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Running Gag/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** One clip that featured four times in said [[Clip Show]] and remained a [[Running Gag]] afterward: Dante and Randal are (apparently) climbing a building using a rope, until a flowerpot falls and lands between them. Dante asks, "Why are we walking like this?" and the camera rotates 90 degrees and zooms out.
* In addition to the vast number of things that happen [[Once an Episode]], in ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' almost every scene that involves something being built or things being moved around will include the giant creepy-looking baby head from "One Good Scare Oughta Do It!" appearing at some point.
** Also, "Aren't you a little young to be {{[insert dangerous job here}}]?" "[[Blunt Yes|Yes, yes we are.]]"
** Phineas and Ferb has so many running gags, it might qualify for a gag marathon.
*** "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today."
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