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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:FanficRecs.HarryPotterGeneral 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:FanficRecs.HarryPotterGeneral, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* ''Synopsis'': Susan Bones was with Amelia Bones when Voldemort came to kill her. Unfortunately for him, Harry was there to stop him. Essentially, the story diverges rapidly after the events of the fifth book, with Harry managing to catch Voldemort off of his guard and injuring him. This enrages Harry's powerful foe into taking him completely seriously, causing [[Reality Ensues|reality to ensue]].
* ''Comments'': This story rapidly gets darker and darker as it progresses, with both Harry and Voldemort not pulling their punches. While jbern's work is always leaning towards cynicism on the sliding scale, this work takes [[Anyone Can Die]] to new levels and develops some characters into quite believable monsters. This is a world where Voldemort becomes very [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]], forcing Harry to ditch being [[The Messiah]] in order to examine [[What You Are in The Dark|exactly how far he's willing to go to beat Voldemort]] and to discover the simple truth that [[Good Is Not Nice]]. Brilliantly written, as always, and it gets bonus points for lots and lots of [[Character Development]], not all of which is good for the characters involved.
** Unseen Voice: Really good story with a believable real-world-approach to the Wizards War. There are no true heroes in this story, just survivors who are ready to do anything it takes to win, leading to an egregious amount of [[What the Hell, Hero?]] moments. I disliked the [[Bittersweet Ending]] with hints of a sequel, but that's just my preference of reading stories with a definite closure. A good read.
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''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4590039/1/Future_Imperfect Future Imperfect]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/654059/Lady_Azar_de_Tameran Lady Azar de Tameran]
* Recommended by Mazz, Fenro
* ''Synopsis'': One Shot. AU. A world in which [[The Bad Guy Wins|Voldemort wins]]. [[And Then What?|And honestly]] [[Victory Is Boring|wishes he hadn't]]. Time travel. Could be interpreted as slash, but only if you are looking for it. Ignores Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows but incorporates some of their elements.
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