Johnny Yong Bosch|sharing a voice actor]] and Rossiu being a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]. See the [[Code Geass (Anime)/Memes|Code Geass Meme page]] for more info.</ref>
* [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1572168/The-new-face-of-Britain-Flag-poll-results.html "UNION FLAGANN, SPIN ON!"] <ref>A British poll to change the country's flag (currently the Union Jack) that allowed people to submit their own flag designs. The winner was the Union Jack with the Dai-Gurren logo superimposed in the center.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWwieWQVn84 KAMINA CLOSE]. <ref>Mocking the <s>terrible</s> [[Off -Model|QUALITY animation]] in the fourth episode.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKGpCmvGTwU "LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS, TO DEFEAT... THE HUNS!]" <ref> A popular AMV using a certain [[Crowning Music of Awesome]] from ''[[Mulan]]'' with footage from ''Gurren Lagann''.</ref>
* [[Ms. Fanservice|Yoko's]] [[Younger Than They Look|fourteen]], by the way. <ref>Fans are ''still'' reeling from the [[Word of God]] that Yoko is fourteen years old.</ref>
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