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== {{spoiler|Despite [[Blatant Lies|Korean propaganda]], The Greater Korean Republic most likely invaded Japan as revenge for the [[Imperial Japan|Japanese occupation of their homeland in the past]] rather than protecting their Korean citizens and those with Korean ancestry around the world}} ==
{{spoiler|It is most likely the Korean claims of their own people in Japan being attacked and discriminated by the Japanese population and authorities are most likely fabricated. Korea did suffered under Japanese rule for over 40 years until the end of World War II. During the years of Japan's occupation in Korea, the Japanese not only tried to [[Culture Police|eliminate the Korean culture]], but also [[Kill Them All|committed massive genocide against the population]]. That, along with the controversy of Japan denying their crimes against Korea, it is most likely the Koreans in both North ''and'' South Korea have developed a lot of personal hostility and hatred towards Japan to the point that they want to kill [[Disproportionate Retribution|1,000 Japanese for every Korean killed during the Japanese occupation]]. When Kim Jong-Un manages to reunite North and South Korea, he takes this opportunity to quickly build up the Korean military so they can invade Japan out of sheer revenge. [It is most likely that [[EverybodysEverybody's Dead, Dave|every single Japanese are dead]] by the time when the Greater Korean Republic invaded United States [[Inferred Holocaust|judging by the treatment of the occupied local American population]].}}
* It's also possible that The Greater Korean Republic {{spoiler|''is'' actually sticking to their "protection of people of Korean ancestry worldwide" policy. It is just that the Greater Korean Republic intends to [[Kill Them All|kill every local population in the countries they occupied]] and colonize them with their own people. It is also likely that the Greater Korean Republic fears that the local population may intend to hurt any Korean in the local area. But in general, the main reason why the Koreans are killing entire local populations in their occupied areas so that they can [[Take Over the World]] and "have the world for themselves." And it is implied in-game that Koreans have superior technology so the Greater Korean Republic most likely have [[Cloning Blues|master human cloning for military invasions and colonization]]. After all, there is a racist element involved in the North Korean ideology. Note the [[Ironic Echo]] being involved here with Japan}}.
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