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* In ''[[Soulless Shell (Fanfic)|Soulless Shell]]'', Arnold has been sentenced to death for rape by Leif, who is the [[God Mode Sue|incredibly powerful]] [[Authority Equals Asskicking|leader]] of the vermin of Redwall, but manages to escape and convince his guards to join him.
** '''You'd Expect''': Him to flee the country, given that no creature alive can even hope to challenge Leif. Failing that, you'd expect him to come up with a plan to take Leif by surprise and use his guards to gain an advantage in numbers.
** '''Instead''': Arnold decides that vengeance against Leif can wait until after he's raped a young girl. Since [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]] Leif finds him, [[One -Winged Angel|turns into a demon]], and [[No Holds Barred Beatdown|kills him]]. His guards aren't even present, and soon afterward try to attack Leif in revenge, only to get killed fairly easily.
* A few times in ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3303241/1/A_Very_Special_Arthur A Very Special Arthur]''.
** In the beginning, after Arthur hits his head on the bottom of the pool, they get out to call 911.
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== [[Tabletop RPG]] ==
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'': In Angron's backstory, he was an escaped gladiator who was trapped with his army of fellow escaped gladiators with a huge army coming at him. The battle barge of the Emperor is in orbit, and the Emperor could probably destroy the army and rescue Angron's comrades in no time.
** '''You'd Expect''': The emperor destroys the enemy army. Orbital fire, [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]], [[One -Man Army|doing it personally]]. You've got a lot of options when you have spaceships, troops, guns and enough [[Psychic Powers]] to make [[Physical God|the gods themselves]] run screaming.
** '''Instead''': He rescues Angron and retreats with his ship, thus killing most of the gladiators and giving Angron a grudge that would later cause him to join the traitor legions.
* In a similar manner, at the start of [[Our Orcs Are Different|Warlord Ghazkhull]]'s first invasion of [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Armageddon]], the planet was under the rule of Overlord Herman Von Strab, who was once described as "[[Take That|the greatest waste of flesh and bone born in the last 500 years]]". So the Orks start to invade.
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** '''Instead''': At a moment when Herakles has fallen in love with another woman, she tries to save her marriage by using the love potion on him. It kills him brutally.
* [[Cyrano De Bergerac]], an [[Impoverished Patrician]] [[Starving Artist]], unknown yet talented playwright, is offered the Patronage of [[Magnificent Bastard|Cardenal Richelieu]], [[Man Behind the Man|The most powerful man in all France]] and [[Renaissance Man|known playwright]], who will only [[Executive Meddling|''edit one or two verses'']] of [[New Meat|Cyrano’s unproduced play]], ''"Agrippine"''.
** '''You’d Expect:''' A serious, talented [[Starving Artist]] who [[New Meat|has never been represented in scene]] [[Paying Their Dues|will recognize this as a golden opportunity and be tolerant of a]] [[Man Behind the Man|powerful]] Mecenas [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|with a lot of money]] [[Renaissance Man|who really has experience with playwriting]] [[Executive Meddling|and whom really]] [[Tropes Are Not Bad|could improve]] ''"Agrippine"''.
** '''Instead:''' [[Small Name, Big Ego|Cyrano arrogantly]] invokes [[Protection From Editors]] and [[Ungrateful Bastard|nastily rejects the patronage]]. To put things in perspective, rejecting Cardenal Richelieu’s patronage in [[The Cavalier Years]] Paris it’s like someone in [[Marvel Universe]] rejecting [[Doctor Doom]]’s patronage, or someone in [[DC Universe]] rejecting [[Lex Luthor]]’s patronage ''when he was [[President Evil]] of the United States''.
== Other ==
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* [[Global Radio]], the British equivalent of [[Clear Channel]], decide to rebrand some stations in the East Midlands to "Capital".
** '''You'd Expect''': Listeners would accept the name, and think nothing has changed but the name ([[Values Dissonance|as they have done in North America]]).
** '''Instead''': They remove ''all'' local shows from RAM FM and Leicester Sound, ''relaying'' 96 Trent FM instead, and drop the local 1-4:00 PM (London time GMT) afternoon show off 96 Trent FM. The station becomes local only at breakfast (6-10:00 Am), drivetime (4-7:00 PM) and Saturday/Sunday morning (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, previously 8:00 AM to Noon). Cue [[Be Careful What You Wish For|protests from listeners on social networking sites]] and complaints of [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]. Whether they did or not, [[Your Mileage May Vary|opinions]] ''will'' differ on this.
* Prodrive, a British racing team, got an [[Formula One|F1]] entry for 2008 which was based on using a customer chassis by McLaren-Mercedes. In [[Formula One]], customer chassis were an area of dubious loopholes and it was very likely that mid-field teams would file protest against such a tactic.
** '''You'd Expect''': David Richards and Prodrive preparing a contingency plan in case a team files protest and costumer chassis get disallowed.
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